or would you rather be in control of what happens in your life? [in the words of Neo]
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I believe that every action is somehow connected to every other action. UNIverse, and as such things are never truly in any one's control, but instead are always part of a much larger background fabric. My fate is to precieve things from this one limited window that is my mind, and being thus restricted acting as though I am in control of things in my Life. But there will most certainly come times when this is revealed as an illusion, when best laid plans fall miserably to pieces, and I am forced to view Fate in all Her Naked Glory. The moment of my death will be one of these times, Yet regretfully, I won't be able to describe that to you.
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when you have sex with someone four times it means something! you were inside me! i swallowed your cum! your body makes a promise whether you do or not!
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blown cherry
Ultimately, I guess no. I believe that there are forces that will draw certain circumstances into place, cetain people together, but they have more to do with what lies within yourself than any unexplained phenomenon. If I'm seeming a bit unromantic, I am at least trying to hold on to what maybe a childish (foolish?) belief in true love. The kind that is inevitable, the kind that the likes of Romeo and Juliet died for, without having to spend years together for it to develop. I think I had it once, but I didn't think it was the sort of thing that was supposed to disappear.
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hey now!
maybe a combination of both... can you miss your fate if you make the wrong decisions? and bobby, that was disturbing. im scared of that movie.
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principle or determining cause or will by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do each of us is our own three fates, the very goddesses who determine the course of human life in classical mythology, even if we have total or partial control of our lives isn't that fate in a way ... cant our own choices either in combination or withstanding by themselves surmount towards fate anyhow ... perhaps the decisions and choices we make are born out of fate itself i, myself do believe in fate, as a combination of a phenomena that i both do & do not have control over [there are forces within] [there are forces without] [both interacting in various degrees]
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hey now! Interesting question you pose you really got me thinking ... how can one deem what is [a] "right" or "wrong" decision, based upon what criteria do we judge if it is a "wrong" or "right" decision, and how much time has to lapse in between the choice and the outcome in order to suppose the decision as "wrong" or "right"? perhaps what we perceive as "incorrect" now might actually lead us towards a path that [is] "correct" for us ... so than would it ultimately be a "wrong" or "right" decision? [have you missed your fate, and do you consider any decision you have made in your life as wrong hey now!?, esp considering that if you could change any decision you made, you might not be where you are today and you might not even be who you are today, had you the opportunity to change even one single decision from a wrong one to a right one]
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In the End ALL THINGS are used to the Ultimate Good. The UNIverse is a self balacing Phenomonon. Or that is the only way it seems to make sense to me. The ultimate reality is beyond the scope of our limited senses to fully comprehend, and yet our senses are a vital piece of the whole picture, and thereby important in their own right. But the whole does not function to fit our agenda, and so seems irrational at times. Go with your descions, right or wrong, if you are willing to trust and serve, everything will be alright. Don'cha think?
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hey now!
mahayana my love i agree with you whole heartedly i have made no decisions that i truly wish i hadnt. theres nothing i would do differently b/c the path i have walked has led me to where i am today. i have not missed my fate. :] in my previous blathe, i was just curious about what people might (or might not) have to say about that.
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something Micky asks Mallory in Natural Born Killers. in my humble, cracked out opinion, the best love story in a movie i've ever seen.
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better yet ¿[does fate believe in you]? [the flower][the garden] [the power][the garden] [the flower] : these two sheets :
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It is said that the gods play games with the lives of men. They sit there gathered around the board and wait for someone to find the dice which inevitably is lodged between two couch cushions. The board is the world our lives. You can cheat death, you can confuse the devil long enough to get off the red squares, but fate always wins. Thunder rolled. It rolled a six.
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Fate, or a predetermined course of events implies a plan made at a previous time. What is it we look for in a stranger's eyes? Did we once make a promise to meet? Should fate be true, so too our preexistence... ³
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if i believe in it, i hate it, because i am not to happy with my life. i would feel better blaming my current state of existance on myself than blaming it on some unknown entity that decided my life would periodically trip balls
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Human Behavior
"There is nothing in the future/There is nothing in the past/There is only this one moment/And you've got to make it last." ~~~Robyn Hitchcock
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a moot point, since fate does not believe in me
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fate is like god... it's all about people not accepting responsibilty for what happens in their own lives. "God is the name humans give to the power they can't admit that they have" - Colin O'Connell atheism - the choice of sound minds everywhere
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beleiving in a god or gods does not necessarily mean you don't take responsibility for your actions. I'm not very religious. at all. I don't know of what religion I am. But i think there is some form of higher power...manifesting within everyone and thing...not something modelled after a human in their actions. i think maybe god is a sort of energy...and I would never blame anything I do or have done or anything that has happened to me on anything or anyone else. And I don't think that everyone else that beleives in some sort of god is so irresponsible as to think they don't have control over everything in their lives. I sure as fuck do. Just try not to make such broad generalizations, thats all. but I liked that quote, reguardless.
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i sit outside girl's bathrooms and on their way out i say, in this world of strangers billions and billions. you've crossed my path twice today so tell me something, do you believe in fate? or can i stop being this lame?
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squint: i concede the point that believing in a god does not necessarily mean that you don't take responsibility for your own actions. however, most theists i've encountered do just that. you can't point to yourself as a comparision to typical theists, since i don't think you are a typical theist; you don't even believe in an anthropomorhic god (as they do). YOU are the only god you'll ever know.
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there is one (just if i_c AtIon) for the Great_Spirit to wake us up from dirt. from low vibratory patterns of relative unhappiness we journey to higher order into sustainable_bliss. th_IS fate. and_fate_believes_in_you whatever pa th(ou t)ake is up to YOU. but hurry_up_and_wait. "do nothing. you don't have time to waste." G. buddha it_is_a_required_course ACIM a_circle_in_dreams you are a seed. mother_nature_fucks_father_time and gives birth to a different point_of_you.
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see also: of_fate
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three words
the_silver_crumblecake_incident are_you_kidding_me do_you_believe_in_fate
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do you mean something like preordained by the upabove? no i believe i am an active agent of the universe, a mirror node in the infinite cosmic net, that i affect the future through action and intention
what's it to you?