raze a pair of cardinals. you never see them around here.

the male and female look like they're each a member of a different species. the lady flew close to the bird feeder but didn't approach it outright. the fella was the one who went in there and got the food, first for himself, then for her. some of the prettiest red i've ever seen between the two of them, i think.

they're socially monogamous, you know. they tend to pick a mate and stick with them until one of them dies. so some birds that fly together stay together.
gja The damp cold bonfire pit from last Saturday night. 140913
flowerock more windows. 140913
raze another grey_sky_day. 140915
raze silhouettes of treetops swaying in the intermittent rain-wind. 140930
raze snowlight. 150112
raze a crooked sapling too young yet to know what it's going to look like when it grows up, swaying in the breeze, looking for all the world like the longest, thinnest little finger a hand never had. 210927
raze plastic sentinels cloaked in artificial light.

(or, you know, recycle bins.)
unhinged a crow on the wire outside peering in at me, watching intently. odin had two ravens whose names escape me that he sent around as his own personal reconnaissance drones. i can't help but think some higher power is watching me because when i make eye contact with my dumpster crows they very clearly recognize me.

the iridescent blue patterns on their wing feathers and the way they prefer to strut and hop fascinate me.

raze wet road turned a darker shade of grey. 211003
tender_square veins of pink sliced across sky 211018
tender_square an upright maple leaf lodged between the screen and glass; a corner of the leaf was golden, but it was mostly engulfed in red.

(it's sitting in my north-facing kitchen window.)
raze a christmas tree in the living room of the house across the street, decorated with a handful of red ornaments. i thought, "that's a little early." but it wasn't a christmas tree. it was an optical_illusion created by the brake lights of a van that stopped for a moment in the middle of the street. when it drove away, it took the tree made of refracted light with it. 211023
tender_square a sky the shade of diluted blood 211028
raze a splotch of driveway the rain couldn't get to, forming the shape of a very friendly ghost with a wild whip of a pompadour, arms outstretched, its featureless face smiling in a way that seemed to say, "don't be afraid. i'm only here to haunt you." 211029
tender_square the tiger’s eye orb hanging from the bare-branched maple, hornets huddled inside and slowly breaking in the cold snap 211030
tender_square rainfall shimmering like static. 211102
raze two forward leaning planks of wood, straight as a crow flies but without enough backbone to stand up on their own. 211104
tender_square lawns of white fur. 211105
raze a couple walking, not holding hands, him with his arms at his sides, her swinging her right arm like a pendulum, casting shadows behind them twice their size. 211108
raze a black squirrel foraging for food on my front lawn. 211109
tender_square a sugar maple's caramel leaves turning to toffee. 211109
raze nine scattered leaves embedded in the cracks between the shingles on my roof. 211112
raze three uncarved pumpkins still sitting on a stoop. only one of them is a ghost. 211113
tender_square a billion flakes of first snow. 211114
unhinged someone else's first_window through the phone screen of my virtual_visit 211115
unhinged first_snow 211115
raze sun bouncing off a smaller window, stabbing my eyes. 211115
raze frost on the roof, and yellow leaves everywhere below it. 211116
tender_square the slow unraveling of a cotton-candy sky, all baby blue and pink and sweet. 211116
kerry my neighbor letting the air out of his girlfriend's tires as they screamed at each other on the sidewalk 211116
tender_square a brilliant blue jay pausing on a branch. 211117
raze a cobalt sky growing brighter with each wave of the wand. 211117
tender_square the full moon peeking out from a parted veil of clouds. 211119
raze tiny birds nestled like buds in the branches of a bald tree. 211120
tender_square a tiger-leafed tree roaring its hue. 211121
raze that little sapling, not so crooked now, but bereft of most of its hair, with nothing but a green faux hawk up top. 211123
tender_square vestiges of fire on the horizon, the light becoming ropey strands between clouds i didn’t know existed. 211124
raze invisible stones skipping across the surface of a river of rain. 211125
tender_square a lime green workman directing a crane that lifts white cubes to land on a rooftop, while two other lime green men break apart the pallets and roll the materials like awkward logs across the gravel surface for later use. 211125
nr all the tall grey buildings being swallowed up in fog 211125
tender_square a boutonniere of bent boughs sagging with the weight of royal icing. 211128
nr snow_world 211128
kerry my best friend pulling her van into my parentsdriveway, walking up the path in a bright yellow hoodie and green overalls, black hair newly dyed lavender. 211128
raze a computer screen on the other side of another window. someone was playing a game. i couldn't say what it was. 211129
raze a group of starlings diving into their flight before breaking ranks to decorate the deciduous trees. 211202
tender_square fat flakes of snow drifting in like the silk of milkweed floss. 211203
raze a single winged seed on the roof that won't surrender to the wind's lure. 211205
raze two red leaves, darkened by the days of their living, dancing into togetherness as they fell. 211206
raze an orange thermoplastic lie: a traffic cone and a sign indicating work that isn't being done by city_workers who have no reason to be here. 211207
raze a red wreath of christmas lights, their dim glow humbled by the quiet brilliance of the morning. 211208
tender_square flurries of flight from fair-feathered friends warbling and whistling in the treetops. 211208
raze a stop sign, its face flushed from the cumulative weight of being ignored by every passing car. 211209
raze that same winged seed, still standing in the same spot. it won't let go. 211210
kerry an antique pink velvet couch in front of augustus’s house. trash day is tomorrow so it’s clearly up for grabs. i’m tempted to knock on his door and ask what’s wrong with it, but i already have a velvet couch. 211213
tender_square a family of american arborvitae in four different sizes: a tall papa, a shorter mama, and two kids still growing into their height. 211213
raze sweat from the bottom of a parked car. an illegible tactile message not meant for my eyes or anyone else's. 211214
tender_square george_bush digging frantically in the soft, wet ground to hide her assorted treasures. 211215
raze eastbound smoky grey clouds. 211216
unhinged a beautiful bearnaise sheperd tail up walking slowly past the gym watching humans on treadmills tongue lolling 211216
tender_square warm winter sun shining directly on my face as i held virabhadrasana_ii. 211217
tender_square branches of pendalogues dangling in dim daytime light. 211218
raze clumps of loose dirt next to the curb, levelled by time and rain into splotches of accidental paint. mahogany reminders of the wellspring of all the life that lets us breathe. 211219
tender_square tree sweat glint dripping in unobstructed sunlight. 211220
raze the feeble radiance of a streetlight, diminished but not defeated by distance. 211221
raze a few sparse snowflakes floating by like half-remembered thoughts. 211222
raze a hollowed out milk carton skipping in the breeze. 211223
raze a man dropping the brady thrasher catalogue into every mailbox on my block. from the cover you'd think it was a fashion magazine. it isn't. it's some glitzy promotional thing a real estate agent put together. he's really working that pout on the cover. 211224
tender_square a majestic floofer of a calico taking reign on a cat tower 211224
raze four sets of overlapping tire tracks in the snow. a network of truncated highways in miniature. 211227
tender_square white light; the kind that comes when you know snow is on the ground without having to confirm. 211227
raze green circular shingles that resemble a nonslip vinyl bath mat glued to the top of a house that isn't mine. 211228
tender_square snow slinking from trees and eaves. 211229
e_o_i The large underside of an airplane. "They're using our runway," says Dad to Mom, as if to say "They're playing our song." "Our" being the runway that brings planes screaming over the house. 211230
kerry cars speeding down a wet street and "the oldest theater in america." 211230
tender_square tiny paw prints from george_bush traipsing through snow to see if i’d put her breakfast out on the porch yet. 220102
kerry fog

[also, tender_square, i'm intrigued by this george_bush! what species? :) ]
kerry [nevermind!! i saw your other blathe after i did this one] 220102
raze sunlight reflected off the snow, so brilliant and bright it burns my brain. 220103
tender_square the frosted bronchioles of trees saturated in suspended breath. 220103
raze fine gems of salt to melt the ice that hides in plain sight. 220105
raze small sheets of frozen water on the street in the shape of footprints. 220106
tender_square flakes of snow the size of moths descending in droves. 220106
kerry the_autodidact shoveling snow in new sneakers. 220107
raze a yellow door. 220108
unhinged a crow friend on the electrical lines
peeping in on me
raze two dogs on leashes leading their human. 220109
kerry three men unloading a stretcher from a van labeled "pennsylvania burial company." 220109
raze the crooked mouth of a laughing one-eyed eavestrough. 220110
tender_square a fallen branch large enough to be a sapling. 220110
raze a plastic shopping bag pulled taut after getting caught between the skinny arms of the trees in my neighbour's backyard. a featureless mask without a face to conceal. 220111
kerry bright sunlight, beautiful blue sky, and garbage. 220112
tender_square a scarlet smear of sunlight. 220112
raze thick socks bobbing on a distant clothesline. 220114
tender_square dead leaves lifting their points from slow-melting snowy graves. 220114
past an orange helicopter rushing through the endless optimism of an infinite blue sky, hoping against hope there's room for its broken passenger in the overwhelmed hospital. 220114
raze a gorgeous two-tone sky dimming as what's left of the sun sings the last notes of its leaving song. 220115
tender_square dandruff flakes drifting from the crowns of trees. 220116
raze a delivery driver stepping out of a filthy red van, carrying a cardboard box festooned with orange tape. 220118
raze cotton candy clouds working hard to camouflage themselves behind the folded arms of emaciated trees. 220119
kerry dense fog 220120
raze a tan sedan with an elegant temporary tattoo on the hood, care of the fading light. 220121
raze a man in a grey hoodie with a green shopping basket under his arm, walking like he had something to hide. 220122
unhinged fog so thick the massive conifers were blocked from view 220122
kerry four boys playing basketball in the street 220123
tender_square perfectly square paving stones covered in snow doing their best impersonation of a bar of white chocolate. 220123
raze snow, snow, and more snow. 220124
past the last of today's hoarfrost stubbornly refusing the sun's invitation to rejoin the atmosphere. 220124
raze chimneys reborn as smokestacks in shadow form. 220125
past the snow has relaxed to gentle humps on the peaks of roofs, shimmering in the sun like so many crystals tossed across a beach. 220126
raze snow-dappled streets and avenues stained with dirt, doing their best to match the colour of an uncertain sky. 220127
kerry nothing. it was so bright and sunny that i had to shut my eyes. 220127
tender_square a woman and her dog sporting versions of the same cherry jacket as they strode down a snowy street. 220128
raze more synthetic_clouds. 220129
tender_square a tree full of birdsong. 220129
kerry my neighbors shoveling the sidewalks. 220129
tender_square a murmuration of starlings swooping and swirling across a stretched-canvas sky. 220130
raze footprints leading nowhere. 220130
raze shadow and sun working together to paint diagonal lines on upright wooden beams too proud to admit how pretty they are. 220131
tender_square the shadow of my peaked roof on the siding of my neighbor's house, aligned a few feet below the apex of their own roof, puzzle pieces on the precipice of locking into place. 220131
raze all the ice that lines this neglected street, ignored by city_workers who are paid simply to exist. 220201
tender_square archipelagoes of snow on the lawn. 220201
raze what the rain did to the ground and sky while i slept, not knowing how hard and unforgiving it'll be when next we meet. 220202
tender_square a conifer’s caramel bark. 220202
raze windshield wipers protruding like antlers from the head of a sleeping suv. 220203
tender_square two adirondack chairs blanketed in snowflakes, awaiting the imprints our bodies will leave as we hold hands. we’re gazing at the boughs of drooping evergreens like heavy lashes falling before the spell of sleep. 220203
tender_square stalactites of ice dripping and descending from the eaves. 220204
raze the fists of snow-covered trees, reaching for warmth they won't find on a morning like this. 220204
raze two black squirrels stretching their legs and snaking down a hulking angiosperm in concert with each other. 220205
tender_square the ground glittering with 12-pointed stars. 220205
raze silhouettes of smog wending their way across the inscrutable face of a brown brick building. 220206
raze a bud of snow growing out of the end of a twig, fashioned by its falling into the shape of a jumbo marshmallow. 220207
unhinged quail scrambling from one scrubby bush to another, their silly little headdresses bobbling 220207
raze a woman in a dark blue coat and knit cap limping toward her hatchback. 220208
past a cold grey sky contradicted by the implied mildness of big fluffy snowflakes gently falling. 220208
raze a neighbour determined to knock every last fragment of ice and snow off of her suv. 220209
tender_square the mail truck as it puttered away from my house. 220209
raze three vertically stacked windows, all of them different colours. up top, cobalt blue. beneath that, dull gold. and on the bottom, a box of black waiting for someone to light it up with all the hues they carry. 220210
raze the tired sigh of a still-slick street. 220211
raze a pair of nesting holes built by woodpeckers who've long since moved on. 220212
raze a light dusting of sugar on every rooftop. 220213
tender_square the blur of red tents on a frozen kent lake poised for ice fishing. 220213
raze those two squirrels again, sharing the same branch, singing "my furry valentine" as only they can. 220214
raze white cars failing to blend in with the cold camouflage all around them. 220215
raze a tiny brown leaf that's made its home on the powdered canopy that covers me. 220216
tender_square the waxing gibbous moon radiating in the lowest left corner of a second-floor pane as I stood at the bottom of the stairs, light calling me to rise. 220216
tender_square morning mist from the intermix of warmed ground sponging cool rain. 220217
raze a woman whose snow shovel matched her coat. two specks of gold in a sea of white. 220218
tender_square the moon’s luminescence on a pristine pashmina of snow before it was momentarily dimmed by a sweep of dryer-sheet clouds. 220218
tender_square at 3 am, a whiteout band of snow with particulate so fine it resembled fog, rendering neighbors houses invisible. 220219
raze what last night's winter storm left behind. 220219
raze a dirty block of ice. 220220
tender_square the yolk of sun breaking across a blue diamond pan sky. 220220
raze the sun making a flashlight out of a car's passenger side rear_view_mirror, burning a wordless promise into the prism of my eyes. 220221
raze shit. i just meant to type "passenger side mirror". talk about getting your mirrors mixed up. 220221
raze the bisected white beard rainfall hasn't yet shorn from the still-green earth. 220222
tender_square the trees shivering with cold sweat. 220222
past blurred city views as ice coats the pane. 220222
raze a single minute plucked from the fourteen hundred and forty that will make up this day. a bevy of seconds teeming with untapped potential. 220223
past branches cloaked in ice, as if covered by a science fictional energy shield. 220223
tender_square a latte lake in the backyard basin, gradually turning to ice. 220223
raze blue-grey fractures in the sleepy skyway. 220224
tender_square two deer grazing on a highway median of browned grass. 220224
past the first flakes of the next fall 220225
tender_square four black squirrels scurrying along a fence. 220225
tender_square a circus of squirrels balancing on high wire. 220226
raze the curves carved into a tarp of bleached crystals by synthetic rubber. 220226
raze a bird perched on the head of a dormant streetlight, watching the world wake up. 220227
tender_square a leaf surrendering itself to the wills of wind. 220227
past a last brilliant spike of daylight shining through the belfry of the ukranian cathedral. 220227
raze the thinnest clouds i've ever seen. aircraft engine exhaust trails in no rush to fade from view. 220228
raze a furry little explorer taking halting steps across the thoroughfare that separates his home from mine. 220301
tender_square contractors surveying the property next door. 220301
raze an abandoned office chair. 220302
tender_square the shadowplay of naked oaks decorating a grand brick building. 220302
raze a city worker actually working, if only for a moment.

i almost fainted.
tender_square a lilac sky with purple cuts of cloud, evenly spaced. 220303
past crows making their daily commute across the early dawn painted sky. 220304
tender_square george_bush waving her bouncy and beautiful tail while she perched in a tree. i lifted my hand and waved back to her. 220304
raze winter crowns set against an_oil_painting_sky. 220305
raze the slow-spreading stain of moss on ribbed brown skin. 220306
tender_square vagrancies of litter in the blond, wilted grasses of an arid hillside. 220307
tender_square an operatic robin singing from the sleeping garden. 220308
tender_square peach cobbler clouds. 220309
past bands of colour rising out of the western horizon: red, peach, yellow, blue. and then repeated in the clouds: yellow, peach, red. 220309
raze ultraviolet light filtered through the crossed wires of a curious cloud-constructed colander. 220310
raze the moist eyes of threaded screws. 220311
tender_square a ball of fire dribbling against the rooftop of my neighbor’s house. 220312
raze slivers of silver static. 220313
raze a feral shrub of snowmelt. 220314
raze shadows lengthening as the sun begins to lose its nerve. 220315
raze a discarded blue face mask slouching against the curb. 220316
tender_square three glorious grackles in flight, their feathers leaving a shimmery rainbow streak across my field of vision. 220316
past last week's snow snaking a curling path down the road, bypassing every drain on its route. 220316
raze two blurred black birds, misted by motion. 220317
tender_square ice floes drifting on a river while pedestrians ambled in shorts and tanks on the waterfront trail. 220317
raze a mosaic of twigs in the startled grass. 220318
raze segments of pavement the rain couldn't get at. an accidental sketch of a small, strange car. 220319
tender_square a sheer curtain of fog dulling the sharp peaks of rooftops and blurring the limbs of au natural branches. 220319
raze the reflection of an unshielded incandescent bulb, doubling and dancing in its own light. 220320
raze a black squirrel with a mouthful of shoots and blades of yellowed grass gathered from my front lawn. i watched him run across_the_street before disappearing into his den. 220321
past a cat staring down at me, which was at first disorienting until i remembered i work in the basement now. 220321
tender_square a bevy of birds bathing in an impromptu lake left by rainfall. 220321
raze two robins probing the soil for insects. 220322
past the raised garden beds slowly emerging from their snowy blankets. 220322
raze gutters brimming with clouded rainwater. 220323
kerry the first daffodil blooming 220323
tender_square george_bush surveying her kingdom from the stump of a felled tree. 220323
raze two skies stitched togetherone dark and foreboding, the other blue and bright. not cancelling each other out, but locked in a silent collaboration. 220324
raze a bicycle_ghost signalling before the turn. 220325
raze spring's first snow. 220326
tender_square a wound of sky bleeding sunlight through thick-skinned clouds. 220327
raze a bundled-up westie on a leash, leading its human home. 220328
tender_square a man bending over to capture a small piece of paper in the net of his fingers and giving up when the wind had its own ideas. 220328
past a cedar waxwing in the cedar. a bit early in the season for one, but the early bird gets the best nesting spots. 220329
tender_square a tubular plastic bag with bright blue ends filled with wind, rolling down the lane. 220329
raze a black_and_white cat cleaning itself. 220330
past a variation on the theme, i looked over as a truck loaded with landscaping gear drove by in time to see a tiny dog jumping playfully at the window. 220330
tender_square arbor vitae writhing through an exorcism of wind. 220331
raze the gold shimmer of a potted plant on a window_sill fifty feet away. 220401
tender_square the muted bloom of a thousand canary crocuses. 220401
tender_square an inquisitive blue jay pecking at the cells of a vacant wasp nest on my porch. 220402
tender_square george_bush and stubs battling it out over nuts, balancing on the branches of a precarious hibiscus bush like american gladiators while screeching at one another. 220403
raze a wet bird shaking the water from its wings. 220404
raze the shadow of my next-door neighbour's sapling painting something pretty on the street. 220405
tender_square a burn-off of silk fog as the sun rose. 220405
raze a solitary robin on my front lawn, staring right at me. 220406
raze a tipped-over garbage pail with its lid five feet away. 220407
tender_square a low band of navy stratus impersonating a mountain range beyond the tree tops.

a grackle tossing damp, dead leaves in search for something living.
raze a long, thin forefinger that fell from a tree, standing crooked at the curb, with nothing but its own defiance to prop it up. 220408
past fog, frosted roofs, and the timid morning sun slowly burning both away. 220409
epitome of incomprehensibility Dad trying to teach Shiloh to play fetch. He will happily chase and grab a thrown object (stick or ball) but won't want to let go. 220409
tender_square the sun stabbing through shutters. 220410
tender_square the sky shot with a lightning switch that disappeared so quick i was sure it was a trick of my eyesight. 220411
raze a crow flying with a piece of bread in its mouth. 220412
raze a swollen sky promising rain. 220413
raze all the colour coming back. 220414
tender_square two stately german shepherds wearing ridiculous neon glow necklaces (one pink, one green) while they dragged their head-lamp wearing human down the street in civil twilight. 220414
raze the shifting shadows of lateral branches buckled by the breeze. 220416
raze a grey squirrel digging for gold in the grass. 220417
tender_square a bicyclist's butt crack. 220418
raze stray patches of snow the sun hasn't melted yet, salting the summit of every house i can see. 220419
raze a spotted dog lifting its leg to piss on a tree. 220420
raze a tiny spider on the other side of the glass. 220421
raze twenty brown bags of leaves. 220422
raze green hair growing back on trees that have spent the last few months bald and despondent. 220423
raze a wrinkled receipt. a rejected reminder of something already eaten or forgotten. 220424
raze a pointillist painting of red and brown sun-dried building blocks. 220425
raze a dismantled paper bag. 220426
raze a dirty trash bin with a downturned mouth. 220427
raze a city of windsor truck going nowhere, doing nothing. like every other day. 220428
raze two female cardinals. red and gold sisters. they paused for a moment in mid-air before dazzling me with the brilliant collaborative blur of their flight. 220429
raze grass sprouting from cracks in the concrete. 220430
tender_square a woman looking fly in a lavender suit. 220430
tender_square a thriving and wet landscape slaked of thirst. 220501
tender_square barbara_bush (the squirrel) ground hunting for nuts. 220502
raze a prelude to the coming rain. 220503
tender_square a pedestrian trotting across the natural notes of a white-keyed crosswalk while impatient town cars blew sharp horns. 220503
raze small white gifts left_behind by birds who sat on the shingles of my roof. 220504
raze a silent songbird dancing in the street. 220505
raze the unsweetened cinnamon of misplaced marl. 220506
tender_square the granite and limestone hills of austin covered by a mist laden with cold drops of overnight dew. 220506
tender_square haze like a film of yellowed smoke. it's 8 am and already 76 degrees in austin. 220507
raze a medley of manicured fescue. 220508
raze a baby spider hanging from the screen on the other side. 220509
tender_square a beetle methodically making its way towards mulch. 220510
raze two cream-coloured dogs walking side by side. 220511
raze a man testing the limits of what his lawnmower is willing to do. 220512
tender_square texas cattle lying in a salvage of shade. 220512
raze that same sapling, still doing its steady sideways dance. it's got leaves now like you wouldn't believe. 220513
raze sixteen staggered red flowers. 220515
raze a single silver-haired dandelion with a curved spine. 220516
tender_square a shirtless man popping a wheelie on a motorized quad through the intersection of tchoupitoulas and andrew higgins. 220516
past an overgrown lilac bush weighed down by its...err...lilac-coloured flowers. its sweet springtime scents subtly filling the kitchen. 220517
tender_square an obscene red and yellow fumigation tent draped over an enormous st. charles avenue mansion. (i wonder if they were poisoning formosan termites.) 220517
raze grey plastic containers collecting clear broth from the aerial watercourse. 220518
raze the flicker of sunlight filling a garden lantern's cage. 220519
raze a man wearing a black hooded sweatshirt beneath a denim jacket, walking the smallest dog i've ever seen. 220520
tender_square a man with his arm casually wrapped around a woman as they were dragged down the street by her huge german shepherds. 220521
raze magic. 220522
raze my neighbour staring at his lawn like it's some sort of ancient scroll that holds all the secrets of the universe. 220523
raze the sun casting a shadow that looks exactly like a prosthetic leg, when i know it's supposed to be a streetlight. 220524
raze that grey squirrel again. 220525
raze a bull-necked blue box on wheels. 220526
raze a melange of wet maple seeds. 220527
raze promising signs of floof. 220528
raze a robin skipping through sod. 220529
raze a woman and her mother walking a black_and_white english bulldog and a french mastiff. 220530
raze a yellow stripe running through the visor of the hat hiding the top half of a smiling man's face. 220531
tender_square a crane fly on the pane, its extended wings a milky marble of interlocked shapes. 220531
raze a fedex truck delivering something i wasn't expecting to see until friday. 220601
raze lazy morning rain. 220602
tender_square a teenage boy’s steady cycling in the center of the street while both hands typed a message on his cell phone. (that’s like tour de france level shit.) 220603
raze a woman watering her lawn. 220604
raze a dark blue van backing up. 220606
raze a coffee-coloured air conditioner slung low in the arms of a wizened window. 220607
raze a solitary moth. 220608
raze a chubby robin chirping to greet the morning. 220609
tender_square a comely cardinal perched by the kitchen ledge, trying to get inside. 220609
raze a sparrow jab stepping its way to a potential spot in next year's nba draft. 220610
tender_square a woman jogging at dawn and waving her arms wildly to signal the sun. 220612
raze a near-total absence of wind. 220613
tender_square clara the bunny investigating the turtle dish for dinner. 220613
raze hundreds of hawthorn berries in bloom. 220614
tender_square two robins fracking wet ground with their beaks in the hopes of extracting worms. 220614
raze a garbage can that lost its balance and puked up all it held after having too much to drink. 220615
raze a woman with two canes walking in the rain, keeping pace with a street cleaner. 220616
past a golden balloon, possibly an L or a 7, that "like leaves before the wild storm winds fly, when it met with an obstacle took to the sky." it then dropped in a neighbours backyard. 220616
tender_square a black-bibbed bird boring into the earth. 220617
raze a long leg of road littered with the small stones of some generous aerial fruit. 220618
tender_square a bearded man in a floral dress having a marilyn_monroe moment on the street corner. 220618
raze three quarters of the furry family of four i keep an eye on from my side of the street. 220619
raze a hatchback's left turn signal telegraphing the driver's intentions. 220620
raze that same little spider from two months ago, still plotting its next move. 220621
raze three men in orange and yellow, pissing our tax dollars away with shit-eating grins on their faces and plastic takeout coffee cups pressed against their damp palms. 220622
past a spindly rogue maple pushing its enterprising new growth through the canopy of lilacs. 220623
raze the same maple_seed that's been hanging out on my roof for a good few months now, impervious to the elements. 220624
raze my face reflected back at me. 220625
tender_square a black squirrel skipping to the squares of an invisible hopscotch that only he could see. 220625
raze a distant set of sleeping sprinklers. 220626
tender_square a blackbird soaring in an open sky. 220626
raze the beige and red bodies of departing vehicles. 220627
tender_square couples seated on park benches watching the sunset at st. rose beach. 220627
raze another female cardinal. she perched on stephanie's fence and stared straight at me before flying away. 220628
raze a robin running in the rain. 220629
tender_square a group of masked students cross-legged on a knoll while an older masked woman made exaggerated arm movements as she stood in front of them, like a cult leader. 220629
raze both of hoppy's_children lounging on the lawn of a woman who broke up with her boyfriend on valentines_day five years ago. 220630
raze a leaf skidding across the street like a green air hockey puck. 220701
kerry a squirrel sprawled out on the top of my neighbor's trellis taking a nap in the sun. 220701
raze grass made golden brown by the toaster oven that calls itself the sun. 220702
raze three ceramic flower pots stacked on top of one another. 220703
tender_square a man and a woman with shopping carts parked in front of the closed bakery, sharing a meal at an outdoor table. 220704
raze the rising dust of a new day. 220705
tender_square an obnoxiously enormous rv that’s currently being inhabited in my neighbour’s driveway (they have yet to move into the actual house. they bought the property in february.) 220706
raze two still-sleeping plastic boxes spooning, red behind blue. 220707
tender_square a robin having a spa day in a puddle-filled pothole. 220708
raze a tiny green insect that might have been a thrip, landing right in front of my face and strutting on the other side of the glass when i checked to see if either of hoppy's_children were lounging in the back yard. 220709
tender_square george_bush on her throne stump, holding a skinny cob of pine cone to her mouth, shuttling it left and right across her teeth like she was the floofiest harmonica player that’s ever lived. 220710
raze a man in a blue t-shirt and matching shorts riding his bicycle down the street, his mind following some other paved path i couldn't see. 220710
raze my landlord, wearing dark sunglasses to hide the emptiness that lives behind his eyes. 220711
tender_square a baby groundhog eating clover and lurching for cover. 220711
raze a bouquet of brown foliage edged with an islet of green. 220712
raze two robins guzzling rain. 220713
raze an airplane diminished by distance and made to look like a child's toy. 220714
tender_square four fighter jets in flight formation. 220714
raze six squirrelsfour on the opposite side of the street, and two on my lawn, cautiously accepting the food i left for them. 220715
tender_square from a hundred yards away, an eagle’s nest overtaking an oak, off a field along highway 22. 220716
raze a lonely sack of fallen foliage standing as tall as its paper legs will allow. 220717
raze an assemblage of lavender and white floral faces. 220718
raze stephanie's_toilet. 220719
raze five starlings searching for sustenance. 220720
raze a coat of dark blue paint supplied by yesterday's short-lived storm. 220721
tender_square a blue jay discriminating between an almond and a peanut from the turtle dish. 220722
raze an empty bike rack on the back of a powder grey suv. 220723
past my neighbour, an older single man, desperately hauling a motley collection of stuffed animals in off his porch. his adult son is visiting for the week, but out, and i wonder if he was airing old friends to be re-offered as future grandchildren's snuggles. 220723
raze one yellow leaf asleep in an ocean of emerald reeds. 220724
raze pointless noise personified. 220725
raze a woman in a pink shirt and jeans rolled up past the elbows of her legs, walking like she'd just learned how. 220726
tender_square a slick spill of hot pink sopped up by clouds. 220726
raze two screaming men standing inches apart. 220727
raze a driveway being torn up and replaced for no good reason at all. 220728
tender_square a blue jay teetering on a sprig of hibiscus, angling for a peanut as he waits for a chipmunk to stuff his cheeks and scurry. 220728
tender_square a perspective of my street from doug’s point-of-view. 220729
raze a zebra print shirt draped over a pear-shaped patio chair. 220730
raze a bald man wearing two shades of blue. 220731
raze the blank canvas of an expensive new driveway still settling. 220801
tender_square men in hideous neon green tees shifting the landscape with machinery. 220801
raze two jugs of water being delivered, their diaphanous blue bodies sparkling in the sun. 220803
tender_square a grey sky foreboding showers. 220803
raze the dented hip of a white van. 220804
tender_square streaks of sweat blotting out the scenes beyond. 220804
tender_square sunshine upon exiting the darkness of the windsor-detroit tunnel, after the entire drive to the border was overcast and portending rain. 220805
raze a man too engrossed in his phone to look both ways before crossing the street. 220806
tender_square a big yellow swallowtail fluttering against glass. 220806
raze two green leaves tumbling onto the sloped roof of a neighbour's shed, one after the other. 220807
tender_square a parade of three separate women in sleeveless shirts letting their upper arms soak some unexpected sun. 220808
raze a bicycle_ghost buttressed by red and white waterproof lights, allowing him to see_and_be_seen. 220809
raze the ember in the corner of a car's left eye. 220810
tender_square an excavator getting under the pavement’s skin. 220810
raze two women trying to direct three dogs with their own ideas about where the walk should take them. 220811
raze a long line of white cars. 220812
tender_square a downy blue jay calling his posse down from the treetops for peanuts. 220813
raze a welsh terrier stopping for a second to sniff my lawn. 220815
tender_square a skyscape of cumulus clouds pierced by a five-story church steeple. 220815
raze two cyclists riding so close together, i was sure they were sharing a tandem bicycle until they moved just far enough apart to prove me wrong. 220816
raze an angry-looking woman carrying a squirt bottle. 220817
tender_square a blackbird emerging from the womb of a dark tunnel, shepherding me under its wingspan. 220818
tender_square a black squirrel and a grey squirrel somersaulting in a ball of conjoined floof. 220819
raze laughter in the rain. 220820
tender_square a knot of sparrows aligned on rooftop, flight-taking with a roar of circular saw. 220821
raze a man with a baseball cap carrying a six-pack. 220822
past a white hat slowly turning blue on a table as the colour transferred across a rain puddle from an open green marker. 220823
raze the shifting shades_of_summer. 220825
tender_square interchangeable boys and interchangeable girls; shirtless in board shorts and backwards ball caps, boobs bouncing in bikini tops with acid-wash cutoffs. frat and sorority pledge season is upon us. 220825
raze three men listening to rap rock and putting a new roof on a house that didn't need one. 220826
tender_square several light cycles come and go as i waited to cross clogged intersections. 220826
raze another one of those faces_in_unexpected_places. 220827
raze a mystery. 220828
raze a sheepdog barking at a tree. 220829
tender_square convulsing trees. 220829
raze fallen branches. scattered leaves. summer_storm casualties. 220830
tender_square a sea of students drifting with the current. 220830
raze a flock of passing shadows. 220831
raze a man in a shiny black convertible driving like a maniac. 220901
raze a pair of wandering bears wearing people clothes. 220902
raze thunderbolt splooting on stephanie's fence. 220903
raze a certain storm brewing in the heart of a cloudless broth. 220904
tender_square a shirtless man jogging without shoes on cement.

another man riding an electric scooter while his open housecoat billowed behind him.
past high schoolers walking to their first day back, slowly transitioning into elementary aged kids as the morning moves forward. 220906
raze two robins strolling side by side. 220907
raze signs advertising the names of a motley crew of soulless sycophants and sociopaths who are running for city council this term. 220908
raze three blue jays taking turns stealing food that's been promised to another species. 220909
tender_square people all around me driving like fucking maniacs. 220909
raze a visitor. 220913
tender_square brume snuffing streetlights. 220914
tender_square maize and blue members dressed for saturday service in the cult of mighican football. 220917
raze a friend feeling their way through the morning. just like me. 220918
tender_square a black squirrel staring back at me. 220918
raze pickets of pine wet with what dawn designed under cover of darkness. 220919
raze nothing worth noting. 220920
tender_square a dhl delivery made from a plainclothes car. 220920
raze the prettiest flames flickering in an otherwise static sky. 220921
raze death a little too close to home. 220922
tender_square a man holding a long ladder as he cycled one-handed. 220922
raze one blue_jay following another. 220923
tender_square a neighbour hosing off his back car tires, like the vehicle was a dog with dirty paws getting mud on the driveway. 220923
raze danger defeated by daring. 220924
raze a woman teaching her daughter the ins and outs of illegal parking. 220925
raze the windwhipped ligaments and tendons of three tired trees. 220926
raze pockets of moisture i keep mistaking for something more gruesome. 220927
tender_square sunshine. 220927
tender_square flecks of algae on the gabled roof like jackson pollock’s “untitled (green silver).” 221001
raze the sun, still an hour away from setting, bathing everything in its vivid gold glow. 221002
tender_square a munchkin cat in a hot pink harness taking a shit in my backyard, the ground-scratching her remains to strengthen the stench of her territory marking. 221002
raze a white car that had no business shining so bright at this time of night. 221005
raze the lid of some small garbage pail that's nowhere to be found. 221006
tender_square a japanese maple transmuting from gold to garnet. 221007
past the almost full moon shining through a thin cloud with a rainbow halo surrounding it. 221007
raze a squirrel at the back right corner of the fence doing his best impression of a hedgehog. 221008
past the first few rain drops painting a connect the dots activity on the back patio. 221009
tender_square maurice the squirrel perched on the plastic footstool. 221010
raze a man carrying a ladle and a meal shrouded in silver. 221011
raze a three-way conversation taking place in the middle of the road. 221013
tender_square a line of cars snaking at a stoplight that refused to change. 221013
kerry a green-faced witch with a peaked black cap and pointy boots trying to climb into my neighbor's upstairs window. 221014
tender_square a red-headed woodpecker trying to pierce the dense tissue of a walnut shell while a stumped blue jay looked on. 221015
raze someone hoping for the early bird special. 221016
tender_square what i thought was a burglar stalking my neighbour’s property at seven a.m., but in actuality was my neighbour returning home from some kind of early exercise regimen. how did i discern the hooded figure? it seemed highly unlikely that a burglar would spend time adjusting the position of halloween inflatables on the front lawn before breaking and entering. 221018
tender_square people and their pooches. 221019
raze the indifferent embrace of an early_winter. 221020
tender_square a baby squirrel learning how to forage. 221020
tender_square sparrows signaling in a smoke tree. 221021
raze someone saying goodbye. 221022
tender_square a white truck tugging a trailer full of tree stumps. 221023
raze the soft terror of inertia. 221024
past a crisp red maple leaf slowly float down to land on top of the pile i raked up earlier this morning. 221024
raze evicted leaves cartwheeling in the wind. 221025
raze an old man wearing dark glasses to soften the sting of a sun that's barely there. 221026
raze the sky making promises it knows it can't keep. 221027
tender_square a tree swallow trying to get in. 221027
raze a medley of unclaimed walnut fragments. 221028
tender_square honeyed leaves lilting in lemonade light. 221028
tender_square a brume-tinted landscape like the poster forthe exorcist.” 221029
tender_square trick-or-treaters before dark. 221031
tender_square a man in a bullet-proof vest walking a dalmatian. 221103
tender_square a woman with fuchsia hair and turquoise leggings. 221104
tender_square a man at the bus stop concentrating as he rolled brown paint across his plaid-clad thighs. 221105
raze a tiny explorer hugging the curb as they searched for the perfect spot to stash their stolen treasure. 221106
tender_square a man using a leaf blower...during the windiest day of the year. 221106
raze the early encroachment of night. 221107
past a full moon in deep red during the lunar eclipse. 221108
Soma a woman bundled up against the cold in a puffy jacket and a denim skirt, carrying a bible and a set of pamphlets. 221109
tender_square two hands flapping out of a car window, riding waves of wind. 221111
tender_square the porch swing being rocked without an occupant. (the squirrels were jumping up on it to get my attention and scurrying away before i could catch them in the act.) 221113
raze a sluggish sun fighting to be seen through windwhipped leaves. 221119
tender_square a tire from a trailer being blown apart and unraveling against the shoulder at 76 mph. 221119
raze the duvet stitched by last night's snowfall. 221120
tender_square a tuxedo-wearing cat being rather undignified in its desperate pursuit of squirrels. 221122
past unharvested kale shrugging off the year's first snow in the mild sun. 221123
tender_square two chubster squirrels rejecting the black walnut thanksgiving feast i picked for them at the park. 221124
raze two illegible white words on the side of a garbage pail. 221125
tender_square a burgeoning pile of box refuse. 221125
tender_square more frosted tips than n*sync along the lawn. 221126
tender_square a very young boy lovingly patting the head of a polar bear decoration on his parent’s lawn. 221129
tender_square an incredulous woman running after a large inflatable red ornament as it pinwheeled down the street. 221130
raze the arrowheads of outstretched arms straining to meet skyline. 221201
tender_square three teenagers trading and waving a small canadian flag. 221201
tender_square a squirrel with black, tarnished fur, ass-deep in the downspout extender looking for food. 221202
raze the frowning mouth of a broken twig. 221206
raze the damp darkness of another cold december morning. 221207
past a small flock of chickadees trying to find something to eat amongst the naked branches of the lilac bush. 221207
raze the gold and red glow of an early christmas. 221208
tender_square two black squirrels nibbling on one another in the nook of a tree. 221209
raze "absolute comfort" on the side of a truck. 221212
tender_square lemon light diminishing in a denim sky, and every black branch stencilling its veins to the scene. 221214
tender_square cars speeding recklessly beside the boulevard when squirrels are crossing. 221215
past a thin peach sky gradually lightening the sky in the east, as the overlap meteorological winter and astronomical fall enter their final few days. 221218
past six people running through a snow covered field. 221218
tender_square a caravan of brand new pacificas, their temporary yellow plates haphazardly hanging from rear wipers. 221220
raze frosted flakes of sun-flecked foliage. 221221
past someone biking by.

(roads are clear and dry, so why not! though i say this as someone with winter tires for his bike -- they cost less than a month pass for the unreliable bus.)
past the main power line to the house whipping about violently in the wind. 221223
raze the first white_christmas we've had in i don't know how many years. 221225
tender_square a gaggle of geese brooding on three-day thickened ice in lakeview marina. 221225
raze the artificial dawn that belongs to this season alone. 221226
tender_square black squirrels emerging from their dens as dawn made a pink show of sky. 221228
past lights on in the house behind us that has seemed abandoned for the (now more than) two years we've lived here. (my theory is it was occupied by an elder who lived in the front of the house. it recently sold, and the question was whether the buyers would live in it or tear it down and infill.) 221230
past the unharvested kale reemerged from the snow. 221231
tender_square a pale racoon fatter than a well-fed cat skirting the front garden. 230103
tender_square a pewter sky giving way to partly cloudy with sneaking sunshine the further down i-94 east i drove. 230107
raze christmas lights that haven't come down yet. 230111
tender_square a black squirrel unfurling from a den, then changing its mind and going back inside to sleep in a bit more. 230114
tender_square the silent sunday street as a shaken snow globe. 230122
raze patches of dirt poking through yesterday's snowfall. 230123
kerry a man entering tina's house. it's been empty for months. 230124
raze the bleak baking powder meteorologists claimed wasn't going to rain down on us until this afternoon. 230125
tender_square a grey squirrel alpine skiing down a snowy branch. 230125
tender_square two wild turkeys crossing the road. 230127
tender_square a red hatchback driving down the wrong side of the boulevard and cartoonishly filled with several large-breed dogs. 230202
past a mountie cruiser slowly circling the neighbourhood, jurisdiction be damned. 230205
tender_square steam rising off the rooftops when out came the sun and dried up all the rain. 230209
tender_square two squirrels kissing in a treetop. 230210
tender_square a toddler fred-flinstoning in a toy car. 230211
tender_square an avid electric unicycler making his way down packard with a hockey bag slung across his back for the outdoor open skate at buhr park. 230212
tender_square two boys on bicycles passing, both in colourful hoodies. one was slurpee blue with spikes for a famous ring-gathering video game hedgehog, the other was pineapple yellow with lightning striped ears from an animated monster franchise. 230213
tender_square a tuxedo cat scratching its chin and its body against the concrete point of the neighbour's porch slab. 230214
raze leaves doing their best to outrun the wild wind. 230215
tender_square squirrel parkour. 230216
raze organic frosted glass. 230217
tender_square a feral tuxedo cat severing a robin's vertebrae and tossing the lifeless bird into the air with its mouth. 230217
tender_square squirrel fucking. 230218
tender_square a bullmastiff with a colossal nut sack. 230220
tender_square a fastidious neighbour stacking fallen branches in the boulevard. 230223
raze the scars of a season i'm ready to be over. 230225
raze the opposite of light. 230226
tender_square more like i looked out a window and heard a hawk dive into glass while trying to catch another bird in its claws. 230301
tender_square a strawberry-haired boy climb a mound of snow proudly, and dancing as he descended. he put even more emphasis and heart into his movements when he noticed he had an audience. (his mom looked toward my car and mouthed "sorry," but i wanted to roll down the window and say "never apologize; that boy's energy and vim is a gift.") 230305
raze the footprints of friends. 230310
raze a tired twig napping in the middle of the road. 230324
past a red sky screaming warnings of an impending early spring snow storm. 230325
tender_square a rabbit tiptoeing through the mud and between the shrubs, camouflaged by the mulch of decomposing leaves. 230401
past big fluffy snowflakes falling onto the ice-encrusted knee high remnants of winter. 230403
raze the ghosts of things still living. 230411
raze a woman wearing a pink crownless cap, made for a moment to look like a man's small child by the trickery of distance. 230412
raze a blue sky bereft of clouds. 230413
raze a man in a black truck talking to his daughter as he drove away. 230416
tender_square too many men flaunting their flabby naked torsos. 230416
raze snow. in the middle of april. one day removed from having to turn the air_conditioner on. 230417
raze the last bits of sun fading behind a funeral procession of clouds. 230418
raze a bag of leaves that chose to spill its guts last_night when no one was around to listen. 230420
raze a man with a beer gut bouncing a basketball in the middle of the street. 230424
raze two men walking their dogs, both of them indifferent to the shepherd's undisguised efforts to murder the shar pei. 230429
raze the dank detritus of dreams that have lost their way. 230430
raze five seagulls riding the wind like a wave. 230501
tender_square a squirrel snacking on big bunch of fallen maple whirlers. 230504
raze a robin gliding over the head of a stock-still starling. 230505
past water flowing calmly along the old aqueduct above, while it crashes and churns violently and breaks the banks of the main course below. 230509
raze one squirrel following another into the cozy apartment they share. 230510
raze a grey face peeking out of a cavity den. 230512
tender_square an impatient audi cutting me off in morning traffic. 230512
past the early morning sun died a brilliant bright red by alberta's ashes. 230515
tender_square a wild turkey trotting along the shoulder of e.c. row. 230522
raze a group of people standing in the middle of the street, applauding a fireworks display. 230523
tender_square a bearded man in the driver's seat of a parked pickup, door swung open, strumming a guitar at 7:30 in the morning. 230524
raze a bald man wearing a shirt the same colour as mine, cutting the grass in the alley behind my house. 230525
tender_square a baby racoon that wasn't sleeping on a highway shoulder. 230528
past water flowing in three different directions. 230529
raze a single gold face in a sea of green. 230530
raze a sprinkler creating the illusion of episodic rain. 230531
tender_square a man steering a small tractor down a residential street, timmy's in hand. 230531
tender_square two black squirrels on their hind paws, boxing one another. 230601
raze my neighbour sitting in a hammock and staring into the flat face of his phone. 230602
past a sepia toned world with the clear lines of the apartment tower a few blocks away fading to pencil sketches. 230606
raze the most robust spider i've seen in years. 230610
raze a robin drinking rainwater, spurred on by the frantic flapping of its own wings. 230611
raze a furry friend shaking off the last vestiges of sleep. 230613
past a sprinkler watering the grass despite the steady rain. 230614
raze a stranger scurrying away after shoving a brochure for fibre internet through the front_door. 230619
raze a moth that resembled a miniature burrito. 230621
raze uneaten fruit. 230623
raze a cleft of light between two clouds. 230624
raze an unidentified dark object on the second step of a glorified stranger's front_porch. 230625
tender_square four baby black squirrels playing a rousing edition of ring-around-the-rosie up a maple tree. 230626
past torrents of rain, flashes of lightning, drawing the burnt forest from the air. 230626
raze the shadow of a bird flying by. 230630
tender_square a glamorous mom in a dramatic sun hat, cutoff shorts, and a draped crochet top holding the hand of a toddler while she pushed a baby carriage. 230701
raze lights left on to ward off evil spirits. 230702
tender_square a man in a white tank, sunglasses, and cowboy hat, riding a john deere mower down the sidewalk in the middle of downtown. 230703
raze a sparrow searching for food in the roof's rain gutter. 230704
raze the vague shape of one bird chasing another. 230705
raze a magazine rolled up like an unhung poster. 230706
kerry a girl sitting on her dad's motorcycle 230706
raze a little girl driving a white electric jeep while her dad walked behind her. 230707
Lycanthrope Sitting before a window in the rain.

No matter the ways life has
Grown wildly, branched and tangled
And vined in unknowable directions.
I will always mostly be the boy
On a particular day
Kneeling at attention
Like they asked you to at church
Arms over the back of the sofa
Looking out the window of
The family home
At thick raindrops falling against
A stone grey sky.
The sound of them filling me
With the singular continuity
Of endless variations,
A plash here, a plish there, over a steady hymnal drone.
The rain rolled down the steep grade
Of our street, collecting in the curbside
Drains like rivers and flashfloods
In miniature.
All the debris, all the loose facts of yesterday
Rushed off to leave the wet and enduring.
I remember thinking about all the sprouts that might grow when the rains passed. Where they might and how they might, which crack in the sidewalk or pot on a porch might host them.
And in many ways I'm still there
When the world was becoming
And I was under its sounds
raze tenderness in an unexpected place. 230713
tender_square two squirrels bringing their fiery passion to my firepit. 230716
raze an undelivered package. 230717
raze a neighbour's garbage pail the wind blew all the way across_the_street. 230727
raze two men awkwardly tarping a roof. 230728
raze pink and white petals dislodged by yesterday's short_lived summer_storm. 230729
tender_square a strung out woman without shoes stepping too close to the curb edge of a busy street. 230731
past a cloud looking like a diamond leaping in an infinite blue sea. 230801
raze a delivery truck driver pleading with a plywood crate. 230802
tender_square a braless woman with pendulous breasts lighting up a cig as she ensconced her child in a buggy. 230802
raze a possum prying food from the living floor beneath its feet. 230805
raze a curly-haired child throwing wildflowers in the street. 230806
past a river where once there was a road. 230807
tender_square a guy on a bmx bike with two cigarettes sticking out of his mouth, giving a recognition nod to a full-face helmeted guy on a crotch rocket. 230807
e_o_i Drama_of_the_bird_feeder, and, in the backyard behind it, a squirrel hopping up onto the wooden armrest of a weathered chair to groom itself, rubbing paws over face and then smoothing over its tail.

The first part looked oddly humanlike - how a person in a hurry would wash their face.
raze a woman walking in the rain without an umbrella. 230817
tender_square a man scratching his junk through athletic shorts outside of the tennis courts. 230817
tender_square a man gunning a motorcycle with a barbie doll glued to the seat behind him on eastbound e.c. row. 230824
raze a woman wearing light blue boxer pants, staring at her house key as if it might come to life and speak to her. 230825
tender_square a red mylar balloon ascending into the atmosphere. 230901
raze two city_workers treating a bucket truck like a toy. 230902
tender_square clean laundry floating on a line. 230902
raze a grey-haired man in cargo shorts walking a collie. 230903
tender_square a woman wipe her greasy face with a napkin and then discard it on the grass without a second thought. 230906
raze a nurse still in her scrubs. 230907
raze a simple task made much more convoluted than it needed to be. 230908
raze a green truck gathering leaves. 230909
past a man attempting to prune a bush with an axe. 230909
raze jerry and his wife walking hand in hand. 230911
raze a_sketch_the_rain_made. 230912
tender_square a computer chair on the roof of an abandoned rest home. 230912
tender_square a squirrel sneaking like a burglar across the fence with a huge walnut in it's mouth. 230914
raze incompetence in action. 230915
raze a girl with a pink shirt and a blue helmet riding a purple tricycle with white wheels while her father trailed behind her on foot. 230916
raze a yellowjacket enjoying a brisk morning swim. 230917
raze a boy kicking an unhatched walnut down the street like a soccer ball. 230919
raze a stink bug walking across the other side of the glass. 230922
tender_square my face floating in the black mirror, illuminated by the electric glow of my computer screen. 230923
raze a phone taking its human for a walk. 230926
raze a door in the sky. 230927
raze three dark foragers getting an early start. 230928
raze the gauzy glow of seven solar lanterns. 230929
raze halloween decorations. 230930
tender_square a man in a grey sweatsuit warming up like rocky as he paraded intensely down the pedestrian overpass. 231001
raze a three-way conversation i could only wonder about. 231003
raze clumps of uncleaned dog shit at the edge of a neighbour's driveway. 231004
raze a man doing his best not to blow_away. 231011
raze more geese than i could ever hope to count. 231012
raze a confused-looking woman getting out of her car. 231017
raze a striped sparrow dancing across the concrete path. 231021
raze a man wearing a bright yellow hoodie under a denim jacket. 231023
raze a pair of roofers texting on the job, half-asleep on the bed of new shingles they were installing. 231024
raze sparks flying. 231025
raze stubborn trees shedding their leaves at the wind's insistence. 231027
Soma The space needle, softly glowing in the cool autumn night with the possibility of a life not my own 231027
raze little big girl waving hello with her tail. 231028
raze a couple contriving a way to carry a cooler while holding hands. 231029
raze snow, almost two months early. 231101
raze a collage of cold water and crushed leaves. 231109
raze a weathered couple too busy staring at their phones to acknowledge each other. 231110
raze a territorial dispute. 231112
raze a dog trying to get back in through the front_door after being thrown outside and ignored. 231113
raze a woman wearing purple pants beneath a black peacoat. 231114
raze two dark, wet, shriveled leaves on the roof of my house. as sad as spent balloons. 231218
raze fog as thick as falling feels. 231224
Soma A man and woman arguing on their porch 231225
raze a man pointing out a little bit of life moving around up in a tree to the delight of his two young daughters. 231230
raze the ghost of a puddle that's taken the shape of a country you won't find on any earthly map. 240107
raze the temporary tattoos left_behind by melted snow. 240110
raze winter's dandruff instead of rain. a welcome change. 240111
kerry the silhouettes of men on the roof 240111
raze hundreds of tiny footprints. 240113
raze a home delivery in progress. 240116
raze two men walking through a narrow doorway at the same time. 240119
raze a yawning garage. 240122
raze the world covered with wet ice. 240123
raze a heavy haze the day hasn't been able to shake. 240125
raze shattered shards of styrofoam. 240126
kerry my neighbor riding away on his vintage motorcycle 240126
raze more healthy trees being murdered and mutilated for no good reason at all. 240129
raze an unfamiliar face in profile. 240201
raze a mosaic of frost and fog. 240204
raze one car parking while another drove away. 240210
raze a sun-stung fedex driver carrying a heavy box on his shoulder. 240212
raze a muzzled labrador retriever pissing on the trunk of a tree. 240215
raze the quiet curve of a half-frozen road. 240217
raze a horde of hungry sparrows. 240218
raze a broken piece of styrofoam doing its best to pass for a pocket of snow. 240220
past the reflection of the days last gasp burning bright in an eastern neighbour's window. 240220
past ice floating down the river. 240227
raze an envelope gutted of its contents and abandoned at the lip of the driveway that brought it here. 240304
raze empty recycling boxes rimmed with rain. 240314
raze a doormat my eyes keep mistaking for an amazon package. 240315
raze a few very curious sparrows. 240321
raze a woman wearing headphones, her hair dyed the same shade of purple as her pants. 240324
raze a screaming child on a scooter, with his parents a good fifty paces behind him. 240326
raze a sign hammered into the dirt to make it known that the house on the corner has sold. 240331
raze the sun sliding out of the sky. 240401
raze a woefully brief bunny visit (a floof-by, if you like). 240404
raze a very squirrel-shaped shadow conjured by a shrub. 240408
Soma That the night outside was brighter than inside my dim abode. 240408
raze a man washing a tree. 240409
raze a neighbour having his lawn rolled because he saw the guy across_the_street having *his* lawn rolled yesterday, and he doesn't want someone else's grass to look nicer than his does. 240420
raze someone i hate talking to someone i've never seen before. 240421
raze a white-crowned sparrow. 240426
raze a garbage pail passed out in the middle of the road. 240509
raze an mnsi truck. 240510
raze weeds. 240513
raze a woman whose scarf was a stark swirl of darkness above the brightness of her dress. 240515
raze a sparrow listening to a robin's song. 240516
raze a woman wandering through her back yard, searching for something to maim. 240604
raze a man poking a tree with a stick. 240610
raze a garden being stared at and silently asked to tend itself. 240611
raze five foraging friends who will all be gone by the time i get outside. 240614
raze a black_and_white cat, but only in my dreams. 240615
raze a stick my eyes mistook for a massive worm or a small snake. 240617
raze a squirrel hanging from the trunk of a rain-ravaged tree, refusing to be driven back into their drey. 240625
raze my landlord peeling his shirt off and staring at it like he'd never seen it before and had no idea what it was for. 240626
raze a man making_love to his lawn. 240630
raze a small spider climbing a strand of invisible silk. 240701
raze an inattentive father who stopped staring at his phone long enough to prevent his little boy from running in front of a moving van by grabbing the top of his head, as if the toddler were a toy. 240702
raze a woman who would have been dressed completely in black, but for the white of her shoes. 240703
raze two young rabbits grazing and playing. 240714
raze the dampness dusk delivered. 240715
raze a four-legged friend on the roof. 240724
raze a pocket of moisture in the shape of a person scratching the back of one leg and turning to look at something behind them. 240726
raze a black wasp on the other side of the glass. 240729
raze the lights people leave on at night. 240801
raze the cardinal_couple, waiting for me. 240808
raze a man who sat staring at his steering wheel for ten minutes, as if he was waiting for the car to drive itself. 240814
raze a woman with short grey hair carrying a green bag. 240826
raze an unwanted shelf on wheels and a potted plant. 240830
raze a man plucking stray blades of grass from his lawn and flicking them onto the road. 240902
raze a dog watering a lawn the old fashioned way. 240904
raze a squirrel, a cardinal, and a rat having a polite conversation. 240910
raze a kid on a kick scooter screaming as loud as her lungs would let her. 240911
raze a man on his knees rearranging rocks at the base of a tree. 240912
e_o_i From the window in Dorval Library, a squirrel barely a metre away in the bushes. It dug something out of the mix of woodchips and soil, then ran its paws over its head, sides, and tail, probably grooming.

When I looked up a few minutes later, it was arguing with another squirrel over who got to eat some other food.
raze bobcats. not the animal, but two clueless men piloting clumsy machinery. 240913
raze the grand parade of lifeless packaging. 240919
raze a curly-haired kid with a shovel in one hand and his phone in the other, eyes on the screen instead of his work. this is what passes for landscaping now. 240920
raze a long metal arm reaching out of the bed of a truck to grapple with a massive green storage bin. 240921
raze unexplained pylons. 240926
raze a screaming blue_jay taking flight. 240928
raze a woman with sunburned arms raking invisible leaves. 241001
raze two porch-perching potted plants i keep mistaking for people. 241016
raze bloated garbage pails waiting to be gutted of their contents. 241017
raze fragments of a front_door a new fridge wouldn't fit through. 241029
raze a man who saw me and waved. 241108
raze someone who parked in the middle of the street and blocked traffic for twenty minutes so they could stare at their phone. 241109
raze my landlord raking leaves onto the road. 241110
raze indecision on wheels. 241111
raze the first_snow of this unforgiving fall. 241121
raze an illegally parked car. 241122
raze the dim light of a cold white morning. 241130
raze the wetworks of a wavering winter. 241220
raze an empty flowerpot writhing in the wind. 241223
raze a woman staring at the zipper of her coat like she thought it might speak to her. 241230
raze a man shoveling air from his driveway and tossing it into the snow. 250111
raze a clutter of starlings dancing from rooftop to tree and back again. 250115
raze a woman in hush puppies running_on_ice. 250116
raze one long frozen finger pointing at the ground. 250124
raze a woman in a puffy green coat eating a chocolate bar.

(i thought she was taking a bite out of her phone at first. that's how many people i see with their eyes glued to their screens.)
raze shredded junk_mail bleeding out in the gutter. 250131
raze smiles on the faces of two people who rarely seem pleased about anything. 250201
raze five_descriptions_for_fog. 250203
raze a city worker standing in the bed of a truck, staring at a street sign, trying to invent some noisy bit of nothing with which to justify his meaningless existence. 250204
raze an unused deck being swept. 250207
raze the dirt beneath the snow. 250216
what's it to you?
who go