tender_square someone used the tip of their shoe to draw a circle in mulch on the playground, right in front of the swings. they added two dots for eyes, two short lines for eyebrows, an 'l' for a nose, and a grin, topped the circle with a squiggly line.

it looked like a smiling charlie brown.
tender_square a triangular stone at the base of a tree had a hand-drawn furry blob with heart-eyes and a smile, and a bevy of hearts behind him. 220611
raze i swear this hand towel is pursing its lips at me, enjoying some private joke at my expense. if_only i could see what's in its eyes. 220614
tender_square a circular stone in a garden with big googly eyes, a round red nose, and a toothless grin, all of which managed to remind me of elmo’s effervescent joy. 220615
raze the sly smirk of two yellow extension cords slung low across the space made by an open door. 220618
raze a rusted manhole cover with sad eyes, an uncertain mouth, and an upside_down goldfish for a nose. 220620
tender_square a rusted sewer grate with wide-set eyes and sleep-deprived puffiness, its twig-mouth twisted into a frown. 220715
raze every unused three-pronged wall outlet starts to look ambivalent, if not horrified, if you spend enough time staring. 220724
raze the side of my cheese grater seemed to be very pleased about something yesterday. 220804
raze a whole body burned into the table by the hot breath of a bowl of brussels sprouts, like a sardonic stick figure born in the childhood dreams of a future animator. 220805
past "look at those rock giants!" he yells from behind me, alerting us that he was now awake. the highway traces a path through the shield, curving around hills, but at times stubborn rock croppings were dynamited to make way for speed and progress. but in a child's mind, at least, the blasting freed the rocks' spirits. 220805
raze twigs and maple seeds in the driveway, scattered and shaped by the wind into one of the most defeated expressions i've ever seen. one eye closed and crying. the other open and clear, but blind to anything that's real. 220827
tender_square a maple's chopped limbs leave protruding stumps for eyes, and a wrinkle of bark gives a sly half-grin. 220828
raze i found a very excited chicken in my potato salad the other day. 220908
raze a leering strand of spaghettini in an otherwise empty colander. its smile was so demonstrative, it didn't need any other features to get its point across. 220909
tender_square a smattering of wood chips became a skull staring back at me through the forest floor. 220917
raze a pillow's friendly folds gathered themselves into the shadow of a self-satisfied shark, green and glimpsed in profile. 220925
tender_square the twisted trunk of a tree morphs into a protruding stag head. 221003
raze a serpentine grin sculpted by squirrel piss on a cement block. 230206
raze lately, what my feet have been bringing inside the house. a series of duets for twig and foliage. a different expression every day. 230313
raze the can opener is looking pretty pissed_off right about now. 230331
raze i didn't notice my sandwich winking at me until i cut it in half. 230930
raze in the tree on the side of my latest box of walnuts, i see a man with a wide nose and a strange simper. 231001
raze every single slice of bread lately is a friendly ghost, or so it seems. 231101
raze a cartoon fish with its eyes bugging out of its head in the grime that blights a toilet seat's stiff upper lip. 231227
raze the bathtub's overflow drain is always staring at me like it's quietly embarrassed about something. 240202
raze the cheese on today's roast beef sandwich melted into a startling riff on edvard munch's "the scream". 250104
raze the thin fabric of this dish towel has frayed to form a face that looks like it's very stoned and about to tell a joke. 250125
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