mon trim the excess
cut out the bad parts
fashion me unique
falling like a snowflake
a single line threaded
between twin blades
nom i couldn't find
in vancouver
cr0wl help! i'm being chased by a giant pair! 091016
kerry heavy, cold, steel, ancient. i imagine my grandmother used them to cut fabric.
i’ve used them to cut
paper cardboard hair fabric fishing line wires canvas yarn dead branches flower stems
surprised i’ve never had to sharpen them
unhinged since my dad died, my mother is trying to get rid of everything. even her things.

she had these crazy looking scissors that made decorative cut edges on things, scrapbooking scissors. she gave them to me for my collages. decorative edges don't seem like my thing but I took them anyway because i knew she would not relent until i accepted. just like her dad.
raze mine are hot drop forged steel. made in italy. so old the handle has lost most of its black and any amount of use loosens the screw that binds the blades. i've lost count of how many times i've had to tighten it with a few turns of my thumbnail. these scissors will cut through anything but flesh. i wouldn't dream of trading them for a prettier pair. 230620
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