uow the city is full of seagulls
some standing with one foot only
some flying above you in the morning
space-age birdmad on an unrelated note,

i'm listening to a flock of them right now
thunderbuck ram the seagulls they fly high in Mobile
yes the seagulls they fly high in Mobile
the seagulls they fly high
and they shit right in your eye
it's a blessing cows don't fly in Mobile
nom i saw seagulls in the city 060308
nom i heard them too 060308
nom i love seagulls
i love hearing them in the morning
and the afternoon, i love hearing them in the city
nom and rain 070426
crOwl i love seagulls as well, but rarely do we see them around these parts. now, if we were talking about robins.... 070426
c r 0 w l if i was a bird, i laways thought i would want to be a cuckoo bird, but actually i know i'd be a dirty seagull with one leg. 080209
. they prefer bus stops and deserts these days
they are totally fucked up if you ask me
raze whenever there was a group of them standing around in a parking lot, she would run toward them screaming at the top of her lungs. she wasn't trying to scare them. she wanted to see them fly, and this was the way she knew how to make it happen. they would take off in an explosion of white feathers, and she would watch them and smile so wide.

it's hard to believe we were ever that young. but we were.
what's it to you?
who go