Black Argonaut Students for
Of all

est. 2003
pilgrim 01976
San Jose California
Air as Brown as a Cigarette stained Fingertip lays low on the Horizon,
Completly obscuring the Low Brown Hills less than a Mile Away.
This can't be Healthy
But No One seems at all Concerned.
polluted bird 020207 - chaperoning a group of kids on a hiking trip in one of the city's mountain parks. suddenly regretting the little box of coffin nails in my desk drawer at the office. Looking out as i stop at the 1/3 mark of the advance trail and looking at the city and realizing i am eye-level with the yellow-brown cloud that stretches from one end of this bowl-shaped valley to the other, wondering when i will have enough breath to catch up to the kids at the pace they are sprinting up the hill and envying them of it. Just then a reprieve - i can see another chaperone gasping for air further up the trail two or three switchbacks up above me and as i begin to move on again, a tourist who has never hiked here before in conditions of unseasonable warmth and high pollution begins to falter just as i catch him.

Another hiker and i carried him back down to a safe spot on the trail and were lucky that there was a group of EMT's and firefighters conducting a mountain rescue exercise just a few hundred yards away, so that when the other hiker dialed 911, instead of seeing a truck come in from outside the park, the ambulance came from the other parking lot just around the bend where we had not even seen it or known it was there

and i wondered how much that cloud weighed in contributing to that man's distress
what's it to you?
who go