nom up and down my avenue 070223
nom and azaleas
and other pretty pretty flowers
epitome of incomprehensibility Today! March 30! Not even April yet!

This afternoon, I was taking Shiloh for a walk. He'd just pooped in a yard next to the park and I was moving in to pick it up when I noticed something blue next to the house. Flowers? Flowers now!? Or just some plastic thing that looked flower-like? I walked up closer to investigate.

A car came in the driveway. Honked. I spun around. Even before the woman in it opened her door I started walking back to the road and going, "Sorry, I was just going closer to look at the flowers, to see if they were really flowers."

Instead of going, "Get the hell off my lawn" - an attitude the honk might have foreshadowed - she said brightly, "Oh yes, they're crocuses!"

I mumbled something and looked to see if I'd accidentally stepped back into the poop. Thankfully but uncomically, no. And after I picked it up and was heading to throw the bag in the park's garbage, the person called out, "You can pick one if you want!" (In reference to the crocuses, not to more dog doo.)

"No thanks, I was just curious! Have a nice day!" - things like this escaped my mouth and I fled to the dog park, embarrassed but still intrigued. Flowers! In March!


Turns out the crocuses on my parents' lawn are also in bud stage. Four thin ellipses of pale lavender. They'll open up into a bluer flower. Not a lot of flowers are so blue (the rhyme about violets lies; those are purple). But yes. The friendly neighbour's were first.
e_o_i (I shouldn't say "also in bud stage." I mean, they're also visible crocuses, BUT still in bud stage. The other people's have bloomed already. editing_self_talk.) 240330
e_o_i Saw another lawn with some, this time white and purple. I forgot they can be different colours. 240331
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