raze morning through a skylight window. a half moon, with no sun yet to meet it, set deep in a blanket of dark blue. i wish i could paint the painting i see right in front of me. 130501
(z) (what stops you?) 130501
raze lack of any talent when it comes to the visual side of art, really...i could write about it, or sing about it, or create a melody inspired by it, and that might work out okay. but if i tried to capture it as an image in any way other than snapping a picture with my mind, i could never hope to do it justice. 130501
() (fear is no excuse. if you can see it in your mind, you can push paint until it resembles what you see. forget technique. just play. try) 130501
raze another one this morning. in twenty nine years i don't think i ever really took the time to stare at the moon-filled morning sky. i was missing out. 130503
raze i still think about what you wrote on this blathe sometimes, zeke. i wish i'd told you how much i appreciated your encouragement at the time. i've yet to play around with paint, but i've been painting with my words. a lot. i don't doubt my brushwork as much as i used to.

i wish you were still around so i could say thank you. i'll say it anyway.
what's it to you?
who go