tender_square the power of the pose
is lost on me; knee bent,
hips screaming. i raise
my gaze above my front
arm, extended and held
parallel, but i can’t see
beyond the horizon of
my fingertips, can’t
summon the strength
needed to bear invisible
caresses, can’t shake
uncertainty weakening
the grip my clenched
heart has on the future.
xelda About to leave for yoga class in 8 minutes, you've given me food for thought (or food for breath?). I've been fascinated by how different this pose feels day by day, year by year, even decade by decade, at this point. Doing the same thing helps me see the changes. 211130
unhinged shiva rea's radiant heart yoga is still my favorite sequence of all time

needs more yoga in her life
kerry my favorite warrior. lean into the front leg, thigh horizontal, knee over ankle. hipbones turned out like headlights, shoulders straight above hips.

if your wings are tired, leigh would say to us, loosen your shoulders and let your arms swing down, across, then lift up again. settle in, spread your new wings.
what's it to you?
who go