Not sure why I'm back here. A finger poked into the water can only create ripples, a ripple can only distort one's own reflection, and with so many poking fingers, so many ripples here...there is no reflection that resembles anything so much as a confetti of confusion spread with an even hand across the waters. Perhaps, in the end, another finger dipped into the pool isn't a means to any end at all, just the rambling fancy of a finger on the end of an arm at the tip of a whim on the edge of a mind's errant fancy. What harm is there in adding to the chaos when hope has abandoned these choppy shores to their own devices? What notice will be paid to a single senseless swirl in a sea of many? What resemblance to the hand, the whim and the mind that bore them all to this fractured mirror of a place could possibly be seen upon its surface? So these words are pointless, they all are, always have been. We are talking to ourselves though our heart clings to the false hope of another's ears, eyes and heart...in the end the others are too busy babbling to themselves to hear our cries. What did you have to say anyway? What do any of us? Nothing if we do not read our words and recognize the reflection there. There is a message that each soul screams out daily under the guise of communication, a slip of paper come beneath its prison walls beckons we pay heed. These are your words; not meant for any but you, not heard by any but you, not read by any but you. And you do not read them, but for their cleverness, their profundity, their profanity..while deep within some solemn slumber's walls, the spirit within rattles its cup against those Bastille gates...begging that we show it a touch of mercy. It pleads for a lifetime in which its voice is heard by the intended recipient: you. It's one true hope: that it's voice not become some errant convolution in an already ripple-polluted sea, but be read by YOU, the author.
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In a small discussion group somewhere, a single voice murmurs to itself in overtones that bely their undertones... "This mirror thing has caught my attention and become the theme for today's understanding. I've seen how this works on several occasions today. It's very real...and quite self-explanatory now that I'm ready to understand it. Much of the confusion which confounds our understanding is caused by two factors: The first being our own actions and their subsequent reaction, the second being the actions of others based on a distorted perception of reality, both a result of errant conditioning. These can be understood by way of the mirror analogy: Let me begin by attempting to express the first; my own actions and the subsequent reactions they cause. I tried to describe it earlier. It is the "Do unto others" "Like begets like" effect. This mirror will reflect what it is shown, "this mirror" being the world around us and the people within it. If I express hate...then I will observe hate. If I give hate or love...I will receive hate or love. If I break wind (pardon me ladies) and exit the room leaving others to experience my funk, then I will encounter a distasteful funk somewhere along the way... I'm only seeing me...my actions and emotions and then my effect upon the world around me reflected back. In the world in general..the natural, "inanimate" world, it is a "fairly simple" observation of action-reaction. It is when one begins to interact with that portion of the world that contains other confused spirits, that even greater complications arise. We are both of this world..flesh, brain and emotion, and not of it...spirit, essence. Imagine the worldy part of us, is a blind man facing a mirror.. We have been beaten...and so we throw our arms up in protective gestures. The mirror(the others around us) also throw their arms up. We have been mocked and so we cast suspicious looks to and fro... The mirror (other people) also look upon us with suspicious eyes.. We have been taught to hit first and ask later...and so we swing our arms wildly. The mirror(other people) swing back at us. Our actions...create reactions...and this is "like begets like" this is "do unto others" this explains how the mirror will react, if we act upon it. Let's say you don't know the mirror is there, and walking past it...you see your reflection and are frightened...or perhaps disgusted. The mirror will reflect your fright...or disgust. But not knowing that it is your reflection..thinking that it is SOMEONE else, you will perhaps be frightened even more by it's movements (which are only mirror images of your own.) The mirror will of course reflect your new reaction to what you have seen. This is you...your actions and the subsequent reactions. Your "blind" actions that are the result of conditioning. You have been beaten and so you throw up your arms. You have been mocked and so you are suspicious. You have been taught to hit first...and so you strike out. This creates much of what you see around you. The first step is to remove these actions that are the result of conditioning from the picture, because the second part is what complicates things. The second part consists of the actions of others...based upon a distorted perception of reality. It is THEIR actions, based upon THEIR conditioning. And so, they cannot reflect your actions perfectly as a mirror could, because THEIR action/reaction complex is added into the mix. This is how the people differ from the rest of the world around you...they are NOT a clear reflection of your actions, but a reflection of your actions combined with their own. From their perspective, you are a funhouse mirror and from your perspective...they are. And generally neither party sees that they are dealing with a reflection. Once you have ceased to create reactions by removing your actions that are a result of conditioning from the mirror-play...what you will observe...are THEIR actions. And from those actions..you can decipher...the nature of their conditioning."
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Death of a Rose
Daffy, what's up doOd?
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TK / Toxic_Kisses
I’ve missed you some times I find myself nostalgically walking through the old corridors of your words wishing you’d come back, and now that you’re here it seems as if you feel out of place, as if maybe your afraid you’ve been forgotten(?) and you don’t quite know what to say, after all why put the effort into saying anything at all if no one else reads or reply’s to it right (“We are talking to ourselves though our heart clings to the false hope of another's ears, eyes and heart...in the end the others are too busy babbling to themselves to hear our cries”) ? I hear you, I may not always understand what your saying but I try *hugs* I’ve missed you and I’m glad your back, even if momentarily, even if you don’t really feel like talking it’s still good to know your around
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Why speak words in expectation of having them ignored? Who would do such a thing? Certainly not me. I am reading my words. That is the point, that is the purpose, that is the nature of it. A fool was scrambling around on his hands and knees in the garden when his neighbor happened along. "Doing a little gardening, neighbor?" he asked. "No", replied the fool, "I've lost my keys and I'm looking for them." Trying to be helpful, the neighbor asked the fool where he had last seen the keys. "Well, the last time I saw them, they were in my house", came the fool's reply. "You idiot! If you lost them in your house, then why are you looking for them here in the garden?" "Because" the fool replied, "there's more light out here." There's more light out here, TK.
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florescent light
I love you Mr. Daframan and I miss this place I don't visit much anymore I changed, or maybe this place has changed it outgrew me I will come back someday but now is not my time. but I did come by for a stroll and I thought of you feeling a slight sentimate compels me to state the following I care about you and I appreciate you. and if there is anything I can ever do for you, I am here. thank you.
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::looks contemplatively at a bleeping dot on the blueprint of her history::
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what's it to you?