no matter how hot it is outside, i have to have a blanket or sheet of somesort covering my hips. i also have an array of about five positions in which i sleep, very structured
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Sailor Jupiter
I always have to have a blanket over my feet. Sometimes I talk or sing in my sleep. I had a bad habit of sleep walking as a kid. I would often wake up under the Christmas tree a lot.
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blown cherry
Have to have my ear, if not my head covered by the sheet. And I prefer lots of heavy woollen blankets to a light doona any day.
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i sleep with a comforter even when it's 90 (sometimes i will downgrade to a sheet but it has to be really damn hot) and i like to be completely covered from head to toe. i squirm a lot in my sleep and i'm very uncomfortable and touchy when i sleep with someone else.
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stork daddy
i hold my penis in one hand while i'm sleeping. I don't masturbate, i just hold it there, like i'm afraid of it getting away.
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I too have to have at least the corner of a sheet over my hips. Even if it's so hot I have to sleep naked, I'll have my sheet. I can't sleep with my face covered. I don't like the the hot air coming back on my face from my breath. I don't move much when I sleep. I don't talk in my sleep either. I'm a boring sleeper...
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i'm also very uncomfortable when not sleeping alone. i need to have my feet totally clean and without any sheets to sleep peacefully, even in winter. i'm claustropedic. i barely support socks and shoes.
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stork daddys penis
actually, i do get away sometimes, your fingers are in on the plot, weve been at it for years i am responsible for all of the nearby grafitti and about a third of the crime rate within a two mile radius of the house
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I don't sleep well. Somethimes I don't sleep no matter how tired I am. I have trouble breathing. Don't like being too hot, but sleep betther with my mink blanket and a duvet because the weight is nice. You can tell a lot about a person from how they sleep. When someone sleeps, the muscles in their face relax. This is the only time it happens, so next time look at your partners face while they are asleep, because it's the only time you'll see what they really look like.
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I have to be breathing in air that's cooler than my body temperature. it's weird cause I have to keep a fan blowing all night or else I think I'm going to suffocate. I also have to have my hips covered. doesn't matter if my legs are covered, just have to have my hips covered. I can't stand to have anything brush against my big toe nails. It drives me out of my mind and I can't sleep if it happens.. it actually has been known to wake me up. My feet have to be just the right temperature or I can't sleep either... christ I'm a picky sleeper.
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I've got this thing about socks... I can't fall asleep without socks and i have to have a blanket pulled up, all the way up and over my shoulders. im weird, i know...
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I can't sleep w/ out holding something, weather it be a stuffed bear or another pillow, other wise I end up tossing and turning all night unable to get comphy
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arwyn, I'm the same as you besides the toenail thing. i go crazy if theres no fan. i also kick right before i wake up, if someone is sleeping next to me. kick them a few times until im awake enough to realize someone is next to me. yeah.
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toxic_kisses and i have some sleeping habits in common...*i must be completely covered, over my head, with a little air pocket to breathe, and *usually i have to have socks unless it's super-hot, and *i must be cradling something in my arms or i don't know what to do with them and it takes me forever to fall asleep... i had trouble all through childhood but i think it is getting better
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i usually sleep on my side with the covers pulled up above my ear, one arm around my bear and the other either under the pillow or on my lower abdomen area also with another small pillow in between my legs--curled up. if i don't have my bear or a person, i sleep on my stomach, one hand on my lower abdomen area and the other under my head with my legs straight and sometimes overlapping at the ankles. if i sleep with another person i am as close as possible with one leg over their hips, one arm over them and the other hand on my stomach. i need to have something covering my feet. i sleep with as many blankets as possible, over my ear but bunched up under my chin. although i am a picky sleeper, i have been known to fall asleep in a chair sitting straight up on odd days when i'm insanely tired.
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I talk in my sleep way more often that anyone else I've ever heard of. I do it almost nightly, and I'm the most vocal when sleeping in the same room or same bed as someone else. I've woken myself up talking before. Also, I tend to sleepwalk occasionally. I once bruised my entire left arm trying to get out my (locked) front door. I cannot sleep with socks on, or with clothing that is big enough to twist around my body when I turn over.
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i used to end up hanging half-way off the bed, or with my head at the end my feet started out at, or just laying on the mattress with nothing because i completely kicked off (and launched across the room) 3 layers of covers. then sleep became too precious to waste, so now i fall asleep atop tossled covers and four pillows, and wake up with differently tossled covers and differently arranged four pillows. i must do a lot of moving in my sleep... oh, and apparently i wheeze-snore-mumble...depends on who you ask.
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weird_sleeping_hobbits ...
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your guardian angel
stork, you must look carefully you'll find the girl to keep your penis from getting away.
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I have to have lots and lots of pillows. Even in the summer, I need to have a comforter tucked in over my shoulders. I toss and turn all night, talk in my sleep, and apparently sit up and sing on occasion. I need music. If I go to bed to early, like, before 1 am, I wake up every two hours until I finally get out of bed. I used to feel like i was choking to death whenever i went to bed. Thankfully, I'm over that now. (this was only a few years ago..) Hmm.. Whatelse?
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Shek alays sleps wiht a pillow in between her legs.jb talks in her sleep. steph likes to hit in her sleep i sleep as u would describr a spelling vampire or in fedial position.
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micky jo
i have 10 pillows but my head only lays on one the rest fill up space in my huge bed i have never been comfortable in a twin size bed and i am never comfortable sleeping alone i press my back against the pillows to feel something i only sleep with one comforter, usually a size too small for the bed and i can not sleep with shorts or pants on or anything that might twist around my thighs and i always wake up reaching for someone whether they are there or not i also have been known to talk, curse, and fight in my sleep and a few times i was caught sleeping with my eyes open
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i'll hold your penis. i'll hold it tight while you sleep. i'll squeeze it but it won't hurt too much. and i my ass likes to walk in it's sleep. you should hold onto it for me please. my pussy snaps noticeably from it's wetness.
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stork daddy
as long as it doesn't hurt too much.
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i have to have a blanket to cover me up to my shoulders.. my feet HAVE to be covered... i can not sleep if the covers go over my head.... i sleep on my side.... usually lay down on my left side... but don't fall asleep untill i turn to my right... and i have to read a book.... read until i finally find sleep... i used to have to have the lights off and the room silent to sleep but now my cats make sure there is no silence....
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dont sleep for 2 days, sleep for 28 hours, sleep from 5am-8am, strange strange summer
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i can only describe the position i sleep as half way between sleeping on my side and on my stomache. one arm is stretched under my one pillow and the other is up near my face. i have to sleep with some cover, i like a duvet, but in the summer i can stand just a sheet. i can't sleep well with my boyfriend, who can fall asleep anyway and always tries to hold me in my sleep. right before he falls asleep all of his muscles contract and he jumps in his sleep.
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must sleep with something in my arms, between my legs, against my back, mainly cradled by pillows, quilt fully covering, likes to sleep in socks but not a fan of pants. and i must sleep on my stomach, leg fully jutting out.
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my sleep is all messed up, because I'm in England and I'm usually from America. So if I go to sleep here at midnight, it feels like 6 pm, so I have to stay awake until at least 3 or 4. Then I wake up really late, because if I get up at 9 here, it's really 3 at home. It's uber weird.
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I have to sleep with my back to a wall. Some weird phobia I've had about something stabbing me in the back.... If I don't have a wall, I sleep smack in the center of the bed. I also have to have my ear covered if I sleep on my side; I'm freaked out about a spider getting in my ear. ugh. I think these phobias are getting better though.... And I can't stand sheets, I only sleep with a comforter.
what's it to you?