cancerian freakizh but..
they're so weird!

(hush.. don't provoke them.. they might hurt us)
Dafremen Yes, I have neglected poor Capricorn. After this, my opus will be complete. Here we go...!

Ahhhh, Capricorn, the sure-footed mule. For those of you well-versed in Latin, you already know that "cap" means hat, and "ricorn" means (roughly) acorn.

Capricorns, just like everyone else born between the days of December 22nd and January 19th, make great lawyers, doctors, and government officials. This is due to their logical minds.

Elvis Presley was a Capricorn. He reasoned his way through many fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and would have made a great doctor.

Erotically speaking, Capricorn likes it when you suck his d*ck. Girl Capricorns I'm not so sure about...

Capricorn is represented by the planet Saturn, the ringed planet, which I guess means that Capricorns like rings. Or maybe their interpersonal relationships are largely of a cyclical nature. Yeah, that sounds better.

By thw way, Capricorn, your lucky numbers are 13, 3, 8, and 31, and you will soon begin a new and exciting relationship.

There you have it, folks. Remember, science can't disprove astrology--just like it can't disprove the existence of bigfoot, or free will or leprechauns or dragons; just like it can't disprove that Elvis is still alive, or that Christ rose from the dead, or that onions once ruled the Earth, because absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
stork daddy first of all, absence of evidence in something which is supposed to predict our daily lives is pretty much evidence of absence. i mean, if horoscopes are supposed to describe us and they can only do as well as chance in correct descriptions, what does that say for them as a system. and you're right. science can't prove anything. there's always a chance there's some other cause out there, however it is one of our more useful ways of describing something. which is more than can be said for horoscopes. my horoscope told me recently i'd buy clothes sometime in the future. but qualified it with a maybe. way to go out on a limb. anyways. i happen to like my horoscope. as a scorpio, my sting can either be deadly and sharp or permissive and weak. i scuttle under rocks etc. etc. they are fun metaphors. and kudos to the artists who thought them up. please no one misunderstand that as a shot at art. art is often a much more useful way of describing the world. after all, science can't really tell us anything about what we should do untill it is too late. this is notable with things in which there is no perfectly analgous precedent like nuclear war or human cloning. we need art to see what our basic self reported feelings are on things. art is the wisdom we don't know we know yet. 021018
Dafremen Gosh dang you, Stork Daddy! I wanted to pick a fight I could win, do0d!

How am I supposed to intellectually dominate this website when y0o consistently prove to be my mental superior?

And why can't you accept that there are precisely 12 different types of people in this entire world? Are you saying that you've known people who were born in the same month who actually (chuckle)had DIFFERENT character traits? That's inSanE, d0od!
huh? ok, so my new theory is that stork daddy aka 5othernames is the one pretending to be dafreman. so how bout it, do I win a set of golden anal beads? 021018
????????????? Nope, but it does sort of look that way, doesn't it? Stork Daddy is a much better writer than I. 021018
stork daddy wanna hear my theory? i bet you dafremen is pretending to be stork daddy. nah. but i didn't write those fun entries, as a consolation though you can have my old gold anal beads. It's time for some new ones anyways. 021018
Dafremen Well folks, looks like kingsuperspecial has been up to his old trick. (Impersonating yours truly.) I apologise for his shenanigans in advance. He's a wascally one that KSS. (Send him fan mail if you like.) I will be getting to Insights_into_Capricorn on Sunday. You folks will no doubt be a bit apalled at my putting off today what I SHOULD be taking care of today, but, alas, I am not a Cappy and haven't even a touch of Cappy in me. (sniff...I could probably use some of your organizational skills and your incredible ability to follow through too!) Please forgive this procrastinating old Libran and allow me to assure you that you have not been forgotten. I will try to make your insights worth the wait.

: )
Dafremen P.S. Stork daddy, you're the victim of the same leprechaun that I am, do0d. I would NEVER blather under another person's moniker. THat's been a no-no ever since I got online. No, KSS finds you just as long winded and arrogant as he finds me, either that, or he's just raking the coals to see what sort of blaze he can ignite between us. Cest La Vie. Free_expression isn't always pretty man, but at least it's free, and I'm the last one to throw a rock when it comes to freedom of expression. I enjoy mine too much. Anyhow, best of luck to you. You should be able to tell when it's me most of the time, once you catch on to the differences. They're glaring enough that a lot of folks CAN tell the difference. 021018
????????????? Nope. I only impersonated Daffyman, and I'm not KingSuperSpecial. 021018
????????????? And Daffyman, you shouldn't compare yourself to Stork Daddy. He may have authored some long posts, but he's not boring (like you). 021018
????????????? And don't call me a leprechaun, you Zodiac-obsessed homo. 021018
????????????? And I don't want to "ignite" any "blazes" for a couple reasons: 1) You're already flaming, and 2) You're implying that I'm creating an unnatural rift between Stork Daddy and You. Bullshit. You don't get along with people 'cause you're an asshole. 021018
????????????? But come on, Daffyman, I said that Capricorn was a "sure-footed mule". Don't you find that funny at all? You used to love my pokes--or at least you SAID that you did. What happened? I thought this was all "part of the show". Ohhhh, wait, I get it--THIS is part of the show, too! Silly me. Well played, old man! The show goes on indeed! 021018
stork daddy no one has written as me as far as i can tell. i'm just disclaiming writing those things under your name. ah...deflection. what an interesting happening. 021018
cancerian freakizh you all, capricorns, right?
Dafremen No none of this is practical enough to have come from a Capricorn. This is all gibberish..on all sides. Poke Away, old bean...I never said it wasn't part of the's just that the three ring circus has other rings and your act is the pink pony riders. You've seen one pony rider, you've seen em all. Onward and upward, all means, KSS old man. The show MUST go on. (Oh and thanks for the @sshole compliment. I had no idea my performance was that convincing. *bow*) Now if you'll excuse me, I have other fro0ty things to do. Like BLATHE incessantly. Good luck! : ) 021020
Dafremen see also:
????????????? Well, okay Daffyman, in the three ring circus analogy, I guess you'd be the sword swallower, given your well-honed ability to deep-throat long hard objects.

And here's another compliment: you are a sto0pid cunt.
Dafremen Boy did this guy blow town fast. Guess he wasn't getting the desired effect. Silencing blowhards like him is as easy as shutting up. Remember that when dealing with me. 030722
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