Let's discus the wonders of adults Ever head the saying mommy knows best? Well what if mommy is a drunken drug dealing slut, what then. All these stupid quotes that deal with parenting and being an adult were made up by 30 year old adults and up, like opera. First off, why the hell do parents get involved in your personal life? I always seem to get the excuse, it's because we care. I know that's bull shit. My theory is that they make sure they want to keep you out of trouble. The actions of a child reflects on the parent. You get caught smoking weed or drinking, suddenly every old betty at the doghnut shop at the corner of 73rd and Main is gossiping about you. Every bitchy lady is talking about you and your parents on the phone with her 45 year old girlfriends. Most parents in truth don't care about you, only their reputation. Has anyone seen this stupid comercial with this snot nosed bretty kids in black and white all talking to a camera about how parents should know what their children are and doing 24 hours a day. Opera should be shot. I can understand it when you are a little elemntary kid, but a 17 year old, that's not right. Parents seem to get a rise out of digging through your room and looking for things that they know are not there. One of these days I'm just going to go but some meth and put it in plain view in my sock drawer. Just so I can make my parents believe that their views are correct, that I am a screw up. I know what is right and wrong, and the funnist part is I didn't learn those morals from my parents. Sesame Street and teachers, they are to thank. That's the next thing, living up to their ideals. Fuck them. I tired doing that once. My father likes football and I don't. All it is is a bunch of steroid cocks running up and down a 100 yard field hitting each other. Let's hear it for fucking testosterone! Anyway, so I go out for football in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade. It was hell. There was no point to it. I only did it to make my dad happy. All I got out of it were burses that spaned the length of my upper arms. So then I tried wrestling when I was a freshman. That was fun, I'll tell you what. Everyone says that people who go out for band and drama are fags. Yet people who go out for drama and band dont spend their time wearing skin tight clothing and rubbing bodies with other men. So after all that I finally came to the realization that I didn't need to live up to their expectations, fuck em'. If one of their friends sees me driving my car 5 miles over the speed limit with a sunkist in my right hand and my left hand on the wheel. Do I slow down? Hell no, if I don't like them I give them I either ignore them, or tell them to fuck off if I really hate them. If a 16 year old girl and a 30 year old man get in a crash, why is the youngest one to blame? Especially if it was the fault of the 30 year old. The guys ran a red light, but what does the police man care since the 30 year old man is well-known and has "a name" Parents always look at a teen and expect the worst. When a few of my friends went into the military, some of the adults I know questioned their motives and figured they would come out as these men who would marry a crack hore and live in a trailer park. That may sound strange, but that is the way Algona is. Everytime I go out with my mother somewhere, she will point out to me the people she sees and what is wrong with them. That girl has had sex, that boy smokes, that kid is a little bastard. I always think to myself, mother, you should just mind your own business. Another great thing is the fact that adults like to swear a lot. And they do it mostly around my little 6 year old brother. So when my brother hears these words he thinks they are ok because adualts are saying it. So when he repeats them my mother takes him away and spanks him and/or washes his mouth out with a bar of lava soap. When I confronted her about it her only excuse was, I'm the mother, I can do what I want. Yep, that made a lot of sense to me. And what about spanking. All thse adualts sy it should be allowed. In my point of view, spanking can lead to the cration of masichoists(spelling) and bondage lovers. Over time kids will get used to the pain and learn to love it. That's just my warped theory. And most can't even make up their minds. And it's not about small things, like whether they should have the chicken or the fish. It's things like religion in schools. Who gives a damn if my kids prayes in class or before a softball game. All politicians are stupid. "The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars." -William Westmoreland "I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in." -George McGovern I love these quotes, because they are the total truth at how stupid some people are The best of all had to be when I dyed my hair orange. My parnets could only think about what would the other people say. What would their friends say. I think that was the main reason why I did it. I'm going to repeat this again, Opera should be shot. She has this asshole on who tries to help couples with their marrages and shit. So people tell me I'm not mature, I'm not the person who got married to a woman who cheats on me, or who I don't love anymore. Then she has these therapests on who always talk about parents and how responsible they should be blah blah blah...I can't even walk out the door with out my mother asking where I'm going, even I'm only walking to the 7-11 to pick up a damn bag of skittles. If I am actually going somewhere important I'll leave a note, but basically that is only for the people in my family to tell anyone else that calls where I am. And why the hell do the people in my family always take over the computer. If I am getting up to go to the bathroom, someone will come in and read my conversations and shut off anything else I was doing. I'll be standing there washing my hands and suddenly I'll hear this shout. "Hey, mom, Casey said to Jim that he like Mary Sue," or some crap like that. God poeple piss me off. Well my bitch session is over now, bye
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