lidown d 030412
whome This kid in a class of mine always tells us how he believes in Communism, like that makes him so revolutionary. I hate that type of 'more radical than thou' bullshit. I sure hope I never get like that. 031104
Whitechocolatewalrus Ahaha, there's this kid I know who thinks that Russia is the best country ever and that every country should convert to communism. Doesn't he realize that there is a reason why most countries are not communist? What is wrong with people these days? 031104
REAListic optimIST communism has faith in humanity to strife to be better. capitalism is all about the carrot. i wish we didn't need a carrot, and that corruption wasn't inevitable. i can't wait for the next revolution of political thought that encompasses the idealism of communism with the realism of capitalism. 031104
whome I don't see what's so fucking realistic about capitalism. As it now exists, it depends on INFINITE REOURCES. How about the realism of ecology? Huh? 031105
REAListic optimIST i am speaking from the perspective of what is realistic to expect of humans, not what is realistic with respect to how things are. clearly, humans are too selfish to be concerned with concepts as abstract as depletion of the topsoil or pollution of the rivers; and by concerned, i mean willing to sacrifice personal comfort in order to make a difference. the realism in capitalism lies in the baiting of humans with money. we need that carrot to go on working and to go on contributing to society. and as ayn rand would say, that carrot can drive us to excel to the extent of our greed, which far outweighs our pride and work ethic combined. hrm maybe she wouldn't say that. misstree? a little help? 031105
Bizzar I went to Washington DC to protest the war, and to promote unity, there were 60,000+ people there who all thought the way I did, who all believed in the things I believe in, and I never felt more love towards humans in general.

But there was one group of about 12 men in black suits (go figure) calling us communists for standing up for what I believe in. Now, is this just anger from people who are afraid of us because we know what we want? Because if unity is communism, then fuck... sign me up.

I wish I would have brought my camera, to know that out of 60,000 people about 12 did not follow the beliefs we follow. So what is it that REALLY makes me a communist? Is it because I dont believe in the things I was programmed to believe? Because I promote peace? Because I condemn the things that they give us to keep us occupied, to keep us from thinking for ourselves... TV is a one way conversation. And the media teaches us to fear our fellow man. Because this is what I believe in, thinking for yourself, and loving every man or woman for who they are, a person, a human being... this makes me a communist?

Life, liberty and the pursuit of the almighty dollar...

oops. I mean pursuit of happiness...

But then again... they are one and the same.
misstree um, trying to grab on to the wiggly carrot, i think i'm seeing that point... basically, well, aynie would say that we shouldn't need the carrot, that we should produce works of quality simply for their own sake, as tribute to our godhood, as an expression of Life... 'course, that's her idea of the ideal person... she would probably say that the most noble motivator is pride... not an outside reward, which would be money or recognition or lack of negative response... to her, money was a tool, a lower symbol... around it many brains are warped, thinking of the goal itself...

her big nasty with communism, though, is that it reduces the individual... all is done for the collective, for the good of others rather than the good of the self or even the desire of the self, and as she regards selfishness as quite a virtue, this is a bad thing... destroy the individual and you destroy the right to pride... you exalt those that are able to be more homogenized than the next, rather than those who are more capable... in communism, individual achievement is not an end in itself...

not sure what else to say on lil' miss rand's take on it, reread we_the_living not too long ago so i may have more stored up there... but really, i'm not all that fond of the compassionless bitch who probably never went on a midnight playground run in her life except that she had some good ideas buried in some very dangerous virii...

and as far as what about protesting makes someone a communist... it was the epitomal enemy for a long time, it was eurasia and eastasia and we have always been anticommunist and the commie threat is looming over america, here to kill your sons and rape your daughters... communism is unamerican... communism is against Greed, thus against one of the bigwig deities hereabouts... communism is a convenient blanket fear to group people in, and "protestors" just doesn't have the weight of insult that is implied with communism... not yet anyhow, though it's pushing in that direction... dissent is quite "unpatriotic" is what big_brother would have you think... and the bro-man has his fingers pretty deep into a lot of brains... but there's also a whole lot of us little rodents running around just out of grasp, taking a tiny chunk of flesh from massive hand any time we can get in close enough... the healing and the biting... keep your fangs sharp, kids, there's a frenzy a'building...

...somewhere in there is a point. maybe two. bust out the junior detectve kit and hunt for it yourself if it matters....
smurf no, nevermind, i have nothing 040419
notme 040419
u24 "really, i'm not all that fond of the compassionless bitch"

really? i couldn't tell...
User24 as usual, bear in mind my lack of knowledge on this subject (I did try to read "a history of the soviet union", but only got a few hundred pages in)

k, I think the loss of identity in communism needn't be as dramatic as has been made out; think less of a 'society factory' where everyone works in the same clothes, eats the same things, lives in the same house, etc, and try to think more of group of friends in the bar; "whoose round is it?"; the duty is (usually) accepted gracefully, and the whole benefits, but the personal reward is the act of contributing to the system. I think that communism would work well in small comuities, where the individual's labuors can be seen directly, as opposed to a world state, where however hard the individual works, the results are spread so thinly across the entire society that it is hard to be proud of your work. c.f. third world labour.

I agree that capitalism is inherently flawed, etc etc, I don't think I need list it's faults. However, as has been said, communism, while being a more appealing theoretical system, has a giant achilles heel; the potential for corruption. Which is where I think a small community would win over a larger system; not only are there statistically less chances for a dictator to emerge, but there would be less opportunity to conceal such activities. On the whole, though, I agree with REAListic optimIST; "i can't wait for the next revolution of political thought that encompasses the idealism of communism with the realism of capitalism"
u24 personally, I say fuck it, I'm going to be a nomad. seriously. 040420
Smurf Obviously I'm a communist. 040425
Die papa smurf die you blue commie bastid
I knew there was a reason i liked gargamel.
unhinged you compassionless conservative fucks won't convince me

i'm openly communist
what's it to you?
who go