eep! at least i think so. 020909
god ziggy gilmour: hallo, jon
RJONNZ: hey there stace ace

howeth art thee?
ziggy gilmour: i haveth a headache, but i am working on your mixes

how art thou?
RJONNZ: mixeth me upeth.
i hopeth thine cranium stopeths pounding

i art fineth.
ziggy gilmour: i am going to be sending you a bunch.

RJONNZ: sendeth them downeth here. i will sendeth you recordings in returneth for sooth
ziggy gilmour: well, i'll be sending blank cds along with the mixes.
ziggy gilmour: yes.
ziggy gilmour: but you knew that.
ziggy gilmour: okay. right. eep.
RJONNZ: thateth wilt be fineth. wouldst thou likest some
MASS TRANSIT SUICIDE shows or something? maybe some far out and exciting jazz?
ziggy gilmour: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ziggy gilmour: fucketh yeseth
RJONNZ: thateth can be arrangedeth
or maybe a recording of me scraping my nails on a chalkboard while screeching obsenities at the top of my lungs?
ziggy gilmour: that too, pleaseth!
ziggy gilmour: ;)
ziggy gilmour: but seriously.....i need more mts. yes yes yes
RJONNZ: i'll send you our first three shows. they're a little rough, but what the hey?
ziggy gilmour: send me anything you think is cool. i am sure i'll dig it
RJONNZ: god said, "let there be chinese weightlifting music" and there it was.
ziggy gilmour: eep is all i got to say
ziggy gilmour: you're not at work, are you?
ziggy gilmour: you are!
ziggy gilmour: you aren't!
ziggy gilmour: you ARE!
ziggy gilmour: you *so* are.
RJONNZ: ... and the worms and the yeast and all the little homonculus mongoloid babies rejoiced and danced the watusi violently though the mall
RJONNZ: alas, i am at worketh
ziggy gilmour: why??
ziggy gilmour: i thought your weeketh was doneth
RJONNZ: nein! ich bin ein sofa.
it's my last graveyard shift.
ziggy gilmour: wot are you saying?
RJONNZ: please excuse cause,
i go through spells
i go through spells
i go through spells
i go through spells
i go through spells
i go through spells
RJONNZ: i am saying all the right things
ziggy gilmour: no, seriously. wot is that
RJONNZ: that is as it is
ziggy gilmour: i don't know why you won't answer me
ziggy gilmour: are they lyrics?
RJONNZ: yes. i just made them up
ziggy gilmour: make something up with me in mind sometime, won't you?
RJONNZ: oh stace
you're ace
based in space
you're on the case

do a dance
without no pants
and i'll give you a chance
to alter your stance
ziggy gilmour: you mean nothing but nonsense by that.

and the worst part of this all is, you think that you're homework's finished forever.
ziggy gilmour: (i still liked it, though. please do not get me wrong. heeeeeheee)
RJONNZ: homework?
i dropped outta school for good, babe

as for the nonsense, yes
ziggy gilmour: do you even know what i meant by that?
RJONNZ: i met this little boy, i thought he was retarded.
then i realized he was a SHAVED MONKEY.


of course

ziggy gilmour: you frustrate me.
i didn't just say that.
RJONNZ: you know what i mean?
ziggy gilmour: of course
RJONNZ: faced with a sandwich in the prime of her life, the bloody zebra falls from an immense height
ziggy gilmour:
slish slosh and bonkers, oh gosh!
dawning forth
fuck this, fuck that, salty winds wind and wind, winding all about you

just wanna get lost, lost in those forbidden alleys,
sauntering through the layers of the labels of the lawns of neverland

fuck all.
ziggy gilmour: the labels of the layers would've been much bettah.
ziggy gilmour: oops, oh well.
RJONNZ: all fuck, skate a little lower, now. bonking at dawn, we slit our galoshes so they slosh. oops indeed
RJONNZ: labels, labels, labels
ziggy gilmour:
listen, you
crush dart
cringe crawl STOP
eepin evenings
wine with oranges
in my tummy
wipe that glitter off your face, fucknut, and maybe then we can converse
(not directed at a god named jon)

ziggy gilmour: (but might as well be, oh oh oh)
(just kidding) (sort of)

RJONNZ: sassyfrasquatch, lives in the woods in a house made of snot
ziggy gilmour: and you, you trip and slop through her pebbly grove
ziggy gilmour: slop and trip
RJONNZ: kuwaiti pop music wafts through the air, as ma and pa kettle pick pebbles from bam-bam. lobsters all across her forehead, she sulks into the library, alternately cursing and frooging
ziggy gilmour: wondering if betterment is meant to be better, or if it's just all in your mind

cr aw l f a r, skip close. no way.
head pounds and water sounds
crippled crazy and gone
ziggy gilmour: whoa. and i hadn't even read yours yet.
ziggy gilmour: eep! in my mind, they're connected. but eep you if you think they eepn't.
RJONNZ: is there a difference?
ziggy gilmour: you don't think they are?
RJONNZ: better is better, here or there
ziggy gilmour: grr, fuckin answer
RJONNZ: connected? you bet
ziggy gilmour: you are the ultimate frustration, and the abstraction epitomizer
ziggy gilmour: bless you. eep shall be released.
ziggy gilmour: the ultimate frustrater. fuck me!
RJONNZ: just 'member, eep backwards spells pee
ziggy gilmour: hey -
RJONNZ: i go through spells
ziggy gilmour: yes and yes
ziggy gilmour: tell jeff or bob or whoever to get the fuck out

at any point will you be alone?
ziggy gilmour: no.
RJONNZ: never
ziggy gilmour: answer?
RJONNZ: i ain't 'lone n' won't be
ziggy gilmour: i know you're not. duh. dah
ziggy gilmour: jesus, sorry for asking
ziggy gilmour: have you ever heard meat beat manifesto?
RJONNZ: yes i have
ziggy gilmour: the song "we done it again" - have you heard that?
RJONNZ: years ago.
i used to have a passing interest in all that chicago wax-trax stuff.
i don't remember
ziggy gilmour: this is the only song by them that i've ever heard
ziggy gilmour: it reminds me of the second track on the mts cd that you sent me. that's why i asked.
RJONNZ: really? how are they similar?
ziggy gilmour: just the general feel of the song, and some of the instrumentation
RJONNZ: mandolin?
ziggy gilmour: no.
RJONNZ: i'll have to hear it
ziggy gilmour: i was gonna put it on your mix until you said RJONNZ (2:41:50 AM): years ago.
i used to have a passing interest in all that chicago wax-trax stuff.
i don't remember
ziggy gilmour: then i was like, "eep!" he don't care no mo'!
RJONNZ: put it in
oh no, he's pulling out the mandolin (bow down)
ziggy gilmour: threw it in mah truck
RJONNZ: damn straight
ziggy gilmour: you will hear the similarities

ziggy gilmour: eep.
RJONNZ: i wondered where a parallel could be drawn. i been puzzled
ziggy gilmour: i mean, it just sounds like it could be mts on any other day. that kinda thing. only there's a lady talking throughout. though i suppose that could be your sound effects that you use. yes
ziggy gilmour: pissibly it's just this song, and no other meat beat manifesto song. i don't have a clue, because like i said, this is the only song by them that i've heard
ziggy gilmour: i've got it on this cd called "in defense of animals (vol. 2)"
ziggy gilmour: it's an animal rights activist thing (obviously)
RJONNZ: i don't 'member much about them. i had a passing interest in it through an old girlfriend. i used to really like ministry and revolting cocks and stuff like that.
i was friends with an animal once
ziggy gilmour: cool.

all animals are my friends (you knew that, though).

i am very excited about making you these mixes
RJONNZ: i eat animals, so i won't pretend to be enlightened.

i can't wait to hear them
ziggy gilmour: i know you eat animals.
ziggy gilmour: most people i know do.
ziggy gilmour: so -
ziggy gilmour: i don't know what i was gonna say. never mind.
RJONNZ: is eating eggs ok?
ziggy gilmour: for me, yes. not for vegans. but i'm a vegetarian, not a vegan.
ziggy gilmour: i eat everything but animal flesh. that's all you gotta remember.
vegans don't eat or use any animal products whatsoever.
ziggy gilmour: actually, you don't have to remember *anything* - it's not like you're cooking me dinner. hehe
ziggy gilmour: chriiiist
RJONNZ: i only ever met one vegetarian.
vegan sounds like some kinda alien name or somethin'
ziggy gilmour: hahaha
RJONNZ: i am a vegan from the planet morox
ziggy gilmour: hahahahahah
ziggy gilmour: and ha
RJONNZ: ninety octillion light-sectars from thr burmeslian quadrant
RJONNZ: thr indeed
ziggy gilmour: not eating flesh (i.e. being a veggie) is a way of life
ziggy gilmour: indeed
ziggy gilmour: you amaze me. x 45
RJONNZ: eh, i'm skewed. i used to slaughter chicken with my great-grand-dad back in wv
ziggy gilmour: shhhh! you're not supposed to *tell* me that!
RJONNZ: i'm a hillbilly
ziggy gilmour: yeah, i suppose ya are. oh well, i like you loads anyway.
RJONNZ: gwine t' go down tha hill an' fetch me a chaw, lawdy yes'm
RJONNZ: shit fire an' save a match
ziggy gilmour: gwine is a zappa thing. don't you try an make it a hillbilly thing
maybe i am wrong. if so, eep
RJONNZ: it's a southern thang
ziggy gilmour: fuck me, then.

*dies and eeps*
RJONNZ: zappa appropriated lot's o actual speech patterns
ziggy gilmour: yes i KNOW
ziggy gilmour: fuck
RJONNZ: you need to buy an album called "thing-fish"
RJONNZ: a masterpiece on dozens of levels
ziggy gilmour: can't you burn it along wid de others?
ziggy gilmour: that you are gonna send
ziggy gilmour:
RJONNZ: i only got it on an old worn-out cassette
ziggy gilmour: k
ziggy gilmour: eep
Ariadani bacon_ham_turkey_chicken_cheese_soy_who_is_you_god 020909
fr"eep"kizh eep! 020909
freakizh indeed.
i love eep. eep the word, eep the idea, eep the person.

that's why i'm gonna help you to spread the eep.

so, if you don't mind..


eep! bless you, freakizh.

eep likes you too.



fuckin h.
fr"eep"izh oh my god!



let's have eep sex.
eep! nah, sorry. i'm a straight eep. 021013
nah....! but pissibly one of my eep friends would like to engage in eep sex with ya. 021013
fr"eep"izh that would be so eep. 021013
sixteen I -honestly- say "EEP!" when i trip or do something accidental and sudden that may require an "eep". its beginning to bother me because I can't turn it off... it has replaced the standard, "whoa!"... 030623
phil If eep is the answer to everything,
what is the question to everything.
god yes 040903
Faldor Hendon eek? 040903
pipedrem err, i should think. eer. ooer! 040904
god yak applies, unless it is ditch related, of course. you know that much by now. eep is as good as yak and it is yak's equal in nearly every way. eep comes in handy for ditch related EVENTS, so keep eep in mind. i know many of you get left in ditches all the time. eep is for you. i've been sticking pretty close to the yak for some time (barring one major eep). 041003
three e words expand eep_is_the_answer_to_everything electromyography 050331
fghio fghio 101116
what's it to you?
who go