COLDandBLUEkitty meow 001228
silentbob marry me meghan 001228
sabbie i admit it
ive been addicted
since that first, fateful day
i stumbled across this site.
and i wrote things
everyday, and put them up here.
(i worked at an internet company,
and the internet connection was free and innocent and beautiful.)

and then i got retrenched
(after a year and a half of blood, sweat, tears and poetry)
and now...
...i am still just as addicted,
its just that blather is now not anywhere near as accessible.
and the poems still whirl around my head
but now i have nowhere to put them.
tourist Here with hands shaking.
In the dawns early light,
My life I'm forsaking,
For the chance just to write,
On the walls of this Web World,
Where others have scrawled,
Thoughts of Love, Fear and Loathing,
And of Truth Unresolved.
And this It will Bring Me,
To be caught so Involved.
Like addict with Monkey,
No mysteries Solved.
I'm Strung Out!
It's Hopeless!
That's All!
Thyartshallshant Ok, im here, wheres the rest of the blathe's? Hey, i thought we were having a meeting or something. Damn. Somebody call me when everybody else shows up. Il bring the dip. 001229
silentbob if you bring the dip i'll bring the doritos

it will be a_union_of_sorts
Rhin "I'll bring the toybox!" 001230
Thyartshallshant Ooooo! Lets make it a Toga!!!! 001230
Barrett I'm dressing up as a nude smurf. 001230
Rhin Then I shall be a nude smurfette!
Hey, I got the costume part right!
*Rhin winks*
god i'll dress up like someone you think you recognize. 010105
jennifer I'll be there
with a wistful smile on my lips
that will make me look
just lke every other blather addict
and a
"hello my name is"
sticker on my shirt
with someone else's name
Jenna I'm never going to get to work.

If I fail English, I'm blaming you guys. ;)
Aimee I am so damn addicted... I check blather whenever I check my e-mail... my buddy lists, and what not... hell i check it when I'm done with class, just in case maybe Daffy, or God, or dB or someone blathed while I was gone for an hour... *sighs* I am a Blather addict... 011031
reitoei we are not addicts, we are dreamers. we speak strange things, things that scare others and draw us ever closer to the screen. we speak our hearts our souls and religions. this is our freedom from the prison of our world. and what freedom 011224
Teenage Jesus Did Willie Wonka say that? ; ) 011224
ClairE For what purpose? 011224
god we can have an orgy, then trade recipes. 011225
Toxic_Kisses I'm here @ 8:30 AM on X-mass day
Need I say more?
ClairE Ten forty_three... 011225
Freak just can't get enough 030401
niska why am i coming back here every day? what keeps me so intrigued?

i came here to be alone, but i can't wait to see what you've all written - half of it mirrors my thoughs, so i don't even have to share them, and the other half - makes me see what i'd be missing if i didn't do this once a day.
megan in fact...
i'm doing a freakin paper on it :-)
and i love it
User24 My home interweb connection has gone down, and the only thing I'm worried about is not being able to blather for a while... put it like that. 030403
Dafremen Are we uniting to justify our addiction or to revel in it? 030403
User24 good question. reveling while accepting, methinks. 030403
User24 blather addicts untie

it's what blather addicts do to their laces every night.
Dafremen Ok, quick many of you have blather as your browser's startup page?

Besides me, that is.
cube (Raises hand)
megan me! me! 030418
User24 I don't, but only because I usually check my mail first. 030506
shivers same, im not that addicted yet but im pretty sure i've checked it almost everyday since i found it 030506
User24 shivers, see welcome_to_blather 030506
Doar (shakily raises his hand.....)

my name is death and i've been addicted to blather for about 1 month now....

(insert deity of choice here) grant me the serenity to accept the
things i cannot change and the
courage to change the things
I can and the wisdom to know
the difference.

*thanks for sharing death*

now get your heiny back to slaving away.
pipedream i've got blurple fingers now...indelibly blurple.

hi, my name is pipedream and im a blather addict.

*blather addicts chorus: hi, pipedream!*
celestias shadow oh god. so addicted. don't give me a cure, dammit! you'll have to pry the keyboard from my cold, dead hands.... 031102
pipedream hahahahaha
i knooowwww...don't worry, i won't let them get'choo! we shall duck into our blurple alleyways and be lost in the blurple dark for-evaahh!
white_wave i don't smoke (well not ciggerettes that is), i hardly ever drink, so I've got to be addicted to something. i've tried leaving, but I always come back. i could probably kick a crack addiction easier than to get rid of my blather bookmark. 040221
bandersnatch blather.newdream.crack 040221
eskimos friend i stopped writing, but still read it every day. then i stopped reading it, so here i am back writing on it. weirdest thing was coming across something i wrote. 040222
white_wave how much is too much time spent on blather? i feels like i eat, sleep and dream blather. sometimes when i talk i see all my words underlined and i want to click on them.... 040222
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl more
Hello, my name is goth girl and
i'm a
*breaks into hysterical laughter as everyone else nods solemnly*

we need a
BonTon I check in ussually once a day but i only found the site a week ago. I have to say you guys are pretty and crazy and pretty crazy. But so am I. So here's to hoping i will one day be able to call myself a blatherhead.

Salutes you.
pickaso cat the abstractive factor is really nice on this site your rational brain can have arest ,slipping into the old stream of conscious caper the correct grammar can have arest and nothing is correct.pickaso in words and such a relief from all the sites that have links to expoiltative porn asking u to hook in to your evil side the leeches asking u to buy shit sell shit partake in crap they should call it the intercrap theres so much mediocre bullshit online great to slip into a different dimension before i go back to the mediocre day to day rotinue of my life 050216
misstree when you only have a few minutes
so it's one window with your email
and one with blather
because they both are truly
what's it to you?
who go