devalis My friend Chris is orange. Not everyone likes orange, takes a special kinda someone to really like orange. Chris is orange.

I'm zebra striped black and silver.

what are you?
cube Black. In Toronto, like New York, we all dress in black. My clothes are black, my car is black - I look like I belong to the Italian Mafia.

You don't realize it until you land in someplace like Calgary where everybody dresses in living colour.
megan purple.
my entire room.
but my car is black, with purple touches.
makes me happy :)
You Are me I am You I am the source that eats all color, all light that tries to reflect upon my shadows is destoryed, without mercy. angel's wings to be picked out of my teeth, toothpicks made of bones of those, lost in themselves. 030407
this is me now i would like to think of myself as baby blue.....sometimes when i'm especially cheery, maybe even neon blue 030408
pipedream white would be an interesting colour to be, because white is every colour combined. 030409
breathless only in terms of light.

on paper, white is blank.

in weddings white is pure.

in religion white is clean.

in poetry white is peace.

in society white is race.

white is nothing. and everything.

I am white.
p2 in asian cultures
white is death
Nathan88 white is powder and he was a goofing lookin guy 030409
god see-through 030409
cut_and_paste you mean totally transparent, right? 030409
timestop he says he's blue, but he knows he can't be. 031110
x red, black, dark grey, and pale violet. doesn't all seem to go together, but it does. 031110
ni black and purple...
sometimes blue or red
and occasionally, silver
Doar oxygen...invisible 031110
deathofmoses or a mirror 031110
cupcake pink with white poka dots! 031110
reue dark grey with black stripes and blue pulseing rivlets. yellow eyes and white hair. sharp silver nails 4 inches long and fangs dripping with venom. a monster. hidden away to where it can't hurt anyone. i hear it screaming sometimes, from within its cage. stick in hand, i prod it... poke and enrage it in hopes that it'll tire itself out to quell the fustration. give in to submission and be mastered over. break this vile demon. sunder it to pieces. i'm sure everyone has one of these demons. can they be broken? shattered and discarded? 031110
no reason blue 031110
secret4185 blue, He's torn my heart and it's reflected in the rest of my being. The rip is leaking blacky blue ink into my blood stream where it spreads over my body and under my translucent skin. 031110
xyz gray.
or grey.
i can't decide which way to spell it.
star of candy apple red, glitter, light, cloudy pink,orange, white 031112
Whitechocolatewalrus Hot pink, but I am also a cow. (hot pink cow, for more info see magically(i think)) It would be hot pink with black spots, not white with hot pink spots.

[But my name says I am white like the chocolate. Maybe I have multiple personalities. (animalities?)]
celestias shadow green. but varying shades of it. normally i am a quiet green with rivulets of steely-soft grey rippling through. sometimes i am a bright, vibrant caterpiggle green. occasionally a deep, almost turquoise jungle green. most often, a spiraling, swirling mist of minty freshness. 031118
Spare Change She's an orange color that slowly fades to blue. She washes in and out of hues. One day she's silver and one day she's grey. She'll be a different color today. In the evenings she is purple and she fades into the night. At the dawning she is pink and she brightens in the light. Her shades are always chaging as the color washes through. Somedays she is orange and somedays she is blue. 031118
girl_jane red-any shade-just red 031119
falling_alone i wish i were orange...its going to be a life goal, and i'll live off clemntines and sweet potatoes.

i think you could say my soul was blue.
misstree for a very long time i thought i was green or brown, but i knew it wasn't right, it was just my best guess. soda pointed out my real color--halfway between red and brown, coincidental resemblance to dried blood. i only ever wear it in small amounts, but it colors everything i do. 031207
TalviFatin i used to be green...
but then I got old.
So now I'm more of a white silver and black.
And when i'm feeling seductive or sassy or happy, i merge into a deep red rose color.

But in all actuality, I could be any color I wanted...
Jane Doe hunter green 040110
devalis black-hearted. yellow-bellied. red-blooded. 040111
RoXXXie red 040111
endless desire i don't know what colour i am but when im sad my brother tells me i am his favourite colour so i hope it's a nice one. 040111
me i appear yellow, red, and green. my heart exhibits all shades of blue, sometimes even baby blue or neon blue. my mind is grey, and deepest black. Somewhere between these colors, there's shade of white and bright yellow...but it's hard to find. 041113
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl cherry coloured 041113
bloocurlz My aura is violet, so I am told. I am the color of the very last bit of sunset, after the sun has gone behind the horizon. 041115
superleni i am white with dots
with two red patches
my brain is red and blue
and i'm green inside
there are black streaks
in my heart and my soul
is white-hot with all the
rainbow fracturing its light
lemon_soda blue. just...blue.

Ever drink a lemon_soda that was blue?

No wonder.
Emptyness Alive blue, yellow 060608
superleni i did have blue ice-cream once. just tasted like vanilla, but looked ... not like vanilla. more like ... gonzo. 060608
unhinged the greenish color of my ipod mini

like half way between lime and spring green with maybe a tinge of moss green in there or something like that


green cause i'm jealous, green cause i'm alive, green cause that's the color of my eyes, green cause...just cause
. i am mostly blue, turning a pale bluish white in Spring and bright pink in the Summer, before a very short 3-4 week period of cancer inducing nutty brownness. 060609
this is a formica table green is its colour 060609
danielle I am red. Red is the color of power, passion, fire. A red face is shame, a red flag is pride. A life without passion is bland and dull, therefore, so is a life without red. My english teacher was talking about how some people mix up their senses, so that they feel/smell/taste/hear colors. What does your color feel/smell/taste/sound like? For me:

Red feels like the hood of a car that's been sitting in the sun for too long. It's hard, smooth, and hot.

Red smells like burning leaves and wax candles.

Red tastes like warm apple pie and cinnamon.

Red sounds like a trumpet blaring one long, loud note for a long period of time without stopping to breathe and maracas in the background.
poopeater brown cuz i like poop 060610
poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop 060611
. is rainbow a color? 081125
Lemon_Soda cobalt.and.teal 081125
In_Bloom Skittish
what's it to you?
who go