Casey This is mainly ment for one person, he knows who he is. But the rest of you feel free to add you own perspectives:

To that one special person:

I realized tonight that running away may not be a good idea. Just because you are leaving doesn't mean that all your problems will be solved. Sure, you will feel good for a while. But at one point the feelings you feel right now will return in some form or another. No matter how much you dont want them to.

As for me, I can't run either. I dont have the opportunity like you do. So I have to stay and face things, face reality. You are a great person, and I have always and will always think so. But I'm kinda sad that you took the trouble to introduce me to your friends. The ones that shuned me along with many others.

They never liked me and never will. Everytime I was with them you were there. I was your shadow. Now your leaving and running, and I'm still stuck here. I have to now alienate the people who I thought could like me but don't. I don't care, but it will be hard seeing them at school.

I'll still say hi to them I guess. I wont apologize for anything anymore, because there is nothing to apologize for. And no doupt 1 out of the 3 of them will be sitting at a table at lunch. I may go over and sit, I'll have to see. For the most part I think I skip lunch and go play the drum set.

The concerts, I may still go to them too. But it will end up like tonight, me sitting at a table. But I didn't mind it to much, it gave me a chance to hear and take the words of the band to heart. Those guys from Armstrong are pretty good.

I'm sad that you are leaving, hopefully you will say goodbye and I'll be able to come visit you. The memories you left behind in my head will always be a blessing and a burdin.

I really want to say that it might not be a good idea for you to just run from your problems. It's your decision and I will luv you no matter what you do. But if you dont settle things here, do you truely move on?

I know they care about you. They just dont show it. Plus one pair of them is to busy acting like they are not involved and do not like each other. When in reality they do. But they like you and enjoy your company more than anyone elses.

I'm so sorry you could not make her love you. I wished so badly she would. But you can not control the feelings and emotions of someone other than youself. I don't know what to tell you about her. I dont know here that well, and I have never been in a relationship with a girl. So it wouldn't be right of me to say something.

I wish so many good things for you. I wish those people hadn't changed. I wish I had grown on them like I grew on you. I have to much to thank you for. I remember being this shy little kid scared and confused in play practice because you actually talked to me. No one had ever done that before.

I actually remember us walking outside the middle school. You asking me what bands and music I liked. And me telling you that the only band I knew of at that time was Green Day. I remember you leaving your Weezer: Pinkerton CD in my car for a long time. And me waiting at least a month before I even listened to it. Because it was yours not mine, and I didn't want to damage or do anything to it.

While I sat alone on that swing set playing with the gravel beneath my heels, I thought of my life and what I should do. But then I also thought about you and your life as much as I did mine. I thought about everyone actually. How they would act from now on, and how I should act around them.

But mostly I thought about you and me. I know I haven't known you for that long, and this probably has no affect on you. I don't even know if you care. But I do. No one will never be able to escape. Whether it is spiritual, emotional, or physical, it will follow us. Even if they don't visit you,and I guarantee they will want to, you can't forget them or me. You will be sitting in your apartment some snowy evenining in November and suddenly something about them will pop into your head.

I hope and pray your years of highschool are not going to be a representation of the rest of your life. Have a nice one, and invite me to your wedding why don't you.
girl_jane That was nice, Casey.

I can't wait until I can get away from here either. Not only because I don't like many of the people, but also because it's boring, and I want to see new things and meet new people and such. I think most of us do.

I also run away from my problems instead of facing them. Perhaps I should work on that...
bethany when i was 5 i had a box under my bed. it had some braceletts, a couple of dollars, my favorate purse, and some other knick knacks i cant remember becaus ei was 5. but it was my run away box and it had a note attached to it that my mom probably saw everytime she cleaned. the note said, i ran away. an di remember asking my mmom one night, "how do you spell run?" "how do you spell away?" i don't know why i remember this so vividly but i do

i did it eventually.. at 15 took me ten years to get the gumption up to dot it. been 5 years since. funny how that worked out.
distorted tendencies Everytime I look around, I know there's nothing here for me. Mom and Dad did their best. My first boyfriend killed me over and over. I'm growing apart from my friends. It's time, It's time. I'm ready to get out of here. And start my own life free of hassles. 020219
indie.chickadee what I wanted to do not so long ago. a person whose name I will withhold was trying to wreck my life, and actually probably still is. whenever a guy liked me, she would lie to him about me so he wouldn't like me anymore. this really hot guy liked me, and she liked him, so she said she was going to tell him that I was a snob so I didn't like him anymore. and I guess she did because he doesn't say "hey Naomi, what's goin on?" when he sees me in the halls anymore. I guess it was just as well, because he had a girlfriend anyway. I wanted to kill her at one point. 020508
EECP Oh how I wish I could!
I would ask why not,
But I already know the answer.
I guess the real question is:
Heavenly Father, how long?
And the Plead:
PlEaSe HelP?
It hurts and makes me want to retreat to safe ground.
That would not help would it?
I know where I am going and I know where I have been. I guess the real question is: How long until she gets, here?
pete my feet are beyond pain
my legs collapse into the coals
and i have fallen
in my flight from reason
what's it to you?
who go