karl the weed go ahead, im ready for any question you might ask me! (watch this blathe is going to last 2 days) 031002
pobodys nerfect Okay,I'm in one of those weird sort of moods,so I'll ask.
Q. If you were a weed superhero type character,would you be good or evil? Also,what would your power be? Oh,and would you ever be like that dumbass Superman,and wear undies on the outside of your costume? :)
karl the weed great, i have to wait until someones stoned to get questions.

i would be evil. definitely.

and i would be like batman, i would kick ass, no superpowers needed.

umm... no undies. yeah. i would wear a big jacket to blend in, and take out the stuffing and conceal weapons in it. yeah.
pobodys nerfect Turn around,Karl. I want to give you a good swift kick in the ass for that stoned comment. I've NEVER done drugs. I've never even been drunk.
*walks away in a huff* =P
nomatter where does this Karl_the_weed name come from? 031003
karl the weed whoa, i was just joking. i didnt mean it... 031003
karl the weed im sorry 031003
nomatter lies! 031004
pipedream does your hair turn brown if you see a dog piss? (provided it isn't brown already, in which case its too late) 031004
karl the weed my hair is already brown. but i used to have blond hair when i was a litlle kid, maybe thats why... 031004
pipedream grins i KNEW it! 031005
pobodys nerfect karl--it was only a half-assed huff :)

new question--would you ever hold your girlfriends' purse for her in public?
karl the weed yeah definitely. theres nothing wrong with that. 031005
nomatter NNNOOO that's wrong. 031005
smurfus rex what would your superhero sidekick look like? 031005
no reason do you ever smoke yourself? 031005
pobodys nerfect That's cool. :) Next Q's: Which do you prefer--land,air,or sea? Would you ever wear argyle socks? What if they weren't a matching pair? If you were a dictator,
what ice cream flavour would you force everyone to eat? Are you getting annoyed
by my questions yet? ;)
no reason don't have to answer that. i'm in a strange mood.

...actually, please do. i'm now curious about your answer.
karl the weed i dont think id have a sidekick, but if i did, it would be a trained hawk that i could speak in hawk-ese with. it would kill people for me and steal things. speaking of wierd moods...

and no i dont beacuse:
a) i think the concept of smoking is stupid, i mean, think about it, youre sucking smoke through a burning plant wrapped in paper...
b)i dont really like drugs of any type that much, i dont like having something else in control of part of me. i have ADHD and thats why i dont take ritalin.


land definitely, sea and air make me sick.

what the hell are argyle socks?

ummm mint chocolate chip. and if anyone questioned it i'd KILLL THEM!!

oh no not at all it gives me something to do. i quite enjoy them
ferret are you wearing a blue shirt right now?
are you wearing a white shirt right now?
are you wearing a black shirt right now?
have you ever worn an entirely yellow shirt?
what flavor is a rubber glove?
what is a star?
who's named kerri?
what's karaoke?
white powder or black?
have you ever kissed a primate?
pipedream argyle socks are socks with this big diamond-shaped pattern on them, if im not wrong, in manly-man colours like red and dark green and navy blue...scottish manly-man hahaha 031006
Rasputin*s Robe Umm, if I wasn't more baked than potatoes, I would ask a question, but mostly the title of this thing lured me to it. 031006
karl the weed oh god no argyle soks i hate those 031006
breygris you followed a monkey down the street -- but he takes your hat. then what? 031006
karl the weed well, i would whip out my masta weed skillz kick the monkeys ass. but first id ask nicely. 031006
breygris what if the monkey is wielding fruit? :| 031006
karl the weed well, i am a weed. 031007
pipedream and will wave gently in the breeze, because the REED snapped in the ferocious wind, not the WEED.
chinese proverbial story.
pobodys nerfect abc,nbc,or cbs? windy,rainy,humid or snowy? what's more offensive/shocking to you--a guy wearing a skirt,or a woman wearing mens "brief" style undies?
why do you think people care so much about how much a wood a woodchuck could chuck if he could chuck wood? If forced to add one of the following items in your living quarters,which would you choose: 1)hot pink shag carpeting
2)avocado green kitchen appliances(along
with a 3 year supply of avocadoes you'd have to eat yourself)
3)a VERY large assortment of plastic
fruit that was attached to everything you own
4)a 7 foot tall monkey that flings real bananas at you & sings the macarena song every half hour
karl the weed getting a little creative...

none of the 3


neither offends/shocks me but guy in skirt is worse

bc theyre stupid

i hate the macarana and avacadoes, so id choose the carpet
endless desire i like mint chip ice cream.

do you think im special?

why did you choose your name?

why do you get your question page?

what makes you so special?

what's it like to be ADHD? im serious.
karl the weed for likeing mint chip ice cream? Lol, jk. you are very special, you have a way with words.

my name? its sort of a stupid reason, but ok: in like 6th grade, my friends used to call me karl sometimes, I don’t know why, just another name. but then they would always call me a weed when i did something stupid, and every now and then it was "karl, you weed!" so yeah, my friends called me that and later when I had no idea for a sn I used that, and now I use it for blather.
that couldve been shortened into "inside joke", but hey.

is that "why do YOU get a questions page" or "why did you make one"
the answer to both , is bc i just wanted a questions page

what makes me so special? Ummm… im a superhero? I have a white spot on the back of my head?

and i will save the last for a seperate post ill do later bc it might take a bit.
pipedream yeah, i want to know too because i've been really hyper ever since i was born, and when i was little my mom was afraid i might have it (i don't) but i'd like to know anyway. is it scary to be? 031008
Death of a Rose Argyle socks, kilts, tartans. Damn saxxy if you ask me. but of course you didn't. 031014
endless desire tell me, karl,
what is the meaning of life?
pipedream do you also realise that you share a name with mister marx? hehehe 031015
god why? 031015
karl the weed the meaning of life (this is it): to have fun. really. or to do whatever the fuck you want. of course no one realizes this so everyone has to make the world a place in which no one has fun because of "the rules". so that means that i have to conform somewhat to "the rules" or people will get me.


i just had the realization that im going to be a crazy old man...


umm no i didnt realize that.

and why? just because.
phil what is your account keycode? 031031
say karl, who_put_the rebe in my trebeck? 031128
obviously you_put_the kelb in rekelbert 031128
Doar corascading math sequencing, good or bad?

which one is your favourite?
whitechocolatewalrus i would just like to say,
mint chocolate chip ice cream is horribly aweful and should die by execution.
whitechocolatewalrus oh! and since it's the question page, how does that make you feel? 040102
karl the weed you dont like mint chocolate chip ice cream???? good lord... 040102
karl the weed bad definitely. oh and i dont have a favorite 040102
walrus awful doesn't have in e in it does it?
Why is there a w in answer? Awe, c'mon Walrus. Play fair. 040102
whitechocolatewalrus how am i not being fair? 040103
why is there a w in answer. as instructed: ask_the_weed. (Not yourself)
I was having a full-on, stranger than thou kind of evening. My apologies. Carry on as though uninterrupted.
Do you have a page for questions?

Aw, damn. I blew it.
bobthebumb meow...hey i heard weed kan damage your brain...meow 040326
sameolme Have you abandoned blather for your new love? 040326
pipers new love? what new love? damn! the argyle socks are gonna get all WEEPY on me now! 040327
sameolme see love_blather

As with every new baby, every new love is a chance for us to get it right.
I'll go throw rice to the wind.
karl the weed lol i was going to but i can't help but come here every now and then. 040327
what's it to you?
who go