Strideo can you prove it?
claptrap. 040429
Lemon_Soda Prove is a loaded term. 040429
z i think (of course) 040429
love & hate you cut and watch it bleed with the life dripping out of you. 040429
sahba do the craziest stunt ever and which probably wont be done again atleast you hope no one does
because you died doing it
thieums Proving to who ? To the others ? Then you assume they exist, so therefore you exist too, because you're the "other" of someone else, and there is no need for a proof.

But does that mean someone alone doesn't exist ?
minnesota_chris must I prove my existence?

Must I exist?

Does a flower exist? Does the space between the petals exist?
dosquatch Eye am.
Ewe are.
Whee bee.
kookaburra how do i prove my existence?
well, on what plane of existence do you mean?
(kookaburra doesnt even understand what she is saying, mind you)
well see on the plane of dancing and bein wild i do exist.
but on your plane, i dont exist...why would i want to exist here? wars, killing? naw, im only here to visit...
thieums Existence airlines has lots of different planes, each leading to a different place, and with varying fares. 040429
... make something 040429
minnesota_chris well said. I was about to shout at someone that power doesn't exist (the things you control, end up controlling you). So what can we do here on earth? Create. 040429
* In_search_of_Nothing... *

Is that the final_answer?
Dosquatch There is no final_answer. 040429
Douglas Adams ghost 42 040429
?? ? 040429
dosquatch Oh, sure, 42. But what's the question?

(trying to force reality to recreate itself as something even more bizarre and inexplicable)
kx21 Oops...

Given Dosquatch:-

'There is no final_answer'.

Let final_answer = "you"...

i.e. There is no "you"

Dosquatch Dammit, I hate it when that happens! 040429
Dosquatch kx, what exactly are you looking for? At first it seemed like you were looking for some form of spiritual enlightenment. More and more, though, you seem to be on some sort of political bend.

Therein lies no enlightenment.
magicforest The blathe makes me love, for the first time, minnesota_chris. 040430
magicforest CLAPTRAP!

raves madly
minnesota_chris well it's good to be loved. The first blathe or second?

starts singing Bob Marley "Would you be loveeeeeeeeed..... and be loveeeeeeed...."
magicforest It was actually both. 040430
kx21 OOps...

* Proof of Existence

M Condition:-

(Corollary of M_theory- Speed of Free_will)

FTL- i.e the Speed of One (e.g. Chicken)'s Free_will must be

Faster Than speed of Light...

Copyright 2004
dosquatch So... gravity is God's free will?

Wait a minute... let me check the math on that one...
meh "i think therefore I am" is to human, as
"i drip therefore I am" is to rain.

why does thought=existance?
zeke because descartes believed that it was an empirical and self evident truth tantamount to a firt principle. he based his entire epistomology on that one assertion. 040723
(z) typofix: FIRST 040723
pete i write 040723
sameolme I sing, people cringe,
the proof is in the look on their faces.
zeke do not prove; know. 040724
shower singer live it

Lila Pause You dye your hair the brightest shade of punk ever and scream "I_am_here","I_am_here!". 040726
kx21 Across_the_Universe-

One's "Shadow" in Tathagata_Store...
() (proof is beyond my grasp. i remain unproven. and yet i am. i am my own proof, but not yours. you must find your own) 041112
Zao Lithos Consciousness gives us the ability to realize that there are things that do not exist. From there, we realize that we don't fall into that category by reason. If we don't not exist, we do exist, and this we know because of our mathematical abilities to comprehend that a double negative equals a positive. 041113
() (symbolic logic systems can be contrived which are internally consistent, but which have no necessary connection outside said system. pure math is a ready example.) 041114
() (see:consensual_reality) 041114
() ( consensual_reality ) 041114
sab its terrifingly easy

walk into my home, piled high to the rafters with things i have collected

like seaweed trailing in the wake of a speeding mermaid

gotta get rid of it all
gotta get rid of it all

mantra for the day
the month
this year
this life

gotta get rid of it all
gotta get rid of it all
gotta get rid of it all
Borealis prove that your non-existence is impossible? 041114
minnesota_chris sabbie, you should have a yard sale. Put all the shit on the lawn. You know it would be the most interesting thing in the neighborhood. And you might make a few pounds or dollars or kangaroo tails or whatever the hell you use for money down there. 041114
once again I never have.

I've never made an outstanding impact.

I don't leave footprints.

There is nothing about me that cannot be washed away in a minute or two.

I am average. plain. simple.

I'm here.
smurfus rex what's the exchange rate for kangaroo tails? 041114
Why Not OOps...

via P_Teleportation

f . 041115
descartes24 cogito_ergo_sum 041116
Woo hoo! I kill me Well when I take long walks in the lush, verdant hills of south central pa, (it is a panorama of rustic/autumnal splendor that even in the depths of the tormented soul sends forth Ma nature's loving caress) and so I'm shirtless of course, and in the bracing autumn air, the early morning winds slice like a knife, liquid ice that pretty much ameliorates those matricidal impulses. Then on some distant horizon my shadow in a brief reprieve from its suffering of immeasurable exhaustion and lays down in the soft susurrus of earth.

Plus my nipples get really hard.
sab one_photon_at_a_time 050328
z with great reluctance 050616
methinx My existance is irrelevant, so long as those I believe exist believe I exist. 050616
the cheer-up kid It's a bit like asking me how do you take your snail salad? I don't eat snail salad so stop asking me about the snail salad. You like snail salad that's your problem. Don't push your god damn snail salad on me. I don't want it. 050616
stork daddy why do i need to? 050616
stork daddy although if this is what non-existence is like, it does raise some questions. 050616
? ...via One's Finger_and_Moon... 050616
z i am my own proof 051118
IGG ahhh
you got me.

well you knew i was in your head anyway.
now the question is,
why did you create me?
am i a vehicle for your negative emotions or merely an amusing interlude in your too-serious life?
nocturnal you don't.

for YOU to prove YOUR existence, there'd have to be a you to prove it. in the end, you can't prove it anyway, because even if you come up with some brilliant new theory, if you're wrong and you don't exist (a ridiculous statement in itself I admit), that theory never existed anyway as a non-existent being cannot create an existent thing. some take that to mean that from the ability to prove such a thing, or the ability to do anything at all, that in itself is proof, but there are holes in that idea as there are in every theory of existence. there's no fool-proof way to prove existence, but you would go insane living a life in which you doubt the existence of literally everything, so it's really not worth it in the end.
and that's what I got out of a B.A. in Philosophy.
zeke philosophy is it's own reward. 051118
monkey out in space i change persistently 051118
shivers tat tvam asi. zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance describes it really well. i wont even try. i looked up more stuff on the internet but all i got was a bunch of crap that didnt make a whole lot of sense to me. so basically this entire blathe was kind of a waste. 051119
camille i take my exit stance and ask, "Why should I have to prove anything?"

the idea of having to prove anything namely "self" to the opposition "that I exist" gives the opposing force a reason to deny that i exist..
anne-girl how do you disprove your existence? 051120
Finger to the "Moon"... 051120
Q By knowing that I think and showing it. 051120
u24 Q: showing it to who? and how? 051121
?x Entanglement 051121
i.e. there_is_a_high_correlation_between... 051121
andru235 and what would you do with the proof if you had it? 051122
z know. 051122
what's it to you?
who go