dipperwell Jewish mothers and guilt trips.

Intelligence and loneliness.

Integrity and depression.

Morning clock alarms and homicide.

Me and you.
Twitch Wow...
I'm depressed...lonely...and my mom is technically jewish... (though we celebrate's weird to explain)

Though i dont have an alarm clock
OOps... It's_simply_not_true_that_there_was_'no_contact'... 051012
mp21k Global_warming and Earthquake / Hurricane ... 051012
U.S. 10122005 12 hours ago:

Cholesterol levels fall as obesity climbs
?x 051012
nameless Pride and Greed 051012
Obesity contributes to diabetes, 051012
which which, in turn, contributes heavily to the burden of heart... 051012
which , in turn, contributes heavily to the burden of heart... 051012
zeke correlation and generalization 051013
Piso Mojado generalization and stereotypes 051013
zeke stereotypes and prejudices 051013
zeke prejudices and violence 051013
zeke violence and sadness 051013
dipperwell sadness and statistics

statistics and correlations
factory reject love and lust 051013
Piso Mojado blather and avoidance 051019
dipperwell eye contact and intimacy

food and guilt

loneliness and unfinished basements

Christmas and longing
dipperwell the quantity of North American stores, and the quantity of overseas sweatshops

Lemon_Soda selfishness and suffering(same person) 051019
dipperwell emotional insecurity and destruction 051019
andru235 tormentedness and creativity 051019
dipperwell insanity and art 051019
Piso Mojado synesthesia and creativity 051020
megan stress and obsessive compulsive disorder 051020
andru235 a_huge_z and so_andru235_have_you_overdosed_on_drugs_often 051021
andru235 wackiness and looniness 051021
andru235 variety and spiciness 051021
z spiciness and satiation 051107
Piso Mojado satiation and addiction 051107
stork daddy correlations and arguments. 051107
Chicken and Egg(s)... 051107
?x Time_and_causality_of_karma: H5N1... 051107
shivers arguments and bruises 051221
z expectation and disappointment 060204
oren Miscommunication and All Hell Breaking Loose. 060205
IGG IGG and alcohol,

alcohol and embarrassment,

embarrassment and avoidance,

avoidance and loneliness,

loneliness and IGG,

...IGG and alcohol.
cycle liker nice cycler, igg 060205
snide muttering this and that 060209
Ptolemy DCLVIII Intellect, imagination, and capacity for undergoing hypnosis. 060210
ive given all i can but were still on the payroll miracles and true friends 060212
Ouroboros vulnerability and heart(break)ache 060212
Apple and Orange... 060212
z order and chaos 060524
Sleep and Weight 060524
?x health_21 060524
pete pointing out to a roomate who works an opposite schedule that his live in girlfriend has to pay her share of bills to make up for her usage of utilities/lack of paying rent and long angry notes left on the kitchen counter 060524
() ( significance and cognition ) 061017
iMe Correlation does not establish cause-and-effect. 061017
() ( there is a high correlation between cause and effect. ) 061017
z faith and arbitrariness 071026
658 z and blathe potency 071026
what's it to you?
who go