that's a cheapshot; at least, one shouldn't pay too much. it's been a while but it used to be about $5 for a hit, or $5 for a cap, depending on your preferences. "obviously the drugs made you crazy" it would have been just as crazy to pass up, at $5 bucks apiece. some people pay $10 or $20 for something that grows daily on cowdung in the morning in rainy tropical areas, or can be found on the back of certain frogs (research beforehand!!!!!!!) drug use is always used to discredit those who advance ideas 'outside of the box', mr. leary and mr. huxley being two notable examples. no one hurls the same accusation at mr. carroll who wrote the strange alice_in_wonderland whilst sober; nor is mme. nin discredited as a druggie despite her frequent participation in u.s. government lsd tests which can be read about in her later diaries - her diaries are artful and interesting but it is not radical thinking for which they are remarkable, and thus, she retains 'societal approval'. the 'too many drugs' is a poor excuse for dismissing even the wierdest thinkers; while some people have done so many drugs that they have moved part of themselves into some other place and cease to make sense to those still on earth, often ending up in tragically misunderstood scenarios, other people have not done enough drugs to even conceive that there is space beyond the room they are currently in. and this is not to discredit abstainers, for of course there have been many novel thinkers who did not use, a great example being mr. abbott whom wrote _flatlands_, a must read for any considerer of multidimensionality.
what's it to you?