devalis Brian Bernstien. You don't know him, probably, but if you did.. you'd call him by name too. 021026
devalis and he's a postal worker. God help me. 021026
unhinged i don't think i could give this title to just one person 021026
stork daddy i'd have to say me, since i'm the only person i can say for certain has no redeeming qualities that could've been looked over. 021027
hey now! me 021027
alyssa daxle 021028
unhinged hey now, (not hey now!) daxle isn't THE biggest asshole i know. she was one of the only people that knew i was terribly low and imed me to make sure i wasn't going to kill myself or something. even my own friends don't do that. 021028
information you silly hobbit, alyssa IS daxle.
(maybe you knew that, though. just doesn't seem like ya did.)
MollyCule Although it is extremely hard to narrow this list down to anything manageable, we have, after hours and hours of thought, decided to nominate Staci Boyd for this position. She's not just a bitch, she's a cheating bitch. She's not just a cheating bitch, she a cheating bitch who lies to you about it. She's not just a lying cheating bitch, she's also dense enough to keep a diary of her extracirriculars under the bed she shares with her extremely nice, now extremely heart broken boyfriend. Allow me to spell this out for you. The bed that said boyfriend sleeps on every night. The bed he changes the sheets on. The bed he flips the mattress of. So yes, we will have to nominate Staci Boyd for this award.

Although, Bobbi Jean still comes in second . . .
Dafremen (Covering own mouth to keep from ratting self out.) Mrrphph! Mrrrphh! 021030
Rotten77 Bryson! Fuck you! Oh, and my Dad's a pretty big asshole too sometimes. 030417
unhinged mike

i have never wanted to physically hurt someone the way i want to hurt him.
x i'm still gonna have to go with me 030604
Aimee God. God is a true asshole. 030605
shivers everyone hates him, i hate him
yet i hold a strange facination with this person.
minnesota_chris god is named Donald? 030606
shivers i hope not 030606
a sweet girl we dated for six months.

i left him.

my mother bumped into him three years later.

she said, "how are you doing?"

he said, "one day at a time..."

kss kss impersonators 030606
birdmad i'll give you the benefit of the doubt 030606
kss I appreciate that. 030607
god i guess it's still john lewis. i'm a distant second. 030608
spathic it's a toss up between jen Yost and kris rogers. i was about to say between my dad and some boy but the truth is that both little bitches are much bigger assholes than many men could ever be. 031018
nomatter his name is josh and he thinks he know more than me, with really no reason to. he picks meaningless fights and tries to get me in trouble. i think i did something to him, but i have no clue waht. 031018
oldephebe tearing down the curtain..not at times ME 031018
smurfus res it's a tie for my boss and one of my fellow supervisors...

I'd say their names, but they have ways of finding out the damnedest information.
wingedSerpent the division AD, the Benefits coordinator, and a software developer who my co-workers and i have taken to referring to as "the pickle" 031019
delial adam 031019
karl the weed this guy i know kills himself, much of it due to kids making fun of him for being wierd and bc he was gay. and so this other guy had soemthing to say on the subject: "yeah, i made fun of that fag, he was a loser."

you dont make fun of ppl who kill themselves. not cool.
User24 better than making fun of someone before they kill themselves, no? 031019
Dafremen Depends upon how they plan on killing themselves.

I mean cuz if I was watching someone try to drown themselves in a bathtub full of ping pong balls...I'd prolly hafta giggle my brains out. And if they got mad and grabbed a hair dryer to "show me that they were serious" I'd prolly be the dead one, I seriously wouldn't be able to breath from laughing my arse off.
karl the weed he hung himself 031019
karl the weed interesting fact: 1 person from my grade has died each year 031019
nomatter thats horrible 031020
Lemon_Soda I can't call anyone that. Do unto others and all that. Besides, who am I to decide what people deserve? 031020
Death of a Rose not good at all weed.

oh, back to the heading,

way too many to name, so we just number them, a-hole #1, a-hole #2, etc.
they tend to change rankings each week.

In fact, should start up some illegal a-shole ranking betting stuff
sirflaccid me 031021
Freak you 031021
Dafremen pong balls.. Geezus..heheheh (Oh somebody stop me..) 031021
reue something about that mental picture intrigues me 031022
Death of a Rose and it's phil by a nose. 031022
Zoe dubya (bush) 031023
celestias shadow hard to say. there are so many. i think they should all walk around with bright orange 'asshole' labels on their foreheads. it would make life much simpler for the rest of us. 031025
pipedream *agrees with celestias shadow completely*

two people right now i can safely say are just really really big assholes. one girl and one boy. i would bonk them on the head with a frozen lleg of beef and shove 'em off a cliff because they are just pure, 100% asshole, so much so that i couldn't imagine someone SO assholey before i met them. and the boy isn't even remotely a friend, but he's just such a big asshole (this is a long story, the how-do-you-know-then).
ugh. hate is a useless waste of time, but sometimes you can't help but want to kill them.
so these two, and jaywalkers.
minnesota_chris jaywalkers?!? Are the little people getting in the way of your limo again? 040412
??? The biggest asshole has got to be the one from that old "goatse" website. I don't know it personally, but it looked to be the biggest. 050807
jane it's a three way tie between kim, robin, & sarah. between the three, they've caused enough mental damage to fill a nuthouse. a large one. like bellevue. 050808
pete matt, but in a good way, he's only an ass when it serves a purpose that usually helps both him and the one he's being an ass to (sarcasm at its finest). he's good at it too. 050808
pete i can't think of who would fit this, though, under the normal definition... 050808
just me just some guy
man, i can't stand him
laced Mitchell Kramb from Dallas, Ga 070913
jane who the fuck is kim? 070913
? who the fuck is Dave? 070913
amanda who the fuck is carlos? 070913
. Dear Friend,

Your ass nomination *is* getting kind of prominent. Please refrain from being such a persistent bloody bugger.

You Know Who
what's it to you?
who go