Aragorn Ecologist 010730
nocturnal esq? I'm thinking something in ethics law perhaps. fuck_everything cuz I said I'd never be a lawyer. hopefully I still won't. but I really like that stuff. what to do, what to do? 010730
god a wino 010730
bijou a firetruck 010730
kingsuperspecial sexy

bijou nobody says i wanna be a junkie when i grow up. this is your brain on drugs.

(side note - eggs are much better cooked.)
yummychuckle a criminal psychologist, methinks.

or something psychology related at least.
niki I don't want to grow up 011014
nemo i wanna be a wombat 011118
ClairE content 020103
kerry i want to be an independent filmmaker, writing books on the side, moving all around the country.

and in love.
ClairE ACRS 020110
pushpins maybe something in political science, after all. 020110
Me?? Happy 020110
Arwyn a mommy who always has time for her children... I never had that. 020110
Norm Corprate lawyer... take this money and give my your buisness that you've worked so hard for. Ha, ha, take that mom and pop. Ya, but seriously, I find law very intresting. 020110
carne de metal a mexican 020207
Novice I want to be a dietetican 030527
jane black

but i don't think that's going to happen
pobodys nerfect I used to want to be a singer so badly when I was little, but when I got older I realised that I didn't like being the center of attention in a crowd that much.
I've been interested in interior decorating almost as long. I didn't have a Barbie house when I was little, so I'd use my imagination and make stacks of cassette tapes into chairs, and stuff like that. I spent more time doing that than I did with the Barbie dolls. I love transforming a blah room into something pretty. That would be my dream job.
Novice I take what i said back, I wanna be a lawyer again. 030802
niska i don't plan to grow up... 030802
smurfus rex I...I want to be...

Fire&Roses I want to live in a bus, or an RV, or a tent. I want to see the world. I want to be an architecht and live in a house I design. I want to be the writer they claimed I would be. I want to get paid to do soemthing I love. I want to have someone to spend my nights with. I want someone to laugh with. Some one to call with good news and some one to cry with over bad news. I want to be happy. I want to be alive. 030803
magicforest Reading Novice's answers to this blathe_question makes me feel like I'm tracking someone's life.

It's really neat. I wish I could have done this from the start. I'd have a list of:


No, Gemologist

No, Dancer

No, Artist

No, Lawyer

No, Writer

No, Teacher

No, Psychologist

Majors: Psychology and Fine Arts
estarocks a columnist.

(or a cookie_jar)
chrysalid a person 040803
me loved 040803
misstree a dirty old man. 040804
a "point" Divine_'guru'_man_mouse_'ghost'_and_Devi 040804
kookaburra is just acting stupid now um, alive and stuff 040804
a "point" divine_'guru'_man_mouse_'ghost'_and_devil 040804
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl a writer

a teacher?

a translator


no, writing not good enough

an artist!

a lawyer?


able to move jobs if i want
able to travel wherever
able to do what i want without being restrained by social or parental norm
able to sleep in a park, should i so wish to
able to sleep at my friends house. even if he is male


more confident
not arrogant
luckier in love


able to say no
able to accept myself
able to accept others

an out-of-the-closet-Wiccan, not hiding
a high priestess
coven leader?



permanently open minded
more honest

less sad

able to live each day to it's full potential
able to be happy even when the day is nothing special, but just that it is a NORMAL day


experienced in life

maybe a goth?
more secure!
still a girl

less of a dreamer but still with dreams
less LAZY
less restricted

Lila Pause When I grow up, I'll know it, because I'll have kissed all my silly pretentions goodbye and I'll be okay with the fact that I never "made it" and I'm not really "anyone" and only then, will I be able to get on with the important task of just enjoying everyday life.

...But in the meantime (while I'm still relatively young and stupid) I want to be a Journalist/Bedroom singer-songwriter.
TK Someone elce 040807
z adult 040807
anne-girl wise

ask, and you shall receive?

witchesrequiem want.. that is the key word. Get is reality. 040808
mangrove i want to be when i grow up.
and i am.
kookaburra a psychologist!!!!
i mean, i have to be-im reading the dsm 4 for fun...does that sound normal to you?
but its facinating...
falling_alone fashion designer...i know it seems a bit shallow. 040909
TK A Radio DJ (KEOS here I come!)
Group Pilates Instructor
A writer
Somebody that I used to know No clue. I looked in my fifth grade yearbook for inspiration, we had all had to write what we want to be. I said I wanted to "make people happy". Big help. 050112
stork daddy i know that as long as i'm embroiled in this silly little world, i'm still adolescent in some way. 050112
.&. healthy 050112
bangaaeter a caterpillar...am i joking?
do you think so?
well youre right...
zanna i want to be forever 050712
no reason nobody is
what they want to be

it's just a definitive statement
for an indefinite everything
anne-girl happy 050712
anne-girl i want to be able to look back on the life that i've lived so far
and not regret any of it
even the stupid shit

i want to love, and be loved, cliched as it might be

i want to not be doing what i think i'll be doing five years from now
noone special how am i supposed to know?
mom and dad keep bitching at me for "not knowing what i want" and "acting like i don't care"

well the truth is i really don't care much about all this future shit.
why would i want to spend all that time and money in school, which i suck at, just so i can get some silly piece of paper that'll let me get a monotonously routine job that'll make me hate my life?

i don't feel like i've accomplished anything so far, and i can't see anything to work towards. and everyone keeps pushing me, telling me i need to figure things out.

it all seems pointless
anne-girl a kid 060614
Roaul Duke i want to own a cannabis dispensary and grow all my own product and make all my own types of hashish and goo 060615
superleni i don't wanna grow up.
i think i might of accidentally tho.
am working on growing down.
what's it to you?
who go