in need of a ride
u hav 1?
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It's OK if you do this sort of thing, as long as you aren't Andru.
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Not The Blatherskite
Sometimes the volume rivaled KX21 at it's worst. That is what I object to. Whimsy can become a kind of violence to others when it is perpetrated without regard for those others feelings about it. Many, many simple comments and requests have been recorded here before today. It is not as if you can honestly say that you thought no one objects. What is light hearted fun to you has been deeply abraisive and irritating to me and to others here. If the threads had been more limited in quantity and longer I could have avoided them. As it was I was snared over and over again.
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Not The Blatherskite
In effect, you poked me with a stick, thinking it funny, and I am capable of biting back. Do what you will. I do not seek to control you. My feeling were continuously abused by your persistent behavior. Did you think that the objections of some in this blue world were unimportant? Did you consider the effects of your rampages? Did you care. I think not. I remind you: you are not here alone.
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No. You poked yourself with a stick. I am not culpable for what you chose - or did not choose - to read. No one forced you to read any of these things. No one forced you to click the blathe, no one forced you to click my name and see what other drivel I posted that day. It is not my problem that you are unable to screen your media intake. Your feelings were abused by yourself, and you alone. That there have been other objections, earlier, I am quite aware. However, when people chronically change names, and use the same arguments again and again, there is no reason to suspect it is more than one person with a chip on their shoulder. Probably there are several, but I'd never know it based on reasoning patterns. Additionally, not everyone here objects. Many of the things that have been disliked by one have been liked by another. I respond to positive reinforcement, and generally argue with the negative. (Something tells me you knew this when you began what you've begat.) Anything that is lighthearted and fun can - and almost invariably will - be abrasive to someone else. I have not forced you to bask in my presence, although you seem to feel otherwise. Anything can be seen as a kind of violence towards others when it is found distasteful, including silence. If I wanted to throw a pity party I could feign anger at the violent silence of those who did not acclaim my every blathe. Speaking of pity, it fascinates me that first I am derided as throwing a pity-party in my vomitous hall of mirrors, and now you seek pity for your lack of a mental selectively permeable membrane. If you don't want to read someone's blathes, then don't. It is that simple. Do not accost me for lack of self control if you cannot exercise it yourself! If you really were so pained by the things I have posted I must suggest immediate psychotherapy as you clearly are suffering from some sort of displaced cognitive dissonance. If my trivial blathes have so adversely affected you, your life has truly been charmed and you haven't the slightest clue as to what adversity is. You are fortunate.
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Did I continue charting Tirades_of_Blather after several persons expressed their dislike about it? Of course, they did not concoct new names to hide behind, which is one of the main reasons I took their criticism seriously...
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Not the Blatherskite
It is disingenuous to remain in a defensive posture that seems to stake the territory of simple, fun innocence. You have sniped plenty yourself. Lashing out with facile decorum is no less violent, just divisive. I do not expect you to change. I only wish it to be perfectly clear that I consider your habits implicitly discourteous. If I have been blunt, it is because I have decided to make my position perfectly clear. That I have invented several aliases is actually a point unto itself. I have adopted your own behavior to make a belabored point. That it's intent is perhaps more pointed than your own is, of course, also by design. I hope you will see the irony in the fact that you were moved to confront the issue only after I began behaving like you. Regarding my discomfort I would ask, do you behave this way in life outside of Blather? Would you do this sort of thing at work? Among your friends or family? With your clients? I doubt it. At least not with the kind of volume you persist in. It would make you a pariah. I seek no pity from you or anyone else. I only wish to call your attention to the notion that you are here amongst others, and that some of us dislike some of what you do. At the risk of being redundant, it is the quantity, not the quality, that I most object to. I think I have made that point now.
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What can I do other than shrug? It is unfortunate that you are so affected by this thing that is so trivial. This is really about you and your fussiness, not me and my blathiness. Assail my ego, if it pleases you; it sure seems fun for ya'. We all enjoy the occasional "snipe" and that is one of the benefits of Blather's junk amongst jewels. I find "meta" annoying, but guess what, who cares. I'm not going to try and stop meta. I'm not going to accost Z over something that he and others enjoy. In fact I even added some, for the benefit of Z and others who are into that sort of thing. It is somewhat disappointing when an exciting topic has merely had "meta" added to it. That is why I conceded in the "Tirade" episode. However, this is not one of life's trials. It is so easy to simply click on something else. You are interested in how this reflects upon my life; let us turn the tables for a moment. In your personal life do you run about, pointing out the things in others preferential systems that bother you, knowing they won't change, but just to let them know you find it dissatisfying? It would seem to make you a Tartuffe if you did. Or do you throw them a bone, cede the inaccountability of tastes, and genuinely try to serve up what they seem to enjoy? As is so often the case in arguments of this sort, most of your criticisms of me can be turned right back on yourself. The same, admittedly, applies to me... clearly we both enjoy a self-righteous tone, but that was acknowledged last time we got into this. Frankly, I don't wholly object to your criticisms, but your attempt to fight fire with fire is only creating a blaze. In all honesty, if a sizable number of mainstay Blatherskites came forward, under their usual names, and expressed their disdain with my blathings, I would quite probably go away. I'd be sad, sure, but I'd get over it by doing a lot of drugs or riding a pony into the sunset or something. Contrary to your presumptious allegations, I am not entirely callous to the feelings of others here. I point to the Tirades_of_Blather; or to the fact that after Stork Daddy took me to task over my own tendency toward diatribes (following the Intellectual_Property debacle) I sizably scaled back my rant ratio. Now I shall contradict myself, for your pleasure. First I said you were fiery, but now I shall call you a wet blanket. You are being a wet blanket. It takes one to know one, of course; I too have been a wet blanket. Anyway, half the fun of ceasing to be Andru235 was to indulge in reckless polyskitematicism. When the last bits of fun were drained out of that, thanks to a certain unnamed wet blanket, I tipped my hand. Now others can witness how I had arguments with myself, and then denied doing so. If you really think you have any insight into my behaviour, you would reveal the same, and probably my respect for your criticisms will be significantly augmented; for this, however, I will not hold my breath. Your invention of aliases seems of dubious purposefulness; it seems rather a masquerade, so that you may hide. But then, isn't that half the fun? Many skites change their names regularily. I am merely a scapegoat for your dissatisfaction with a concept... a concept that does not dissatisfy everyone else here. Remember that if we all behaved only in ways that accorded with everyone else's sense of manners, we would end by doing nothing at all. Nevertheless, as a final concession, I will try and be more mindful of quantity, since it pains you so. This does not mean that I am going to radically restructure my blathic behavior... but I will keep you, whoever you are, in mind.
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not The Blatherskite
Thank you.
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i'm just not entirely sure in which city
what's it to you?