Borealis please? 040717
puredream i will love you...until my heart refuses bleed... until I can no longer scream... until the Earth shatters... I will love you after all is lost. I love you.

And on a side note... I really really miss you. I just tried calling you, two numbers, and no Ashley!!! God!!! I need you.
lacunas coil we are all wanderers and fools
upon a road to discovery
a road to an end
by any means
and dreams
an we are
oldephebe i'm all tapped out..but i'm enjoying what you guys are writing... 040718
kookaburra tell me something that hits so hard that i know it cant be some sort of imitation like everything else nowadays, with the special effects that are slowly but surely bleeding into regular life, and the lies and the tricks and illusions
tell me something that will wake me up from the fog that i feel in my brain, that is giving me the semblance of panic without the urgent need to do something about the vague demons menacing closer.
tell me something that will force me out of my growing indifference to life and all of its trappings. tell me something that will make me remember that my life really does have a point, and that there is a point to being a good person or a bad person, or that there is a point to being.
tell me something that i cant break down into your prejudices and your vices. tell me something that i have to accept as truth
newme i'm tired of real 040718
honestly kookaburra, i didn't really like your writing until i read that one. is that real enough for you 040718
megan my world is so fake
talking to you the other night, until 2 in the morning, with you in kansas and me still in ohio
you understood
i think you're the first person who agreed with me, had the same ideas
i felt so close to you in that instant. we were real, everyone else was so fake
and it's true
but it's sad

thank you for telling me something real, it truely has made all the difference
once again I could tell you of pain and of laughter and smiles and tears. I could even make you believe they are real. I cried for the loss, but laughed for the leaving... a smile for you and a few tears for me.

But no.

In moments I believe that nothing can be real. In moments, seconds even, when I have reversed myself, life seems so changeable that it is not worth it to set down your truths, for tomoro they may change.

But I will tell you something real. Something that will never change.

I may not know you. I may never meet you. You not speak my language or listen to my music. You may in fact have qualities that I despise... but even in my worst moments... especially in my worst moments... when nothing seems real... you are real... I believe in you, with more aching faith then I have for the whole of creation. I have faith in you. I believe.
u24 I am real. that is all I know, and I'm not even sure of that. 040907
magicforest laughs in her personal rainstorm 040907
stork daddy define real. 040907
for this, perhaps "Free of pretense, falsehood, or affectation" would fit the bill. (thank you,
therefore, i am not real, and not sure i could create something as such.
try it.
stork daddy the correct response was to ask me to define define 040907
well, then, i fucked that up nicely. 040909
suicidalchinadoll you will not find a place in this world until you get over yourself. 041029
god when you die, you go to where you were before you were born. 041030
:) What's_reality?


unhinged our similarities far outweigh our differences 041030
ariel what is it with this request that makes people turn to it when they're feeling? (feeling what? lost? depressed? sad? or just feeling at all?)

i wonder if it's to do with feeling unreal, and if we are unreal, then what is real? is there something real we can cling to? tell me something real.

i wonder why i feel unreal. ok, so i kind of don't believe in reality, or at least not reality as we perceive it. i suppose this is why i search for absolutes, something inaliable, beyond perception, beyond relativity, something that IS.

so far i've come across two things i believe to be absolute: love and death. (i think purely from a literary standpoint but if you want anything like "evidence" from me you can email me... but you'd have to know who i am to email me, and if you know me, i've probably spent a long time discussing absolutes with you already.) perhaps i should extend "love" to "emotions", but i'd prefer not to, i think love is generally stronger and can generally supersede other emotions.

but still death is the one that really comes to mind when you're alone at 7 in the morning, and have been completely alone since you woke up seven hours ago. there's something about this existence that's wearing and telling on the soul: it's lonely.

i'm not sure how much i believe that we only exist so much as we are related to others. in fact, i believe it completely, but only if we include our relationship with ourselves in the picture. i remember discussing virginia woolf, and i was asked, don't you think her work is rather solipsistic? he said, have you read "the waves"? and i said i had, and i had to largely cede to his argument. all we see is what's inside the head of one character at a time; we don't see interaction, or really even objective action, only what is seen through the eyes of that character. he was trying to catch me out, though, and he told me after i could have got out of it by suggesting that relationships really are only in our head.

but there's so much to a person that you never see from the outside, so much that exists only within them and that only they know. the best of them, the worst of them, the really boring bits in between, so much of it is never revealed. and if it's never seen does that mean it isn't real at all?

i don't think so. i think if they know it exists then it is there. this is what i mean by their relationship with themselves. i think i've been described as more than real, and i think this is because i have a strong relationship with myself, a strong understanding of myself. i read a tale of a man who met an angel, and asked the angel if he was unreal, because he had seen him go straight through solid objects as they walked, but the angel replied to him that he was more solid than the stone or the wood; he reminded the man that they had come across a mist on their way, and had passed through it, because they were more solid than the mist.

so i wonder then if being more real makes everything around you feel less real?

i cannot really prove absolutes, but i feel them to be ubiquitous, undeniable, inaliable and eternal truths. that is just my feeling. i cannot truly tell you something eternal.

perhaps the best i can do is tell me something real: i am.

and beyond that there's not really any certainty.
Borealis maybe I wanted a reason to put faith in something fallible.

maybe not...
maybe I was just feeling equally alone;lost;worried;scared;unreal...
but couldn't think of a way out myself..
sab i have misplaced my heater
and my toes are cold
what's it to you?
who go