freakizh wee hee.


right now it reads 26310 words.
but as soon as i post this one, it will change!

wee hee.
freakizh eep!
it doesn't change!!
the wizard of blather pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

the great and powerful oz has spoken
curious as hell how the fuck did you find that? 020909
squint WHOA DUDE.

my whole life has been turned upside down.

well. sorta.
tourist Do you just sit at the keyboard and Type Code? I admire you, and your uncanny knack at understanding this binary jibberish. It's all I can do to log on and find my "favorites" file.
Please keep us posted on any new discoveries in Cyber-Incognita.
silentbob 26332 020910
freakizh woo hoo

yeah i read code.

i found it because in the old blathers (go to: the_way_blather_was), there was a number at the bottomline, but actual blather didn't. so.. i thought how the fuck they may be accurate on that shit?

and i read code.

and voilá, i hope you like it.
it's my gift to the blather_world.
that and the blather_oracle.
i found another secret thingie!


the image directory of blather!
girl_jane 26488... 020915
blatherite 28225
i wonder if what it would look like if a graph was made and the number of entries was one variable and the time was another.

well i know what it would look like but i would still like to see it.
krimilda the number of words in my front page don't change... the three words there don't change either... waht to do? freakizh you should know.... 021113
krimilda there... I did it, by myself...hehehe 021113
xldae a man who's really a boy 021114
freakizh they change!
press reload and clean your cache.
EECP tsk tsk....searching around in Mr. Sage's code. How invasive. 021114
freakizh :(

it was for the sake of the blatherskites!!
i hope sage will forgive me.
jane 28421 021120
SuicidalAngel Nice! 021120
werewolf bound fools...you'll be bound to rocks where vultures will devour your innards daily. 021121
p2 as prometheus gave man fire
we have been given the code
punish us not
for we have been granted the right
by the blather_gods themselves
angie wow.
i dont know how i feel...
margaux 29494 021228
// 29499 021229
megan 29522 021230
Strideo 29794
jane 30126 030128
wish~ 30139 030129
littleidiot 30139!

oh wait.
littel_elf 30226
is red better than blue? or is it just different?
Lilac its the same only red and less people go there 030203
mcdougall i like the little crowds
makes more space for my creativity
its to busy here but it is the original
it will always hold aspecial place in my heart
i.e. small fish looking for small pond to feel big 030203
ShilohLives What do you mean by Red??? I don't think youre talking about a color so it must have significance!! AHHHH HELP!! 030612
methinx http://blather.newdream.net/red/ 030612
oh yeah i found a blather secret. if you look past all the recent blathes, you sometimes come across buried blathes that no one has touched. some of them from 'skites who blathed a few times and promptly disappeared. some of them even say something. you can admire them like pebbles, spit over your shoulder and chuck 'em in the river.

Strideo 33874
User24 wow! how come I wasn't informed using my supertech blatherpager? 030722
Death of a Rose 36164

take that and smoke it.
falling_alone curently there are 38204 words on blather 031231
Dozyn2 Today there are only 39762 words here. Not many more than before 040223
u24 interesting. 040224
u24 39772. it doesn't change every time because you need to run the rebuild script. I think it's set up to do it nightly. 040224
u24 actually, it's count.pl that creates numwords and numentries. rebuild.pl relinks new words.

In fact (and someone who knows perl might want to check this out) looking at lines 195 to 200 of blather.pl. It would appear that blather will only function fully until 2049. At least, dates after 2049 will be reported as 1950...1951...etc instead of 2050...2051...etc.

someone wanna verify this, and the effect this will have on blather for me?

look! 39782 now 040224
p2 u24
you're right
but the only function that's affected
is showday
which i rarely use anyway
but it's kinda funny
that they would use ($y < 50)
since blather started in 1998 anyway

anyone who uses showday
has until 2049
(i've confirmed this in the perl code
and by going to:
where it shows the full sql query as the first line
in the html source)

or until the blather_gods
once again intervene
and save us from damnation
p2 oops
the second url should be:
bandersnatch 39829 040225
Novice wow! 040301
bystander "But I warn you that all knowledge seeming innocent and pure becomes a deadly weapon in the hands of avarice and greed."

- Icculus

not everything is meant to be known.
it_always_rains_on_the_unloved 39943 040301
karl 39952... only 48 away from 40000 040301
floralieca 40658 ! 040323
no-one 41447 040414
... 31337... 040415
Becky 43494

. 43878 040626
. 45522 040812
cpgurrl 45542 040813
estarocks 45740 040819
estarocks 15 min. l8r 45741 040819
cpgurrl 45804 040821
hmmpf so blather advances by about 200 words every couple of days...
*nods* interesting
f 67945 040822
czmember no, 45813! 040822
f there's someone called Lucky...
I don't know if it is gal or b-boy but who the hell cares - god damn they can write ..

check this one out everybody !
alice hmm... i must put my newly acquired rudimentary perl knowledge to use somehow
i wonder if i could grok the blather source
thorn 49255 050101
u24 admirer 51970 050527
u24 i didn't see this when I wrote fifty_one_thousand.

and I'm sorry to dissappoint, but you may have noticed I'm all but gone these days. I will return one day :-)
killrhythm 52131 050605
anne-girl check it out
it's the who page on acid
2000 ... 050912
anne-girl aaaaaaaand the final result:

54394 different words

as opposed to 54488 on the numwords page

so there are 92 abandoned words somewhere?

dries&hardens what a nod to the vastness of language. i am- amazed. 060108
meta meta 060109
u24 anne-girl; perhaps that's just because rebuild.pl hasn't caught those 92 yet? just a guess... 060110
anne-girl good point
i'll run the experiment again sometime, see if the numbers come up the same
friend wow 58045. it sure goe sup fast.
that it does.
anne-girl random blather fact:

you can blather on 1, but not 0
u24 wow. 060203
u24 57422 060216
Strideo 60100
u24 i noted the rollover at 60000 061125
tessa 60503 070122
smiler 60561 070129
okay i'm sure i'm not the first person to discover this but now i actually know how to do some geekery. so there. just try to figure out who i am. you can't because there is no name to click!!!!!!!!!!!! 070713
tester 070713
jane 63536 071231
. your name is technically %3C%2Fa%3E 080101
Dozyn2 63805 080225
Strideo 64960
jane i always read this page title in the annoying tune of "i've got a golden ticket" 080904
jane i say we celebrate at the cusp of 65000 words 080904
oren I_am so there. 080905
WHOA http://blather.newdream.net/cgi-bin/blather?who;name=%3Cimg%20src%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gifs.net%2Fanimate%2Fuphill.gif%22%3E 081002
j well, it's 65173 now, soooooo.........

let's party!
what is this? http://splash.newdream.net/ 090223
j and it's 66169 now 090223
ungreat http://blather.newdream.net/l/letter_indexes.html

but its not really a secret
yoink 73072 120623
u24 73423 130107
u24 another blather secret:

melted plastic "a symphony of [an error occurred while processing this directive] words."

how perfect is that? there are no words to summarize blather's words.
TCMT 74218 131113
melted plastic http://blathertools.iscreamsundays.com/

a long-forgotten blather-related project spearheaded by user24 and anne_girl. some pieces of it don't seem to exist anymore, but still. kind of neat.
superleni That graph is awesome! What the hell drove the peaks? 131113
meta meta 131114
IGG 77122 now 201109
what's it to you?
who go