Sol I just tried to take an S bend over a canal bridge as a straight line, dumb dumb dumb
fell down from a 6/7 meter bridge, landed less than a meter from the canal (traveling at about 50mph)
the front pf my bike is wrecked. bollocks bollocks
and had too walk over a mile with my keys lodged into my knee to find a phone.
i wish roads were straighter sometimes.
paste! i have been beating myself with a shovel for 72 years. 010803
mr.bunnyrabbit I want to lick the shovel

no, I want to lick the shovel

fuck you, I want to lick the shovel

no, I wanna

I wanna



daxle last week when I was hit by a semi
I wished I would have
but here I am
I guess I'm doing ok though
lost i almost died when i got alchohol poisoning. they had to shock me to get my body temperature back up. if it would have been 2 degrees lower i would have died. 010803
bijou i was in a canoe with two other people and there was a storm the night before that knocked over a bunch of trees. we came to this huge tree and there were these guys in uniforms helping people over the log. i remember thinking they were the coast guard. well they tried to push our boat over and my other crew abandoned ship, so i was in the boat which decided to go under the log instead of over. so i am inside this canoe, lodged somehow between the canoe in the log underwater for like a minute and a half. it seemed longer. i couldn't get out, i just looked upwards towards the surface and opened my eyes and i could see the light from the sky, and the water rushing over making white bubbles. it was so beautiful and i felt so calm. 010803
whoknows we had 30 minutes for lunch and decided to go to hardees, which is ~15/20 away from the school, just to see if we could make it. were hauling ass to get back to school on time. theres a sharp curve on the way. you can safely go ~55 mph but were were going ~75. maybe 85. i cant remember. and theres an 18 wheeler coming at us. she lost control of the car and it was swerving all over the road. im being bounced around in the passenger seat, the girl in the back tossed from one side of the car to the other. books flying up into the air. she regained control just as the truck reached us and passed. 011209
lost i've almost died about 12 times... 8 of those i woke up in the hospital and they told me that i'm lucky to be alive. 3 of the other times i tried to commit suicide and for some fucking dumb reason it didnt work ( which i can say im glad now) and the other time i was in a car wreck and got really fucked up but didnt go to the hospital. 011209
ClairE whenever I knew you didn't want me.

It was nothing really like death, but I was so full of anger!

I am never actually close to dying, because I have worried about death so much. That takes you much too close as it is.
paste! i have been beating myself with a shovel for 72 years and 4 months. 011209
psychobabe yes yes we've all had our share of the suicide not working. Damn when it doesnt it suxz so much, but then now its good to know your still alive

I have almost died many times. Everytime *cept a few* i can happily say my friends kept me from it. One was with my diabetes, i was sleeping and went into an insulin reaction and couldnt wake up. My friend sarah (guitar_freak) called to see if i wanted to do something that day and my sis answered the phone. When she came upstairs to get me i wouldnt wake up...and so she freaked, called my aunt and called 911. When i started comeing back i was in my bed, people all around me pokeing me with instruments, needles and gadgets. I was crying i can for sure remember that...when i was wheeled outside, sarah and my friend ronnie *god i miss him : (* were standing outside, sarah was crying and ronnie was just standing next to her with his arm around her i think. Kinda vague to say if its true about that part. When i went into the hospital and was totally awake, i just sat in my bed feeling like total shit. Of course is HAD to have been when i was depressed to. Damn that suxed. Other times i've almost died cuz of low bloodsugar AGAIN. Damnit i have to keep good care of myself. I'm better now, havent had anything like that happen to me within over lemme think...3 years. Other times i've been home alone and friends have called to just talked, saveing me from what could have lied ahead. But i thank them greatly for it. I'm glad i'm still alive, even if at times i wish i wasnt
tonya am i daed yet 011211
Norm In grade nine I was a big binge drinker. It's tough to get my hands on booze I thought, so whenever I did I would drink until I was near death. Well, during that phase I almost died from alcohol poisoning at least 10 times, twice I went to the hospital 1 my parents knew about it. My friends and I all spent alot of our drunken weekends keeping each other alive. Another time, drunk again and in grade nine, I was in the woods drinking with my homeland buddies and little did I realize I walking near a steep and long drop off. Quite a drop, I walked a little too close and fell. Hmmm, all alcohol related, well at least I can look back and laugh. 011211
psychobabe god fucking damnit *throws things in rage* why the fuck did i break my 3 year streak!!!!!!! 011212
R. I had been surfing at work on that website the whole day long when my boss called me to come into his office. I believed noone had seen me surfing but everyone did, so he told me off.

When I returned to my desk and looked at that website again, I realized I didn't care at all.
what's it to you?
who go