*CatMeow* In no particular order:

1. i love you

2. shut the fuck up

3. i hate you can take your philosophy and shove it up you ass for all i care

5. kiss me and never stop

Thank God tomorrow is forever turning into today.
startfires you are too much. too perfect. i don't trust perfection. 010525
silentbob "Yes, i am going to be a cross-dressing stripper. i will undress for a living."


"Is that all you got me?"

"Thanks, buh-bye."

Tomorrow is my graduation party.
NOLA and tomorrow is a new fucking day,
I hate everything about you,
You fucking god dam Bastard.
unique butterfly that i'm going to be an individual.
that i'm going to be who i can be.
that i'm going to be everything.
that i'm going to be alive.
that i'm going to be happy.
that i'm going to be free.
that i'm going to be true.
that i'm going to be beautiful.
that i'm going to be trustworthy.
that i'm going to be smart.
that i'm going to be creative.
that i'm going to be caring.
that i'm going to be honest.
that i'm going to be the best friend.
that i'm going to be kind.
that i'm going to be unqiue.
that i'm going to be loving.
that i'm going to be memorable.
that i'm going to be real.
that i'm going to be fun.
that i'm going to be strong.
that i'm going to be different.
that i'm going to be like a bird.
that i'm going to be musical.
that i'm going to be talented.
that i'm going to be me?
unhinged i'm sorry for what i did. it was immature and irresponsible. i never do the right thing when i'm scared. no one has ever scared me like that. i was so used to seeing a certain thing in the mirror and you made me see something totally different. something my self-loathing and self-pity wouldn't let me see. it's so hard to spend 19 years of your life living a certain way to have one person destroy everything you ever wanted to disappear. that's how it happens in the movies. my life has never been a movie. i'm just sorry and i hope that you hate me forever. then you would fit into my life the way you are supposed to. 010602
that awful awful man I have nefarious designs on your sisters
...evil glee is giving me blisters
Ditto. tomorrow I just say.....
I'm leaving this place.....
I'm starting a new life.
Persona tomorrow
shut up and not a word
yummychuckle wow unhinged...
thats almost exactly what i want to say!
minus the 19 years thing (seeing as I'm 14),and i think thats it...everything else is exactly what i wanted.


also I think I want to say goodbye.
Casey Well here we are Toby. Another day where it is just you and me, no one else. Fuck them right...heh heh. I'm a loser 010624
chaos when i wake up tomorrow will things still be the same? 010717
Aimee I love you
I'm sorry
I miss you
Thank you for telling me I don't have to work today..
psychobabe i miss you

will you still love me
silentbob whoo hoo! mu330 you fucking rock! 010830
psychobabe why are you tormenting me with all these lies and TRYING to make me jelous? I swear the only reason why your dateing her is to get some fucking ass! you are such a manwhore its pathetic! when will you grow up and take responsibility for yourself instead of always looking for someone to be an ali-by?!?!?!?! 010914
unique butterfly i want to say why you made me feel so bad. why i feel like crying. why i have cried. i want to tell you how much i hurt. i want to let you know that i don't know what to do, that i never know. jealousy isn't pretty on a girl, yet i'm jealous. more hurt than anything. being your girlfriend shouldn't make me feel out of place or like a third wheel or a second choice. i think friends are great and you should abandon them you start dating someone, yet i'm your friend too. you can't forget about me. we were friends before and now that we're going out it feels like we're drifting. i've never had a boyfriend that i really actually got to know. i thought maybe you'd be the first, but instead we're growing apart. maybe i have my expectations all screwed up, but i hate being ignored or treated like something less than a good friend, because i am... or at least i want to be. to takes two to be friends and i feel like i'm being left out. my childish ways are terrible, i know, but i don't see any point in being your girlfriend when i'm nothing more than... an aquantince. i swore i wouldn't play the part of a jealous girlfriend, but what am i suppose to do when you choose everything and everyone before me? Now I want to cry again... It's just, first it was Justin. He just used me. Then it was Jake. He liked me a lot, but he could be a jerk and was just scared. Then it was Aaron. Jeez, he's bi and we had nothing in common. Then it was Tristan. He broke my heart. Now it's you. And I hate feeling this way. Why does it seem that all my boyfriends choose their friends BEFORE me?? I hate it... and if it keeps up, I can't do it anymore. I honestly don't think I ever want a boyfriend again and I haven't even broken up with you yet. I don't want too, but this is so pointless. 020412
Mr24 talking about a guy at work XXXXXX, you talk so much bullshit, you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, but still, I respect you for having the nerve to actually stand and say it, however, you always have something to prove, and I wish you could realise that nothing is that damn important, I don't give a shit, you don't give a shit, you don't need it done, you're telling me that you need it done in a piss poor attempt to motivate me into doing it, but you just don't understand, my lack of motivation is not something a little amateur conditioning is going to cure, it has come about due to my realisation that this world does not exist. Given that knowledge, how the hell am I supposed to care about this world?

oren "I'm so glad you're feeling better today, darling." 060326
unhinged sorry ive been so mean and ridiculous in the past week

being abandoned brings out the worst in me
what's it to you?
who go