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there's never enough time to be aware of your changes but there is always time to sit back & let them happen
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if they want to do something about terroism first they should realise why it exists... going to space... before helping the poverty in the world could be ONE reason why people are angry. why arn't people happy to know what they have got on this planet ? why are they looking for more ? proof of intellegence... we fly to outer space to prove how cleaver we are... !!! top marks what do you want a gold medal ? isn't quality of life to each individual on this planet "earth" better than competing with each other on space missions? i would just like to know exactly how much money the world spends on space missions. i would also like to know what the human race has gained from this... ok we know that it is not possible to live on any other planet at this moment in time... what else do you want to know ? the alien might just kill you. and we might just kill each other... ... what else ?
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theres always time to change theres the rest of your life to change things the future isnt carved in stone and even if it was stone can be broken down into rocks rocks into gravel gravel into dust dust can be made into mortar and you can use it to build anew
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well i only hope so... i mean what is the use of a big diamond when people are starving ? but everyone needs to do it together.. or it won't work will it ? i like the stars.. and pebbles on the sea shore... i don't think a diamond is any better or worse.
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I wrote a letter to the queen once, people thought i was having a laugh ! no actually i was serious.. ! maybe the address was wrong or the way i said her name... ? To : The Queen, Windsor Castle, Berkshire. it can't have got there and plus it's not good enought to be simply called the Queen you need the pre names to go with it... i do Respect and all ... it's just... i find it a bit old hat. i won't tell you what was in the letter... not right now anyway ! NEW WORLD ORDER... i'm writting a book actually.. maybe you can help me ? I need a word.. cross between...COMMUNISM, FUNISM and UTOPIANISM... what word would that be ? ( it needs to sound like a sound maybe.. what is it called when a word sounds like it is ... like purr... and fluffly? ) anyway.. moving forward... a clip from my book... a bed time storey maybe ! " It's time the queen did a bit or road sweeping for a change, it's ok, it's not forever, these days we have job swaps, next month she can help design the new knit wear for umm.. Prada.. oh sorry Prada don't exist anymore does it. Ok, she can work together with a food nutrition expert to decide what is good for your body and what tastes good, she can design a new Utopian supermarket range. If she really feels like it she can go back to her old job and shake hands with an African that is happy to live a simple life in a hut." hay ! i'm not a writter really... i can't spell to save the world ! i just have a dream... i want the chocolate spread called "NUTELLA" to change it's name... to "LOVE". they can spread their chocolate around the world... YUMMY ! NUTELLA is my name anyway... ! .
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that was long
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regardless of what hannah arendt says, there's always hope and the world has not gone to shit.
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fuffle, Don't get me wrong, Compassion is a Wonderful and Nessesary thing. But I Doubt That Space Exploration is Causing any Apprieciable Hunger Here. The Real Causes of Inequity Are More Prevasive and Entrenched I Believe. (Keep an Eye on The Bankers and Their Ilk) And as for World Utopia Even If We Achive It All It Will Take Is One Catastropihic Asteroid Event To Snuff The Human Candle. I Rather Like the Idea of Humanity Expanding It's Fragile Foothold To Other Locations Beyond Earth, Just to Increase the Odds of Survival.
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you watch too many movies the gas that shoots up rockets could also heat houses. Sci fi nerds often miss that point.
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So Could Bovine Flatulence What's Your Point? Yes I Read A Lot Of Sci-Fi The Present Is Made Of That Stuff. My Point Was That It Is Almost Inevitable That An Impact Event Of Considerable Magnitude WILL OCCUR, When is Another Question. We As A Race Of Beings Have Always Pushed The Frontiers. Crossing Oceans In Frail Wooden Craft Scaling Mountains Crossing Lines, It's What Humans Do. Oft Times Whole Civilizations Fall But Our Ability To Deversify Keeps Us Around. Is It A Good Thing? I Don't Know, But It Is What WE ARE.
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we could make a base on the moon, we could. We could make a base in space, or on Mars. We could. Especially if nobody returned home. That would make it pretty doable. We could also make a permanent colony on Antarctica or at the bottom of the ocean, but we don't, because there's no point. There's nothing there, certainly nothing to justify the exorbitant expense. For the same reason I don't think the human race will see other planets.
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When change actually manages to gain a foothold..and people throw off the shackles of ignorance and greed that have us doing circles to no end..I have a funny feeling this will seem like foreign planet.
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Don't Sell The X-Prize Phenomenon Short This Won't Nesesarily Be A Governmental Project. We Might Just Move Out As A More Or Less Private Enterprise. Pioneers Traveling Light And Fast Taking Only The Tools To Build What They Need From Materials At Hand. Europeans, Standing On The Shores Of The Atlantic Used To Think That The Very Edge Of The World Was Just Over The Edge. Yet Vikings And Other Driven Explorers Took The Gamble. Many Died But Some Survived To Tell. Procreation Has Always Been This Way. Millions Of Seed Produced With Only A Handfull Reaching Maturity To Produce The Next Wave. I Don't Mean To Suggest That We Tax And Strave The Population Here To Get A Toehold There, But I Don't Think That The End Is Even In Sight. As For Benifits, You Don't Have To Look Any Further Than The Machine You Are Using Now. Micro-Electronics The Internet, Telecomunications, Are All The Children Of The "Space Race". Enjoy The Show. No One Is Dragging You Kicking And Screaming Onto Some Rocketship, There Are Plenty Of Volonteers Waiting And Passing The Nesesary Tools Forward. Once Humanity Moves Out We'll Look Back And Wonder How We Ever Survived Couped Up Down Here. Believe Me This Happens Over And Over Again.
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i'm scared that by the time he is done changing, he will have disposed of me. or i will have disposed of him.
what's it to you?