Bizzar I was used to everyday, the same person for 4 years, now someone new is in my life, and I cant seem to get used to. I keep telling me I need this, and deep down i know I do. So why is it just so hard to get used to, this someone new. Its difficult to adjust to opening my eyes and seeing him, instead of the one person Ive made my life for 4 years. I knew his habbits, his patterns, I knew exactly what he was going to do when he kissed me... and this is one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do. 011011
bizzar Its like being born all over again 011011
silentbob kill me 011012
mister mourning ::shoots bobby::

(anything ele i can do for you, bob?)
nocturnal I think would be good for me, or at least a reappearance of an estranged someone old. 021114
minnesota_chris Me too. I just had that thought this morning! 021118
nocturnal you must have stolen it from me. I want it back. 021118
minnesota_chris I have this theory, that people "resonate". Like if you ring one bell, another bell of the same pitch will start ringing just by itself.

I thought if you have two similar people, close enough to each other, the things that affect one person start to affect the other the same way. The two start to have the same thoughts, same reactions. Like they get hungry at the same times, start to have the same responses. Kinda weird and kinda nice at the same time...
kitty i wasn't looking for anyone new, but they found me somehow. i was really upset. i had to rethink everything! i didn't know if i was ready for it. they were just ephemeral, though, but now i'm scared of meeting a someone_new again. 021119
minnesota_chris Last night, I was the someone_new. I saw a movie, and went fabric shopping (!) with an old acquaintance, a person that I knew fairly well about 10 years ago.

She's in a serious relationship now, but she wanted to see with me. It seemed we were connected by an imaginary tether, always looking at things, and always turning back to face each other.

By the end of the evening, when she dropped me off at my car, I had such conflicting emotions. If she wants me, I should have shown her my feelings. If she wants to stay with her boyfriend, I would have estranged her by reaching over for a smooch.

I actually believe that both are true. To_kiss_or_not_to_kiss, that is the question. Anyone know what I should have done/should do?
Afro Its amazing how someone new can make you feel like a completely different person in such a short amount of time. Its like they can make you forget all the hurt from your past. I wonder if that ever ends? 031126
shh yeah, it ends. and then you find someone new. 031126
Lemon_Soda It never ends. Everyday.

Someone new.

I love the people. 5 minute friends are great. Talk to someone on the street or in the store like their your best friend and you'll get the same right back.

Someone new to you both, and because you started it nice you'll both have found memories and a renewed hope in the essence of humankind.
ferret oh how i'd love to meet somebody new, damn, how i'd just love to BE somebody new... 031127
misstree distraction, distraction, i need a dis
traction to keep me from wandering
too-familiar paths and
trampling the same old
flowers and weeds and keep me
from being bit by the same old
snakes, i need a distrac
tion that will focus me
elsewhere, bamf me to
nowhere i've been before, trip
me mid-sentence into forgetting and
make me laugh until birds burst from treetops,
distraction, distraction, i need
sparkling new, fresh from the box,
a challenge, a toy for a
brutal little girl's teeth to wear at
and keep her from chewing at
the wrist tethered to
the same old paths, the same old
flowers getting trampled,
distraction, distraction, i need...
ever dumbening minnesota chris

did you ever see ?

the whole bell idea jives well with what i was mining.

it's funny, too, because i was just thinking about this today, as i am single again and wondering and wandering. which differences will melt, which will define, which will divide? with either analogy—bell or pendulum (or any other resonant system for that matter)—the amount of similarity or difference in size, shape, and construction dramatically affects the "harmonics." it's fun then to extrapolate into human systems, imagining how many of the lovely bells out there could ring well with our own. are there only a small handful (fates and soulmates), or can we, through mindfulness and patience and growth, ring with just about anyone?
misstree being helpful iv_ever_dumbening_julia_butterfly
ever dumbening god am i tired and 'tarded today. uh, yeah, blather is all interlinked. tumtimes i'm toopid.

thanks, tree.

———— doofus
misstree i've done it before meself. *grin* 031204
danica fresh beginning. oppurtunities. chances. 031204
minnesota_chris miss dumbening, very true.

I tried to write more, but I had two drinks last night and my brain is still on strike. Two drinks! That's nothing, you crappy gray cells, get back to work!
x aha! i suspected singledom was related to ED's comeback. 031209
ever dumbening yes, but it doesn't explain the sex change 031209
x something to hold while i lose my grip 031221
what's it to you?
who go