sameolme It's a Buddhist condition characterized
by pat platitudes which masquerade as compassion. This condition allows for minimal response to suffering.
a explain more, please. 070228
calmer Dictionary
equanimity |??kw??nimit?; ?ekw?-| noun mental

calmness, composure, and evenness of temper,

esp. in a difficult situation : she accepted both the good and the bad with equanimity.

DERIVATIVES equanimous |i?kwän?m?s| adjective ORIGIN early 17th cent.(also in the sensefairness, impartiality’ ): from Latin aequanimitas, from aequus ‘equal’ + animus ‘mind.’

equanimity noun she confronted the daily crises with equanimity composure, calm, level-headedness, self-possession, coolheadedness, presence of mind; serenity, tranquility, phlegm, imperturbability, equilibrium; poise, assurance, self-confidence, aplomb, sangfroid, nerve; informal cool. antonym anxiety.
calmer knee-jerk

noun a sudden involuntary reflex kick caused by a blow on the tendon just below the knee. adjective [ attrib. ] (of a response) automatic and unthinking : a knee-jerk reaction. • (of a person) responding in this way : knee-jerk radicals
button umm...

what are you up to ?
sameolme Many of the Buddhists I have known
put too high a value on their personal peace of mind. They will disdain the nitty gritty work of political action, claiming that they don't want to get too attached to a position. In reality, they are already attached to the prone position of
disattachment. Not taking action while living in a world of insane suffering is
not a sign of wisdom, but of cowardice.
Kneejerk equanimity is how this cowardice is maintained.
gja its a condition borne of fear of change 070301
kung Fu that is quite true 'sameolme', that is mostly due to fear of loosing their clarity and karma, but in some sense that is avoiding the bigger picture. The problem there is i think we all too well know how easy it is to be knocked by negative images and news, it is all too easy to become depressed at the state of the world.

You are correct, the only way past it is to face up to it, but that does come at a price and that is your own personal clarity and inner peace, unless of course you are strong enough to keep the balence, to have a voice and not become agressive or overly judgemental at taking that stance without it denting your flow.

It is almost a sacrifice to face up to the truth outside when you have achieved peace inside, this is why i sometimes feel that retweats can often unhinge you when coming back into the real world, it makes you quite vulnerable.

the most difficult part is not to be deluded by the pleasure of inner peace because it is infact escapism in a certain sense.

How to be peaceful and strong is the question and the aim.
unhinged true equanimity is not a kneejerk response or the easy way out of anything

there are scenester_bitches even in the buddhist scene

and only the greatest of us can live the truth every second of their waking lives; one foot on the right path is better than both feet on the wrong path. buddhism and the twelve steps go so well together because it really is one step at a time.
Lemon_Soda Training ones mind for this reaction is a good thing. Allowing it to dominate your sense of right and wrong to the point of inaction is not.

We live in an age of communication, where even the smallest injustice is blownup and passed along for everyone to see. The world is screaming in pain, on the news, in the papers, at school, at work, and in the home. We are all too keenly aware of whats going on, of how bad things really are, compared to the spiritual and moral center that acts as a lowest common denominator for our subconsious. A calm and objective viewpoint is necessary to combat and improve our situation, but it must be paired with a proactive attitude. One can be as holy happy as one wants to be, but it does nothing for the well being and advancement of the world. A good person who sits and does nothing in the presence of evil, is (in)acting evil. But there comes the awesome responsibility, the questioning of oneself that so often prevents us from doing anything: What if I'm wrong? I have the power to act for the better of mankind, but what if the actions I take with this goal in mind become acts of evil? How do I know the difference between benevolent guidance and tyrannic opression?
unhinged all the writings i've ever read about buddhist equanimity say nothing about unaction. quite the opposite actually. it is our ego that stops us from action. one of my favorite teachings of equanimity is the mother teaching.

because of reincarnation every being has at one time or will be your mother. treat every living thing as if it were your mother. if your mother asked you for money on the street would you turn up your nose and walk away? would you stomp your mother into the ground? how would the tears and pleas of your mother affect you? how would your mother's suffering affect you? every being, including the lowliest bug, has the capability to be our mother and our teacher. so we should value and protect the lives of every being. (i admit i have a hard time envisioning cockroaches and mosquitoes as my mother) protection by nature is active, not inactive. protection means standing up for injustice, protecting our environment, bringing all living things into our family. yes, and many times it is easier to sit and do nothing. but it is not equanimity that makes you do nothing. equanimity should be inspiring us to do everything possible.
unhinged (cultivate equanimity and cultivate_compassion; the two feet of the path)

equal always comes to mind when i see this word. there is a more subtle meaning i suppose, but the biggest and first impression for me is the word equal.
unhinged an old black man was sitting on a bar stool when i sidled up to the bar to try to get one last drink. i had a handful of fives and ones and he asked for money 'for bus fare' so i handed him the ones. then he asked for a five, so i took back the ones and gave him a five.

'thank you miss. i don't have anywhere to go'

i was drunk so i touched his face when i saw the tears well in his eyes. (it has been brought to my attention in recent months i probably shouldn't touch peoples' faces when there's alcohol involved) 'well now maybe you can figure it out'

part of me wanted to give him the rest of the fives and ones in my pocket.

i couldn't help but think how many other people he asked for money last night that were rude and mean to him. he seemed broken down from the begging and the cold and the fear. i also couldn't help but think if the dude didn't run out and buy some crack with it. i was in that kind of neighborhood after all at a hip_hop show. and today i can't help but wonder if he found some place to go or if he's still stuck out in the cold.


i could do with a little less too_much_gin and a little more giving
ergo I really opened this window on myself.
They're my knees that jerk.
Thanks for a true response.
ergo responses 100122
ergo response ability 100122
unhinged 'Real equanimity isn’t indifference. It’s the capacity to be present with your whole being and not add fuel to the fire.' - jack kornfield 150827
what's it to you?
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