pussycat i never want to be forgotten.
i wish never to be not remembered.
silentbob i fear dying alone
i dont care if i die
i just dont want to die while i'm alone, i want to be with her so i feel my life has been complete somehow.
maybe i dont fear DYING alone so much as LIVING alone.
moonshine Whats your phobia? 000729
moonshine Okay, I have a overly morbid fear of dead people, and anything pretaining to them. I feel gross when i go in a cemetary. I have to go home and immediately wash my clothes and bathe. yes, I can do that now sometimes as long as its cold outide and they arent recently buried. Its makes me nauscious, I hold my breath every time I go by. I dont want to swallow there souls. 000729
cititinker i have to make a poster on kelptophobia (sometimes spelt 'cleptophobia') and its driving me nuts with all the other stuff thats going on with my life... any way.. cleptophobia means fear of stealing in all aspects... getting somethings of yours stolen... stealing someone else's stuff... getting caught stealing, whatever... 011015
niki spiders make me cry
and i do not cry
Norm I don't have a phobia I'm afraid of heights but I can climb a cliff easy so I pretty sure its not a phobia. I was watching a talkshow once and this lady was afraid of olives and the host guy brought out a jar of olives and the lady ran off screaming and punching security guards who were trying to control her. It was hilarious. 011015
lost i am affraid of my friend jimmy because for some reason he always tries to hit me in the nuts. im gonna kick his ass one of these days. thy and him used to do really crazy stuff together like take their dicks out in class and whack them on the table and stuff.the funny thing is that thy has a small dick. so he just made an ass outta his self. 011015
Sonya the sullen feline I fear loneliness, and being forgotten.
I used to suffer from brontophobia (fear of thunder) but I've gotten over it. I'm afraid of what's yet to happen, and what may not. I'm afraid of disappointing my family and my friends. I'm afraid of chihuahuas (hey those things can do DAMAGE!) I'm afraid of these things, but I'm mostly afraid of me.
Toxic_Kisses Being in a crowded room. Put in a crowed out side and I'm fine, but to confine the crowd to one room, even if its a big room, I have a hard time breathing, thinking, talking, when that happens, all I want iz to get out of that freakin room.
That nothings going to happen, that my life will be a waist, I'm not saying I want to be remembered, but I want to live to the absolute fullest that I can, I want to get az much out of life az I can, I want to experience all the things I've never experienced b4, I'm so afraid that I'll die and never have truly lived.
Being approached by strangers. I'm always afraid there out to hurt me in some way, even if their nice, I fig that’s just a ploy to get me to trust em and eventfully become friends w/ 'em only so that they can hurt me. Yes, I am paranoid. (The shrinks from my past say its bc I trusted my dad, and well look @ what he did to me, and if I trusted my dad and he hurt me well than how can I trust any one else)
Growing old and not being able to take care of myself, losing my memory and reverting back to childhood, getting wrinkly, not being able to control my bladder, there's so many scary things about being old.
unhinged of drowning
of small spaces
of getting hit by a car while i'm crossing the street

reitoei crowds, heights, confined spaces, drowning public speaking 020210
sphinxradio mirrors have always bothered me. 020210
blown cherry Falling. People tell me its the landing that scares you, but it's not. I'm truly just afraid of falling through space and seeing nothing but stars.

I was on a ride at the Easter Show once, falling, and all I could see was the stars. I had a panic attack and started kicking the shit out of my friends leg unconsciously.
Same thing almost happened on a mere swing once, but I took deep breaths and told myself to look down, and there was the earth, still there waiting for me, right where I left it. A few more really deep breaths and I got through it.
ClairE Main Entry: pho·bia
Pronunciation: 'fO-bE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: -phobia
Date: 1786
: an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation

Hmm. I guess it would have to be loss, and maybe myself. I know I am the one who hurts myself the most, but I'm just a small girl! Sheesh!
DeafeningSLNC Sit back and think about it for just a moment... Eternity. As a human, I cannot fathom no beginning and no end. There is a beginning and end to everything that I know;Life, Love, Happiness. I have the greatest fear of not knowing what eternity is. I can't begin to describe the horrorifying emptiness and insignificance I feel when I truly think about it 031008
JD I'm having a hard time with this eternity thing..I've not found anyone who fears it like me..I know there has to be someone out there..maybe we could help aech other..I now know it is a phobia...anybody know what name it has.. 050718
witchesrequiem The mortal mind. 050718
Dano Totally phobic of eternity too...someone start a guild or something and we'll get us classed as an official phobia, cuz we're not on the list right now. 070525
what's it to you?
who go