kx21 White House's 911:-

The Butterfly_Effect from:-

Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror 040328
kx21 March 28: Former White House counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke presses for the release of all records relating to Sept. 11.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4608698/ 040328
kx21 Spin & Matrix Revelation of the Truth

via its National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice... 040330
kx21 March 30 2004:

Bush agreed to allow Rice

to testify in public and under oath 040330
birdmad For all of the Bush administration'sd claims about Clarke's alleged "perjury," I'm pretty sure that once COndi Rice takes the stand we'll really see some first-class perjury 040331
kx21 Oops...

It's may be good for Bush to invite Blair to 'testify' as well? 040404
kx21 A new opinion poll:-

Support among U.S. voters for handling of Iraq to a new low of 40 percent, down 19 points since mid-January. 040405
kx21 And

Bush's overall job approval:-

43 percent, a low point for his presidency, down from 56 percent in mid-January 040405
kx21 Bush on 'Fire'... 040405
kx21 Oops...

' Fires ', instead... 040406
kx21 Real Fires, indeed-

Logically, Physically, Emotionally, as well as ' Scientifically'... 040406
kx21 Live Vote (MSNBC):-

If the presidential election were held this week, who would you vote for?
* 94160 responses

George W. Bush- 36%

John Kerry- 61%

Ralph Nader- 3%

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4678940/ 040407
kx21 M_Theory / Prediction:-

Regime Change in White House...

Tell one why_not...

And_I_will_tell_you_how_wonder_you_are... 040407
kx21 Oops...


the Time Table for handing over sovereignty to the Apple on June 30 2004 will be ' melt ' away... 040407
kx21 ***
* The Winner

Gut to Resist, instead of Test of Ego...

Why_NOT? 040407
kx21 i.e.

The Maelstrom of Guts to Resist is much greater than Test of Egos... 040408
kx21 And thus, scientifically & spiritually:-

the Effect(s) of Operation Vigilant Resolve will be very much messier than the Echoes of Vietnam War... 040408
kx21 M_Eureka !!!

The inconsitency of

Man_talk and Woman_nag... 040409
kx21 Oops...

It should be read as:-

The inconsistency of

Man_talk and Woman_nag... 040409
kx21 A Genuine Black_hole:-


the Security Forces of Apple... 040411
kx21 Intelligence_Estimate:-

20 percent to 25 percent of the Apple's army, civil defense, police and other security forces have quit, changed sides, or otherwise failed to perform their duties... 040411
... Apple has more ' professional ' army, civil defense, police and other security forces now as compared to its formal regime 040411
kx21 Oops...

Free Foreign_fries Opeartion in action... 040412
kx21 ***
* Intelligence_Estimate- April 12 2004:-***

The number of existing Coalition Troops which led by Orange is insufficient to meet the existing or potential Challenge / Mission in Apple...

The Shortfall: More than 50,000.

Copyright 2004 kx21.com 040412
... Note:- At least 78 Orange troops were killed and 561 were wounded in Apple in the first 12 days of April 2004.

There are about 135,000 Orange troops & 20,000 other Coalition Troops in Apple. 040414
.... 24,000, instead of 20,000. 040414
kx21 ***
* Intelligence_Estimate- Black_hole

Najaf vs. Falluja 040414
kx21 ***
* Twin Engines in Apple

Najaf & Falluja... 040416
kx21 ***
* Two Wings of a Butterfly

A M Butterfly which flapping its Wings:-

Orange 911 Probe &

Apple WMD Seach for

the Historic_Mission or


from swatting_flies to

moving_mountains, specifically

Shaking_the_Trees... 040416
kx21 ***
* Double Sparks from Orange

March 2004:-


* Inside America's War_on_Terror * &

April 04:-


* Secret_War_Plan * 040417
kx21 ***
* Leading Indicators (LI)

LI1. Zapatero Orders Spanish Pullout from Iraq (Reuters - 21 minutes ago)

Spain's new prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has given orders for Spanish troops in Iraq to be brought home in "as short a time as possible... 040418
... http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=564&ncid=716&e=12&u=/nm/20040418/ts_nm/spain_iraq_dc 040418
kx21 L2) Ten US troops killed in Iraq this Weekend

US impatience with rebel Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr is growing
Ten US troops have died in clashes with insurgents or other combat in Iraq this weekend, the US military says.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3637005.stm 040418
kx21 LI3 - Significant Shift of UK / Blair

The government is set to unveil plans for a UK referendum on the EU constitution...

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/3635943.stm 040418
kx21 ***
* LI4- Man_talk from US Presidential Candidate

A 'War hero' and of an anti-war critic- John Kerry (Oops... Next US President, if the fairy_tale of white_house's 911 is Real):-

You cannot have America run the occupation, make all the reconstruction decisions, make the decisions on the kind of government that will emerge, and pretend to bring other nations to the table,...”

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4772030/ 040418
kx21 LI5: Woman_nag from the Top U.S. Administrator

Paul Bremer, Civil Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq:-

Iraq’s police and armed forces will not be able to ' secure ' the country from the threat of insurgents (against the Invaders ???) by the time the United States hands power to an Iraqi government on June 30.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4667742/ 040418
kx21 LI6) Wondeful Window_dressing of beautiful Historic_mission in 21k:-

Bush / Orange's Free, Independent & Peaceful Apple... 040419
??? Genuine Confirmation 123 of Leading Indicator 6 (LI6)'s Wondeful Window_dressing:-

1) Timescale?

Brigadier Nick Carter, the British commander in the country

"We are in cloud cuckoo land ..."

"Certainly for a number of years to come, Western forces are going to have to be there. I have to be looking two, three, 10 years out."

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/3640025.stm 040419
... Oops... ' Wonderful ' Window_dressing... 040419
grendel Johnny "by god" Ashcroft worrying more about covering up bare breasted statues and fucking with low-level drug offenders than terrorism related issues 040419
kx21 2) The Egos of Orange:-

Bush's Vietnam War...


19 April 2004-

President Bush scolded Spain’s new prime minister Monday for his abrupt withdrawal of troops from Iraq...

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4772292/ 040419
.... 3) The Dream of UN Caretaker_Government

Which is validated / Verified by

a) Kerry: Bush needs to give U.N. ‘real authorityin Iraq


and 040419
??? b) UN finds new role in Iraq but keeps its feet off the ground


And... 040419
kx21 last, but not least:-

c) The Domino_effect of Scary_parallels... 040420
kx21 ***
* The Sufficient Conditions

SC1) The Flip_Flop of Dollar_and_cent

In the space of Political_games:-

April 21: The Bush administration said it needed more money to continue operations in Iraq before the November elections...


For Bush's Historic_mission:-

" Free, Independent & Peaceful " Apple... 040421
kx21 * QQ 123 about the Reality / Truth *:-

QQ 1) Can Apple be Free without the consent of its People?

QQ 2) Can Apple be ' Independent ' the permission from Orange?

QQ 3) Can Apple be Peaceful with the existence of Orange led Troops in Apple?

Tell One that...

And_I_will_tell_you_how_wonder_you are...

Copyright 2004 kx21.com 040421
... And_I_will_tell_you_how_wonder_you_are... 040421
kx21 Amendment note:-

QQ 2) Can Apple be ' Independent ' without the ' Permission ' from Orange? 040421
kx21 SC2) The AQ Intelligence_Estimate of Troop Requirement & shortage (Dated April 22 2004):-

The number of Coalition Troops required to meet the existing or potential Challenge / Mission in Apple (i.e. Historic_Mission of Bush / US- Free, Peaceful & Indepedent Iraq)

= 2 Million / 5

= 400,000

* The Shortfall *

More than 200,000.

i.e. It is more than Total Number of existing US Coalition Troops in Iraq.

* Scientific Evidence / Observation *

April 24:- Violence_flares in Iraq...

Copyright 2004 kx21.com 040424
kx21 Oops...

* Threat_spike associated with SC2

Injury_toll / Death_toll, in the Period of April 2004 to ...

1st July 2004 or Date of Cut_and_Run, whichever is earlier, rather than later?

* SC2 - Sufficient Condition 2 for white_house's_911 * 040424
... ***
* SC3: The_Reversal of M_Force

In the Space of Five_Forces strung around Iraq / Apple:- 040424
kx21 * The Center_of_Gravity of M_Force *

It is shifted into the Circle_of_Influence(s) of

G_Force ( Black_Hole in Iraq) & EM_Force (UN), instead of


S_Force (US) & W_Force (US Led Coalition Troops);

during the period of

1st April 2004 & Date of Cut_and_Run...

Copyright 2004 kx21.com 040424
Smurf holy crap, you talk more than my mother! 040424
kx21 fan club president m_repeat
"holy crap, you talk more than my mother"
goto 10 040424
kx21 ***
* R_AN - SC3: The_Reversal of M_Force

'instead of


Should be read as:-


Circle_of_Concern(s)- the span of control' 040424
kx21 Scientific Evidence / observation:-

* The Size of Black_Hole 123 in Iraq

* Najaf vs. Falluja *

1) Najaf is now bigger than Falluja.

2) Najaf- 57% increased in 12 Days

3) Falluja- 11% increased in 12 Days

* Source- Intelligence_estimate *

Copyright 2004 kx21.com 040426
. --- 040427
kx21 ***
* Sorry_and_Apology (May/June 2004)

The M_Species of Sorry / Apology (e.g. Deeply_Sorry) from the S_Force (US / Bush Administration) & W_Force (US Led Coalition Troops)... 040507
kx21 ***
* The Images of Americans

The images of americans, which are detemined by their Actions / Reactions around & across the world, specifically in Iraq,
with repect to (w.r.t) to the Pledges / Preaches about Human_Rights / Freedom & Peace / Stability from their Leaders.

What is the Images of Americans? 040507
kx21 * The_Images_of_Americans *

(Click to view)

Happy exploring & have a good day...

Copyright 2004 kx21.com 040507
i "Pentagon_violated_Geneva_Convention" 040513
iMay162004 iLink:-

* a_Phrase_is_worth_1000000_Pictures * 040516
* M_Revolution_21 *

The M Salvager of White_House 911:-


is in progress... 040516
iMay222004 * iLink:- Fahrenheit_911 * 040523
kx21 "Man_Talk / Woman_nag":-

"a_wrong_war_in_the_21st_century"... 040527
PICTURE THIS * a_Phrase_is_worth_1000000_Pictures *
* a_Phrase_is_worth_1000000_Pictures *
* a_Phrase_is_worth_1000000_Pictures *
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* a_Phrase_is_worth_1000000_Pictures *
* a_Phrase_is_worth_1000000_Pictures *
* a_Phrase_is_worth_1000000_Pictures * 040527
kx21 ***
* Top / Key Officers Resignation

George Tenet Resigns As Director of CIA

1 hour, 10 minutes ago

(AP) - CIA Director George Tenet, buffeted by controversies over intelligence lapses about suspected weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,...

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040604/ap_on_go_ot/tenet_resigns_25 040603
kx21 Who's_next or What's_next? 040603

*ILink: WMD * 040603
iJun042004 Second top official to quit CIA

Friday, 4 June, 2004, 01:50 GMT 02:50 UK

The latest move follows the resignation of George Tenet

A second top CIA official is to retire from his post, less than a day after the surprise resignation of the agency's director George Tenet.

James Pavitt, deputy director for operations, who was in charge of the agency's spies...

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3775423.stm 040603
iJun042004 Oops...

Within 24 Hours:-

A second top CIA official- James Pavitt, deputy director for operations, who was in charge of the agency's spies, is to retire from his post, less than a day after the surprise resignation of the agency's director George Tenet.

* iLink:- White_house's_911 * 040603
Jun032004 George Tenet resigns as CIA director
Agency’s operations director also leaving, source tells NBC News

June 3: "I know in my heart it's time to leave," says CIA Director George Tenet in a speech to CIA employees.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5129314/ 040603
iJun072004 iLink:-
kx21 US_'sincere_apology'_Prior_to_its_Cut_and_Run...

i.e. United States shall give

its "sincere_sorry_and_apology"

to Iraq - All "Genuine" Iraqis



prior to

its Cut_and_Run

either before June 30 or after June 30 2004... 040604
kx21 iLink:-


kx21 United States Sincere_sorry_and_apology for Iraq's "Severe" Security and Stability Problems after US-led War - Invsaion and Occupation in Iraq. 040531
... 040604
kx21 "Secure_123_for_Iraq's_interim_prime_minister / President"

* Necessary_and_Sufficient Acid_Test *

for "Genuine" Iraq's Interim Prime Minister / President:-

* "Secure" 123 *

To Secure

1) "Full Sovereignty" for Iraqis;

2) "Full Compensation" from US for :-

compensation_for_extrajudicial_abuses +

compensation_for_extrajudicial_killings +

compensation_for_extrajudicial_Destruction +

last, but not least:-

Compensation for Cut_and_Run; and

3) "Unconditional" Sorry and Apology from the War_President - Bush / US & War_Promoter - Blair / UK for US-Led War- Invasion & Occupation in Iraq:


Copyright 2004 kx21.com 040604
kx21 iLink:-


after US-Led War - Invasion & Occupation in Iraq


"27_days_to_Iraqi_Sovereignty..." 040604
. i Link:-

Bush_and_Blair_should_simply_apologise 040605
kx21 "Toe21k_new_UN_Resolution_on_Iraq"-


* Twin-Engine for "Stable" Iraq

To ensure Stability and Peaceful Iraq from "Now" onward, specifically after 30 June 2004, E1) & E2) shall be included / added in as part of the


E1) Total Compensation to be paid by US to Iraq:-

Intelligence_estimate: 100 Billion US$

for Extrajudicial_abuses, Extrajudicial_killings, and
Extrajudicial_destruction in Iraq during US_Led War- Invasion and Occupation...

E2) Historic_Trial:-

a_wrong_War_in_the_21st_century". 040524 040605 040607
somebody ... 040607
. 040607
New Butterfly Clarke_more_reasons_to_invade_Iran_than_Iraq 040609
a_wrong_war_in_21k a_wrong_war_in_21k 040609
U.N. The_rule_of_law_is_working_for_Kerry 041028
2004 's October_Surprise 041031
U.S. What's_reality?

under the "shadow" of Osama"s 911...
kx21 iLink: Bush_victory 041103
And Be_on_notice:-

Bush"s Popular_vote 51_Percent_123

The Graces from Heaven Americans_preemptive_wars_against_United_States 041105
. WELLINGTON (AFP) - Enquiries from Americans wanting to move to New Zealand have skyrocketed since George_W_Bush was reelected president of the United States. 041105
119 Eureka!!!

911 (in Iraq)
. The_highest_US_death_toll_for_a_single_day_in_Iraq

November 9 (119), 2004
222005 Democrats Hit Bush on Iraq, Soc. Security

39 minutes ago
Karma 3212005 050331
... Bush_and_a_brain_damaged_woman... 050331
3292005 2_in_6_American_soldiers_returning_from_Iraq___... 050331
2100 a_point_in_time... 051205
what's it to you?
who go