stork daddy anyone wanna come over to my house and watch it with me. the only condition is that you have to promise you won't look at me when i cry. i don't know why...i haven't seen it yet, but i just think i'm going to be able to draw parallels to the last unicorn once i see lost in translation. a weird cursory appraisal i know. 031008
cupcake omg i sooo love this movie! i read the book for school when i was in junior high school, but i don't remember it well because it was for this reading compettition and all these books got blended together in my head but i remember that it was really good! i've seen this movei like five times, and i cry every one! what do you mean about translation thought? 031008
stork daddy the new movie with bill murray...both seem to touch on dislocation and its permanent place in consciousness. 031008
pipedream can i pet it? its so pretty, and the very lastest of them all...why do we start appreciating the endangered only? 031008
unhinged i haven't watched this movie in years. it was my FAVORITE movie when i was little. everytime we went to the movie store i wanted to rent it. eventually, my parents illegally copied it because we rented it so much. when i stayed with my grandparents when my brother was being born i made my uncle watch it three times in a row. maybe when i go home in a few weeks, i'll try to dig it up out of the basement. 031009
wingedSerpent was good with spicy barbecue sauce

(sorry, folks, it's gonna be a weird day and i'm in a damn weird mood)
Bespeckled Why does this remind me of Donnie Darko? 031009
Lemon_Soda This movie and the original animation of "The Hobbitt".

Great stuff. I'll admit I cried several times during 'unicorn'
mon i used to cry at the end
then i'd rewind it
and cry again
TalviFatin My mother would hide the tape from me when I was little because she refused to listen to my sobbing when the unicorns were all driven into the sea. This movie brings back so many memories from the 80's...I finally bought on DVD from e-Bay, but later realized it came from Germany, and is a Region 2 Ohwell. So then I bought it on VHS and watched it over and over one day as I layed on the couch, sick. *sighs* wonderful. 031009
florescent light oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy

this is a classic
one of a kind
I adore
MollyCule My former friend Staci stole me the VHS copy from the Moooovies rental place she used to work at. So, if anyone wants an actual copy, just lemme know and I'll make you one (if you send me tape $$$, that is.)

This was my favorite movie as a child not only because it's damn good but because one of the lead characters is named Molly, and that just doesn't happen too often.
stork daddy now you come to me! now, after all these years. where were you when i was young? where were you when i needed you? 031009
Unicorn I am here now. 031010
celestias shadow this movie used to scare me when i was very little. i don't know why- i don't even remember what it's about anymore. i probably haven't seen it in something like 11 years. maybe we should have a par-tay and watch it. 031026
marked . 041107
Jeca my roomate and i just bought it not to long ago

good golly, watching that movie after all these years was like visiting the house I used to live in as a child

i was obsessed with unicorns. i didn't stop obsessing until i was a freshman in middle school and my dad banned all non-fiction books.
u24 coming (or come) out on dvd.
along with


flight of dragons.
unhinged my mother bought me the dvd years ago. it is one of the worst quality dvds ive ever seen but the fact that i can still watch it if i want is so comforting i moved that thing half way across the country withme.

i would run straight into the arms of mortal peril if it meant i could find more beings just like me. ( i feel like the last of my kind in a dying place. no one believes in magic anymore. hardly a witch left
that could make the rest of the world see my true self).

the last time i was in daddys apartment the book was on his desk. i didnt even know it was a book til i pointed it out to him. the inspiration he left in plain sight when all other avenues failed.
unhinged i stopped at a bookstore today. bought some used chogyam trungpa rinpoche titles i had never seen before. had some gelato. as i was leaving, i glanced up just in time to see a copy of the book with the cover facing out.

i thought of you and smiled. hope you are well.
dafremen "i would run straight into the arms of mortal peril if it meant i could find more beings just like me. ( i feel like the last of my kind in a dying place. no one believes in magic anymore. hardly a witch left
that could make the rest of the world see my true self)."

This is why I don't suffer fools. You have to slowly build up a collection of these people like rare treasures that everyone else wants, some appreciate but only a few really understand. Those who put a value on that which pleases them have no place touching these.

Instead we build an island where they can be safe and understood. A social island with a guard dog on the beach which doesn't suffer the sorts of fools who normally impose upon and drain these generous beings with their constant need..their incessant lack of appreciation for the rare treat of humanity which they have the pleasure..nay the PRIVILEGE of enjoying.

And the guard dog tests them for ego. It tests them for pride. It tests them for humility. It tests them for honesty and a sign of conscience behind it.

And slowly, if they mind their manners, mind the tenets of social courtesy, they make it closer and closer to the center of the island..which is joyful, philosophical, whimsical and most of all filled with friends of great heart who can trust one another.

Those how don't make it to the center of the island can stay on the beach and enjoy "guest access" to the energy the island protects. Always at the unfettered discretion of each (metaphorical) resident..not the guest's demands.

Off the shore is a raft. A raft for those who cannot be trusted on the island and whose past behaviors on the beach have proven that they will only drain and eventually destroy the peace that has been carefully cultivated here to allow those who patiently bring light to darkness a chance to recharge among their own giving kind.

Truly the only ugliness..and the only danger which can upset the peace on this beautiful island is the barking of the fucking guard dog. I know.

On our island..that's me.
what's it to you?
who go