amy I'm not just going to download all my opinions or thought-patterns, or stupidly clever punning on you anymore. From now on, you'll have to ask me. Anything about anything, all's fair game around here. 001106
Barrett Amy,
If you were a Jolly Rancher, what flavor would you be?
splinken This question comes from another one of our ask_*youknowthedrill* forums, where it was not answered to my satisfaction.

Do bugs sleep?

Their lives are so short, it seems like there is no need for them to waste their time sleeping. However, they're so active that they obviously wear themselves out.

This has been bothering me for months now.
j_blue amy, before you answer if bugs sleep, what is sleep? i think answering this seemingly simple question might shed light on the first question... 001106
amy I'd be a sweetie-salty Jolly Rancher, Barrett. 001106
amy Splinken, I remember that! In fact, I found that question to be so relevent that I went and asked Ask Yahoo! at my yahoo page. Needless to say, they never answered me. I'm thinking of using my large research university resources on this one.

j_blue- hmmm...
sleep in not awake. my biology book here says that all vertebrates do it, but there's no evidence that fish sleep in the same way that mammals do.
silentbob amy
have you ever been in love? who with? have you ever WANTED to be? who with?
jennifer dearest amy-poo
"will you still feed me
will you still need me
when I'm sixty-four?"
j_blue what is awake? (please try to answer the question and not answer circularly) 001106
amy "Studying sleep in reptiles, amphibians and fish or in invertebrates (e.g., worms and insects) brings us face to face with the problem of how we define sleep. Sleep's presence has traditionally been judged by behavioral criteria, as noted in the previous section, by: 1) minimal movement; 2) a typical sleep posture (e.g., for humans, lying down; for bats, hanging upside down); 3) reduced responsiveness to external stimulation; and 4) quick reversibility of reduced responsiveness with relatively intense stimulation(which distinguishes sleep from other states like death, anesthesia, and coma). On the basis of these criteria, we can conclude that "sleep" is present throughout the animal kingdom. It has been identified in alligators, turtles, lizards, frogs, salamanders,
**bees, wasps, flies, dragon flies, grasshoppers, butterflies**, scorpions, the primitive invertebrate sea hare and even, according to one unsubstantiated report, in adolescent turtles of the mutant ninja variety."
from this good site:
amy silentbob-
yeah, i've been in love. with a quirky, infinitely lovable boy. this was sometime in the past, and it is, for the lack of the better word, dead. such is life, curiously enough.

i prefer not to want to be in love- sure i have certain wants that i always seem to infer from my odd behaviors (rather than experience them directly)- but i would rather have very little idea about what i would possibly be wanting. i guess look at what Tess said about love awhile back.

amy *jen* *ni* *fer*
of course i will, darlin'
amy j_blue:
awake is good morning?
chrysalis what in here? 001107
amy although not all mornings are good..

Happy Election Day!
Vote for Nader if you can!
(I still can't decide, goddammit)

chrysalis- what out there?
in here is a very structured forum for asking me questions. you can find other such forums out and about on blather.
splinken amy,

thank you!

thank you thank you thank you.

i hear that during adolescence, the mutant ninja turtles can be quite deadly.

pure prairie geek amy, what you gonna do.
i think i could stay with you for a while, maybe longer if i do.
amy pure prairie geek-
you keep falling in and out of love with me! what am i supposed to do with that?
squirrel 1)How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
(you knew this was coming eventually, didn't you?)

2) How did you get to be so smart and sweet?

3) (a little more left-brained :) The lenghth of each day changes faster near the equinoxes than the solstices, right? (I think so) What is the most minutes a day ever changes by? (where?)

Thank you. How much do I owe?
amy dear squirrel

1) Unless you are human or a woodchuck, you need not know the answer to that question...

2) hmmm.. i dunno.

3) Part answer, for now. The earth is closest to the sun and moving fastest at the NH winter solstice, so the length of day is changing fastest then. Now that I think about it, the dip down into darkness does seem pretty quick. The earth is furthest at the summer solstice, and you might have observed the days around then as about equally unbearably long. The equinoxes are in between... I'll let you know about the most number of minutes once you hand over your first born child.

kitten on drugs why won't anyone ask_kitten? 001121
Thyartshallshant Because everyone is sick of these
"ask_(anyoneandeveryonethathasEVERblathered" blathes.

So visit my dont_ask_thyartshallshant blathe for a refreshing change!
daxle except that came 'after' don't_ask_daxle 010106
Thyartshallshant God DAMMIT! And i thought i had a freggin original idea! !@#$%!!!! 010106
god (aka pure prairie geek) amy, how you feelin'?? 010114
amy good, actually. better than in a long time, and i also did some work today. i had some st_john's_wort and listened to a cd called let the magic flow, by deluxe. (not a wide release) yah, i'm doin' OK. and thanks for asking, god! 010114
silentbob have you ever gone out with a guy named bob who shortly became silent after you had a terrible argument about how many guys you went to bed with? or was that a different amy... 010115
amy nope, that was not me, not that i remember. but at least that bob guy got to think a lot about how girls get away, not that that would ever happen to *you*, young bobby evers. you're not even silent about ralph nader. 010115
johnny west "Conformity is the worst evil of all, for it is through conformity that true beauty is murdered."
I just quoted myself. Sometimes, the stupidity of people in general fills me with a rage I can't explain. By being myself, I am always looked at as some sort of fascinating alien. That doesn't bother me, but the fact that hollow, phony individuals are commended for their stupidity does. The world is full of too many faceless, self-important shells.
What do you think?
jennifer do you still exist? 081016
what's it to you?
who go