jane new_york_city 031103
IKC 56-80 "craaaab people, craaaab people."

went as Mister_hat for halloween
girl_jane He's not gay...he just happens to be into fashion-that's all. 031104
Mandijabster wearing 500 dollar shirts and crying when they break a nail. like a certain popstar being regrown on a tree....i think i'll stop, for i tend to make no sense to the average person. 031105
bee low have rage are you calling us average? 031105
unhinged this shit is ridiculous. they actually had a piece on the news about 'metrosexuals' how does going to the spa for facials and getting manicures and buying nice clothes have anything to do with your sexuality? good christ people. get over it. GOD.

(i've been in raging bitch mode lately)
Mandijabster average..well, some ppl would take offense to being called, weird. so im just saying, anyone that doesnt understand im just saying im a weird and screwed up little girl. 031106
silentbob i found out what this was last night.
i find it bizarre they have a word for this.
notme was on bbcworld in the summer
unhinged mandi---
sorry. i was just raging in general. not at you. i have to admit spending that kind of money on clothes and crying about broken nails....that is a little atypical of most straight guys i know. :)
bijou my boyfriend loves this. he has the potential for style; he's an excellent decorator. he just needs a little help keeping his fingernails clean and his shirts pressed. he likes the idea of being "metrosexual", so i think if it helps give him a little class and a little edge, there's nothing wrong with it. if you think about it, guys love a woman who can watch a football game with them and change their own tire. if a guy wants to get his eyebrows waxed, more power to him. it may be just another "sex role", but i don't see the harm in pushing these boundaries. 031110
misstree i very often see the harm in not pushing them.

people reacting violently to people acting outside their sex role, even if it is something as simple as a guy wanting to wear a little eyeliner.
unhinged boundaries shmoundaries

i'm coming into another one of my impossibly idealistic phases in order to isolate myself from the rest of the world that makes me want to obliterate my senses and/or kill all the stupid intolerant assholes in the world. stupid artificial constructs and perceptions and shallow-minded two bit hos....and the hopelessy egotistical train of thought that makes me want to make everyone else see it MY way.

jesus was a saint.

i bought sylvia plath's unabridged journals on saturday. i read on the bus now. every free second i sit and read because i feel an affinity to her that is even more solidified in her prose than it was in her poetry. i needed something good to read. he laughed at me when he asked what i was doing and i told him i was reading. on a saturday night. haha. very funny.

metrosexual shmetrosexual. stupid fucking societal constructs. crawling under a rock once again sounds appealing.
misstree ya don't need to crawl under a rock to ignore boundaries. flow over them like a bird laughing at a maze. all crawling under a rock does is lets the ones that remain, sit undisturbed. if ya get out there and shatter constructs whenever you see them, you'll be surprised at how many you find waiting to be shattered in yourself. besides, i could use a little help in the shatterwars. it's an uphill battle, and though my unit and i have some heavy artillery, this is the midwest; edificed shock troops are thick as corn stalks, and i can only do so much. 031111
celestias shadow oh jesus christ. No such thing. I'm sorry, the only thing that has to do with sexuality is attraction to one sex or another, or both. It has nothing to do with your fashion sense or your routines. Fuck that, I could play videogames all the time and cut my hair short, and would I be a lesbian? Grrrr..... 031208
minnesota_chris I am currently exiled in a exurb (distant suburb, redneckland) where the men are men and the women are drunks. A native son was stunned last night that I didn't like sports, any sports. I told him I didn't like anything that the local men like. 031213
time_warp i want to come rescue you, chris, give you a taste of something more than meat and potatoes for a moment. 031213
minnesota_chris :) Thank you, but I am already rescued, I work in a Moroccan restaurant. I eat hummus, couscous, falafel, baba ghanouj every night! 031215
minnesota_chris :) my boss mispronounces "hokey dokie" as "hockey dookie". He has me saying it now. 031215
minnesota_chris I prefer the term "snotty" 040103
cj i don't know if i'm delighted or disgusted by this

that society needs a word to make it 'okay' for straight men to have stereotypically 'homosexual' tendencies, like being able to cook well or dress nicely

did you know, that in the 1800s, it was socially acceptable for straight men to kiss and hug each other when greeting? Abraham Lincoln, supposedly straight, slept in the same bed as his roommate for four years. damn, then. he musta been gay.
jane oh man.... i thought i was so innovative being the creator of this page. i muset have been drunk at the time. 081008
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