wouldn't we all be happy if we talked a little more wouldn't we all find ourselves if we knew just what to look for and if your heart hurts then let these words heal just look up at the moon can you feel what i feel?
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stork daddy
would i know if i did?
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This girl named Sarah keeps listening to the same song over and fucking over again bouncing her head as once again the song comes 'round again. pondering the notion of finishing soon but "nah" an end to the music is boring. This girl named sarah doesn't want quiet now. would like another random phone call or IM. could use a drunken stupor in the snow, or a fast ride, in the N between manhattan and last year. This chick could use nothing more than a simple jaunt down the street or another twist of fate. Some girls named Sarah don't know what they got. Girls sit and whine and dine with other Sarah's who are mean or flimsy. This girl named Sarah thinks she likes what she got and thinks that's pretty cool. This girl named Sarah is happy I'd say. Yeah, this is a girl named Sarah. I don't really know where to go with this but hey, that's cool. I'm this girl named Sarah and that's the yeah. (1000 points to you if you know what that means.) Well, this girl named Sarah is going to sleep well and have a good day in the morning, and this girl named Sarah hopes you do to.
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a thimble in time
She's as sweet as Tupelo honey She's an angel of the first degree Just like honey baby from the bee -van morrison
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i aint done yet
you can take all the tea in china
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a thimble in time
...put it in a big brown bag for me sail it all round the seven oceans and drop it smack bottom of the deep blue sea... but you know she's alright with me
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Piso Mojado
eagerly awaits the return of her lover. her arms have been empty for too long. she counts down the days, plans for a prearrival self-pampering session. if you look closely, you can see her step is just a little lighter, her smile a little wider.
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your words are like that of a song I react through My Own interpretations Integrated through My Own experiences Augmented by My Own emotions yet I do not know the meaning Of your song But the tune is beautiful it is perfection It is My Own
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the newer quieter me
This girl named sarah has become my closest friend somehow She's the only one I've ever been honest with And now I'm going to throw it away My honesty is burning me alive and I don't wan her to know me, anyone to know me I could be happy being lonely surrounded by happy faces and fake friends who speculate far too often I could be happy knowing their judgements are false, because they only see what I let them I am happy alone, crying explosive, wrathful, violently bloody, tears behind a cheerful face
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Ps Mjd
she cries. she cries
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This girl named sarah is really bitter about me when it comes to cards, she doesn't like me, she says that I hold grudges, or am too competitive. Sorry if I like to win!
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left and never came back.
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is my sister. It's her birthday today. For real. I wish I could see her but she's so far away :(
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She spells her name Sara, She is in love with her exboyfriend, I used to have a crush on her. He is coming tomorrow, And, well, she will be busy. Sara is now like a sister, And her roomate Tory. My sisters and nieghbours. I go there when I want to be alone And cannot find haven in my room. They are just those kinds of people. Sara writes poetry. It is "modern." Perhaps too "modern." It is her style, My style is probaly "archaic" to her. She said my Job monologue that I wrote For our absurdist rendition of it Was like something Shakespeare would write. I disagree, But take the compliment. Here I am procrastanating. Talking about Sara. Later me and her are going to the hums lounge To write our essays. Hers is on human divine love, Mine the Tao. Sara is in my history class, Though she didn't really go that often, She went today, And is going next week, Though class is now over And only review is left. I guess if you miss many classes The concept of review classes Smiles upon you. Oh Sara. She calls me a little hobbit, Or her Pete. Perhaps that is because Tory's boyfriend is also called Pete? And he is a great boy, that Pete. The best Pete I've ever met. But Sara. Oh Sara, you procrastanator! You teach the worst of us.
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Is in my band and is an absolute nutbag!
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Does her last name happen to be Lemmon? Just curious.
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a nut bag? thats needlessly lewd
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there's this girl named sarah. she's over there in the corner. that one with the her head folded in her arms facing the wall staring at the floor. yeah, that's her. ignore her. she doesn't talk. she's weird. so just leave her alone.
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No it's Barker! Lewd!? Sorry! I don't fully get you! What I mean is she's crazy! She writes lyrics such as "It fucking raped me"!? Need I say more? P.S. Thanks for replying!
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Well the Sarah Lemmon that I know is not crazy, she's just really eccentric.
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Dated my x... I called my father and said I just got dumped for a younger woman..Sarah... he said "How young." I said "Dad she just had her prom last fucking week.".... Ah well..I have no beef with her just him...but she is scared of me or so I hear ..ah ...whatever...
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Hmmm....! I would say this Sarah is rather eccentric! She thinks she's really arty and stuff but really she's just crazy! I think it might be the name!
what's it to you?