chanaka people often use drugs and alcohol to mask their problems. society's greatest epidemic is growing ever larger, as people discover.
i would have become this statistic if i hadn't found poetry 7 years ago. poetry is my drug.
it is my blackout.
it is my high, my low.
it is my paraphanaila, my syringes, my shot glass.
i plunge poetry into my wrists and barrel through.
i am hopelessly addicted. are you? should you be?
the iron sausage as long as we are entertained, and nobody gets hurt. 001130
Barrett ...well what have you got? 001130
iron sausage out in the territories...
between blades of grass behind my house

tiny apples sit in the dew
with little people who look like you

they sigh with goggles on
they keep their eyes on

out on the inside we hide

and seek with no furniture or walls

we find each other out

before the snowflake falls

before the beginning

after the end
you idiot 010529
Dafremen Life.

With weed coming in a close second.

The End
unhinged i used to wrap myself up in blankets of pretend living inside my head a different person(s) several times a day. but then i got older and found alcohol and weed and muscle relaxers and codiene. weed comes first although i think opium would come in second if i ever used it. 010529
snow_angel alcohol...cuz i get so damn confident and outgoing, I guess coke is a close second. 010604
lost I am alot like you unhinged i found alchohol painkillers and muscle relaxers. my favorite though is ecstacy. I only like it when i am going to have sex though. I stopped using most of these though. Every once in a while when i dont feel like feeling i take some really strong pain killers like hydromorphone or hydrcodone and sometimes soma. 010604
Sol occasionally use weed (and associated derivatives) and more frequently alcohol
but found i dont need them, i have my freinds minds, they set me up, im never on this wavlength anyway, so i dont need escape
Dafremen Silly little guy. Stop that right this minute. Entitled to your opinion? Of course you are but, if you think about it, it's NOT about making the pain go away. That's what I thought at first too. No it's not about the pain, or the joy for that matter. It's about ESCAPE period. Not from pain or unhappiness but just plain ESCAPE. Think I'm lying? Ya know how much you enjoy getting into a good movie? Or show? How irritating it is when people pull you out?

Naw it's not about killing pain, it's about not feeling the way you feel NOW. However you happen to feel now. Hell you could be giggly f*cking happy and STILL want to feel DIFFERENT.

It's about ESCAPE. (It's about getting lost.)
Norm Alcohol! 010826
sad girl escape! thats it! thats what its all about!
my favorite vehicles are alcohol and sleep. they go hand in hand often. but those times when im too broke for alcohol, i'll curl up in my bed and will myself to dream something wonderful.
acid is another great escape and maybe truer to the term "escape" than most things. but acid is an event in and of itself, thusly, its too much for me to use very often.
Mateo Alcohol is to vage. BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 020222
lady lunchbox love is a good drug. that's my everyday addiction...i can never have it enough. somedays it's not strong enough for me, and i have to resort to vodka or rum. but on the strong days, there's nothing else i need. 020223
oasisoncloud10 chanaka = dosnt know what the fuck hes talking about. Drugs are usually either for entertainment, or to forget. It works. Sure, music, poetry and girls are all things that keep your mind busy. BUT THEY DONT ALTER YOUR MIND, such in the way that drugs do... for for some, the drugs are self medication, a medication that is irreplacable. so fuck you and good night {p.s-DOC?=mary-jane + MDMA}alci is nice too 020223
girl_jane swinging...most deffinitely

or if swinging isn't an option-merr-go-rounds

or climbing trees

or sitting on roof tops

or spinning circles until I can't stand because I'm so dizzy
Syrope on a good day the giggles my friends and i share over our latest inside joke, crushes, or risky scrapes with death/parental anger...on a bad day - my tears. i think its true that crying releases chemicals in your mind to make you feel better instead of worse - its like consoling yourself. today's a good day... 020224
Toxic_Kisses To be wanted and lusted after, that’s my drug, you want me so bad that when I speak you get distracted by my lips and hear not a word I say, my slightest touch makes your heart race and your mouth dry, and the intensity of my eyes make you forget what you were saying in mid-sentence, but always you try to keep it a hidden secret, trying never to let on for fear of what I might say, would I laugh? Would I disown you and never wish to see you? All of the horrid possibilities keep you silent about your feelings bc just as you’re yearning is my drug so too am I yours. 020224
what's it to you?
who go