always wondered...cuz they say they dont then the next thing ya know there freinds seem to know many a detail...just curious
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Haven't you heard of the FMSS (Female Mutual Support Society)? It's a ancient secret society - having it's own arcane language we males can't possible fathom. It's primary function is to identify the jerks among us. ³
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sex and occasionally what we're going to eat next :-)
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well... chances are... if you have a girlfriend, and she has friends, and you've had sex... her friends all know about your sexual prowess (or lack thereof) along with your penis size... length, girth, and then... your pre-ejaculatory problem....
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other girls clothes their mothers boys the amazing bargain they got on that bag new shoes! look! no, you AREN'T fat! for god's sake! sometimes, nothing at all- just sit in companiable silence, which is the best one of 'em all :)
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also intelligent stuff, like books and life and sylvia plath
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everything under the sun. it always amazes me how i can go from having a conversation about politics to having a conversation about sexual positions in about five seconds.
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See! There's the proof that the FMSS is alive and well in your neighborhood - not one of the girls even mentioned it :-) ³
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all women are not the same. therefore we do not all talk about the same things.
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what do you talk about, miss x?
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no reason
just read her blathers.
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I do. I can tell you that she writes about Poe, transcendentalism... ah shit, why do I have to defend myself all the time? 'Scuse me, who ever you are, go fuck yourself. Thank you. I was rabidly in love with her when I wrote the_blather_named_x, and it was all shoved up my ass anyways.
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*pant pant pant* Ok, "no reason", first let me say sorry, there's no way you would have known that, and it's good advice. I was about to write the things she's blathed about, but I realized it pisses her off. Just like any other time I try to typify herself or women in general. Or generally think in a sloppy way. Second... erm, there was a second... oh yes, that should read "the_blatherer_named_x"
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no reason
uh..it's ok...but just so you know, i didn't mean it offensively. i was just saying.
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women tell themselves what they want to believe. women tell their friends what will reinforve that belief. women tell their mothers enough to get the concrete advice, whether we want to hear it or not. but we all tell our boys we're unaffected. and they are the ones with the real answers to our questions. phooey!
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We !all! dont have boys.
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niska has all the boys ;)
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oh god, my female friends know way too much about my sex life, family relationships, biological cycles, and just...everything. if i told a guy most of the things i tell my girl-friends, he'd a) be disgusted b) turn it around and use it against me later or c) think i was asking for his constructive criticism (chicks sympathize and suggest things... guys "instruct" .. like i'm gonna listen to *them*...) i love my girls :) cathy you better come visit me soon!
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we talk about blowing up your house.
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:P, you don't have ANY friends that are BOYS? sad... such a one-sided world to live in.
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Women talk about the same things men do depending on thier personal interests.
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its still highly evident to me that you were functioning based upon generalizations and assumptions, nice attempt at a save but I'm just not buying it. "but we all tell our boys we're unaffected. and they are the ones with the real answers to our questions." Our boys most likely wasnt meant as a "friendly" manner sounded more so like someone was making assumptions to me, and I'm sorry but I don't gel with the notion that "our boys" have the answers. "a one-sided world to live in" indeed considering that those whom make assumptions can not owe up to it and those assumptions assume that we "have" and or need boys.
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ooh ooh two smart women. Is anyone else getting really hot? Good thing I have all the answers. One of my answers is, cookies. Send me cookies.
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whoa. i never meant to assume anything about you, just as you claim to be innocent of assuming anything about me... "Our boys most likely wasnt meant as a "friendly" manner sounded more so like someone was making assumptions to me, and I'm sorry but I don't gel with the notion that "our boys" have the answers." what is it about 'phooey' that you don't understand, :P? "most likely"? could that be an assumption? i was just saying that my friends who are boys tend to think they all have the answers. they explain things about how 'HE' feels, why 'HE' acts this way, what 'HE' really wants, and they seem to think they know it all because they are boys too, despite the fact they are not the 'HIM' in question. i'm sorry if you felt i was claiming we 'all' have boys who do this, but it wsn't my intent to speak for all of us - i can only speak for myself here. everyone who has posted here has given their own insight as to what women speak about. i can't begin to guess what anyone else does - only me and the women i know. and that's what we are ALL blathing - our own experiences. i don't even feel i should have to explain that, but you seem to assume i meant to offend you. for someone who is annoyed by assumptions, you certainly seem to have all the answers as to what i meant in a personal blathe, which you have no reference to, considering we don't know each other. in short - sorry if you were offended. i myself can identify with your short temper, so i will not criticize you for it. sometimes, i read others' blathes with a sarcastic voice in my mind, and i get offended too - we all now i've gone off on a few... i never said you 'need' boys, though i myself rather enjoy their perspective sometimes. my 'girl' friends often help me reinforce my hopes, rather than steer me towards realistic conclusion. the honesty of my male friends keeps me balanced, while their total sappiness revealed sometimes surprises me. and really, i don't know why you'd care who i'm talking to, and what i'm talking to them about. i'm not saying you have to have 'boys', i'm not saying we all do. but i'm allowed to think it's a sad existence without them for myself - I WOULD feel unbalanced with only the perspective of my female pals - that's my right. i wouldn't want to imagine not having male friends in my life. friends are friends. whether it's sad for you, may be a different story - you can feel however you like. so, can we drop this?
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three words
today_i_got_laid_off meg what_do_women_really_talk_about
what's it to you?