It isn't often these days that we actually get to see real news on our news and morning programs anymore. Mostly, it's just an endless litany of anonymous tragedies whose gloomy details are somehow "must have" information. And when it's not a stream of ambulance chasing reporters attempting to feed themselves on the dead bodies of people who, in a week or two will probably be just names provided as answers to some trivia question at the news room's office party(if they can't figure a way to milk a few more minutes out of the story); then it's probably some ad for clothes or food or movies or some other thing that they want us to go out and buy. (Funny isn't it that the "special interest" pieces always feature some business.. More advertising anyone?) But this morning...in one of those rare moments that makes it possible to forgive the entire media circus for its ever-slip grip on reality, they've redeemed themselves a bit with a little piece on the Morning Show called: Girls Gone Mild For those of you who aren't familiar: Girls Gone Mild is some sort of grassroots movement among young women (and some older ones) to return to a more modest approach to sex and relationships with the opposite sex. In essence, these women have tired of the pressure that society puts on women to be "on display in a sexual manner." Although they agree that a women should have the choice to present herself in as provocative a manner as the law will allow, they also feel that a woman should have that same degree of choice when it comes to shopping for more modest clothing styles. Apparently, a petition was even circulated to try to get stores to provide more modest fashions. Some other points touched on: - Although the women didn't feel responsible for the way men act, most respondents seemed to agree that they felt they were treated with more respect as a result of their choice to avoid being promiscuous or overtly provocative. - Some of the ladies present felt that there is too much unnecessary aggression toward people who choose modesty. The words "prude", "repressed" and "cold" seem to pressure girls away from making modest choices, while "sexy", "liberated" and "hot" are the words we use to describe women who "let it all hang out." - Some respondents felt that removing the pressure of being "sexual" allowed them to focus on developing other aspects of their lives. I thought it was refreshing to see the media using its immense power to promote something that can only have POSITIVE effects on society and its future. Let's see more of that, instead of trying to convince us that the world is a dangerous place. We already bought that lie...now you're just being redundant. Criticism mostly aside, thanks for this one news outlets. You owe us quite a few more. We're waiting. leo_celsus See an article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19762075/site/newsweek/
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Well, first thing... equal opportunity abounds for men and women to have the chance to make decissions in their lives. Life is all about pressure. There is plenty of pier pressure to go around, and its not up to the people bringing pressure to stop, its up to those being pressured to have more self asteem, and pride in themselves. Seems like the Women's movement has once again come full circle. From burning bras, and living free to do as they want, now the call to put the breaks on. Go ahead then, nobody is stopping anyone from being "modest." If you are going to put stock into what others might call it, then you are defeating yourself right out of the gate. I think what we have here are a few generations of parents not teaching values to their offspring, for any number of reasons. From multiple income homes with no parents, to society's supporting single parent households. Now the chickens have come home to roust, and there is a call to force others to change? Not holding my breath on that one...
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Well first off... I don't think anyone is FORCING anyone to change. But let me ask you: If a large segment of the consumer public wants the ability to make modest, but fashionable clothing choices...where would you suggest they shop? See? It's the nature of the infrastructure. The fact that YOU CAN'T make the choice to be modest in dress as easily as you can make the choice to be BLAZING HOT when you dress shows a glaring LACK of freedom for women in modern society. According to your argument, women should be happy about being forced by peer pressure and inconvenience into the role of sex object or they are not valid as human beings. (Is that your final answer? Or do you TRULY believe in choice for women?) In effect, it is the fashion industry, the entertainment industry and the consumers who obsess over those industries that are practically FORCING people to make immodest choices. When a person walks into a store, and can't find anything that would cover more than their nipples and pubes...I'm afraid that the "liberation movement" has become a "liberation MANDATE." And that's almost as stifling to the ability of women and young girls to choose as telling them that they can't choose at all. Go ahead, tell them that their choice comes with inconvenience because you want to see the majority of women "feeling free" to walk around with their butts to the breeze. Frankly, I don't think American women have thought about fashion at all if they continue to show such poor taste in styles. For instance...what's with a nation where obesity is hitting epidemic proportions putting pressure on young girls to wear low-cut clothing? Is it any surprise that our streets are now infested with an overload of "muffin-tops"? Certainly people should be free to do what they want. I'm all for that. It seems that the system that's in place always talks a good game when it comes to freedom. But when it actually comes to making enough choices available for TRUE freedom to be experienced, that same system regularly comes up short. 3 choices for President: Democrat, Republican or Independent. (They're all crooks and liars, but you're free to choose one.) 1 choice for how young girls should dress to be accepted: provocatively and with little regard for their own self-esteem. (But with a dazzling array of thong underwear and low-cut jeans to choose from. Go ahead...choose one...you're free to.)
what's it to you?