jennifer okay... on the request of silent bob
this is an ask jennifer page

(that's jennifer @ tenderlumpling)
silentbob Jennifer Lumpling

Why is it that if you want to be jennifer you cant be if someone else is jennifer??
that is to say...YOU are jennifer! and no one else!
Im sorry, other jennifer, but this is jennifer. i mean..JENNIFER!!
So answer me that!
jennifer um...

8 ball says:
"most likely, yes"
silentbob Jennifer Girl
How fast can you run when you have a big anvil tied to your knee?
sprocket Dear Jennifer,
Are you a lesbian?
birdmad Dear Jennifer:

Other than "krispy"
How are the chickens?

and if i haven't already said it "damn the man!" for making you dye your hair back to a "normal" colour.

j_blue dear jennifer

who are you, really??
valis dear jennifer:

startfires dear jennifer

do you ever go by jenny? i think jennifer sounds better. plus jenny also means female mule.
jennifer sorry for the dely...

silentbob - 27 km/hr
sprocket - no, yes, who's to tell these days?
birdmad - chickens are gross
j-blue - I am santa claus (but only the really fucked up evil dave_sims version
valis - because
startfires - at the theatre, I am Jen (one syllabal, very good); at work, I am Jenny (don't know); and to myself, I am jennifer. No capitalization

thank you and goodnight
kate dear jennifer,

do you like to drive your van to new and exciting states?
jennifer I do, and check your e-mail 001012
j_blue dear jennifer

how did you ever get to be so popular? it seems like all the boys are always giving you attention. my mother told me it was because you told the boys they didnt have to buy any cows, she kinda weirds me out. anyway, if you have any magical secrets, please share them.

thank you
silentbob dearest jennifer
Dost thou love me?

jennifer dearest bobby...

of course my little evil scientist
jennifer j_blue
my only magical secret
is I have a rockstar on my side
and I burn nag_champa incense
and I drive a VW van

and the boys like me
because I hook them up with other boys
deb jennyjen-
my famous ex-roomie how could you get
to be so popular here
while i've been
trapped in that place
unable to get to the internet
('cept at my mommie's)
ah well it's all good :)
so hows the job? haven't seen your van
but once since it got fixed-
anyhoo... write me with newsy shtuff.. (my addy that's not dead, for anyone else who wants to write too) yeah yeah...

OOOO!!! tidbit:
Charlie and i moved the date up to
August or Sept. of 2001, so (gasp)
getting married in under a year!!!
(where the HELL do i start for planning?!)
jennifer I don't know how I've become so popular... must be the hair.

or the hot_glasses

I will write, and I will see you soon

and I'm making a road trip... and I'm doing it alone... :)
jennifer and check your e-mail 001022
kate i have been sitting here wondering if you could answer a certain question for me... since you are so very popular, do you still have time for me? I am just a lowly rockstar, trying to share some rockstar-ness with you.

also, wassup?
kate and check your email!
(just kidding)
jennifer dearest kate
I am never too busy for you
I may be crazy but I'm not too busy
and I'm blessed to have a rockstar to talk to

((and check your e-mail))
god jennifer.
hey it's god. how old would you like be before you expire? also, what's yr. favorite ice cream?
jennifer 42
I guess
something around there
of course I have to get permission first, you know how it is
but I want to go out in a blaze of glory
like, killing someone no one really liked in the first place
and then myself
or something extravagant like that
(while listening to Dope - "You Spin Me") because that's good music to kill someone during. Not that I kill people, as it is. If I were to, I'd have to go with that song.

And since I like frozen fruit in my ice_cream
I'll go with black cherry frozen yogurt.
god that's not that old "you spin me right 'round baby, right round like a record baby" song is it?
just listen to the voices in yr. head for info on who to kill (believe me, it'll be real obvious).
are you sure about the age thing? i was thinkin' like 101, 102-ish for you, but what the hey. (be sure to let me know if you change yr. mind!).
yeh, that black cherry yogurt is awesome!
thanks for the input!
chanaka jennifer--

why do i drool on my desk during spanish, and who has to clean it up? perhaps it evaportates and there is an invisible cloud of drool above my desk...wouldn't this smell? and....i am glad that someone else love silentbob as much as i do...aren't we cool?
jennifer Chanaka-
we are very cool
and I think the reason you drool in Spanish class
and probably not any other class
is the sound of a woman rolling her r's would make anyone drool
(and it's probably safe to say, the heat generated from said woman causes the drool to also evaporate as well, and relocate to a lower pressure area)

I'll let ya know -_^
silentbob My eyes hurt. my stomach hurts. i feel dry.
what can i take to ease this problem.
jennifer sounds like you need a good dose of self-understanding

and remember "your god will come to you when you least expect it"
grendelbirdmad Dear Jennifer

why oh why did i ever abandon my role in the world as the musician/demon pornstar/demi-god and all around
" bad_guy "
jennifer because abandon is the wrong word. you just let it run loose for a while. if it was loyal to begin with, it will return, and if not, then that's life.

c'est la vie
a my dearest jennifer...

have you forgotten your darling silver
sequin bra wearer???

silentbob jennifer
you just got on msn
Im hungry. what should i have?
jennifer dearest a... my goodness, no.
I also will never forget that same girl who I locked out of the dorm room while she was in the shower.

Bobby... have some cake.
Barbort Dear Jennifer,

have you seen my Barbort?

your what?

my Barbort.

your what?

my Barbort.

oh for god sake what time is it.

oh shit, I just triped over the fly net.

you are driving me crazy.

what the hell is a Barbort?

fucking weirdo.

you never know who you could come across in this Namming hole,

My Son be brave!

dodge the bombs.
please drink some snake juice 010421
silentbob so are you going to nail me or what? 010421
jennifer bobby wobby... come to my batcave and see the new me 020620
what's it to you?
who go