Twitch Let's all share, eh?

Mine is to simply adopt a bit of the Fuck_It attitude and enjoy life...


And a six-Pack could be nice
dipperwell earn my life by sacrificing some of my own pleasure so that someone else might fare better 051227
Piso Mojado continue on as i've begun:
create loving friendships in the nw
remember my goal of graduating in june
be myself all the time
learn from everything/one, stay open
body/mind connection
unhinged i'm getting rid of my t.v.
i will meditate more, optimally everyday.
this year i will begin my practice in earnest.

Piso Mojado and, "go easy on yourself, you are doing the best you can." 051228
misstree i resolve to try, as often as i can, as hard as i can, and to congratulate myself for my victories more than i beat myself up for my defeats. 051228
(_) let's stop having a different identity crisis every two weeks, mmkay, shall we?

also, stop the damned crying_over_stupid_shit and stop talking to yourself in second and third person. nobody wants to hear it. least of all you.

we'll see how that goes . . .

[by the way? the awkward-flippant-bitch-who-has-to-make-EVERYTHING-a-joke act? not working out so well for you. but trying to make you tolerable to the outside world -to say nothing of yourself- is obviously pointless, so just concentrate on not acting crazy or depressed for awhile. it'll be hard enough.]
(_) let's stop having a different identity crisis every two weeks, mmkay, shall we?

also, stop the damned crying_over_stupid_shit and stop talking to yourself in second and third person. nobody wants to hear it. least of all you.

we'll see how that goes . . .

[by the way? the awkward-flippant-bitch-who-has-to-make-EVERYTHING-a-joke act? not working out so well for you. but trying to make you tolerable to the outside world -to say nothing of yourself- is obviously pointless, so just concentrate on not acting crazy or depressed for awhile. it'll be hard enough.]
emmi hmm...take up yoga...go to church...meditate...try to relax less shy...keep getting better at what i'm good at...and stop wallowing 051229
Twitch Being that we are in blather...and there are many skites who could fall under your rant, I'm not totally sure who you're talking to...

I'll make the assumption that it's me.

Now...I'm inclined to agree with you.
I do blathe about a lot of stupid shit.
And the identity crisis... Yep..I need to get over that...

I'm also inclined to not give a shit.
Yes...I am contradicting myself...and no, It does not bother me at all.

Now Look, I don't want to make a blather_enemy, so relax.

As a matter of fact,I admire a person who can express him (or her) self so strongly...You have enough confidence to judge someone openly. That's a very good thing.


Now, In the event your blathe was directed towards someone else (Maybe even yourself)

disregard everything you don't like and focus on the positives...
Piso Mojado i think (_) was listing their own resolutions, as the blathe title would suggest 051229

It's funny...His flaws just sound a lot like my own.

And having someone being cruel to me was somewhat exciting (everyon's so nice here)

not that I'm complaining, I think this is a nice break from seeing the ever popular "Stfu Noob" or the classic "Own3d!!!"
(_) i'm glad you don't give a shit, because i wasn't talking about you. me, me, me all the damned time! sorry i confused you. but "stop talking to yourself in second and third person." was meant to tip people off. [if i was actually pissed at someone, say you, besides myself i probably wouldn't say anything. i'm too afraid of rejection. but everything's my fault, so it's okay.]

it's also strange to have you mistake me for a guy . . . i guess because i used to have an alias with the word "gurrl" [sic] in it? hmm.

oh, and also? self? since life_is_like_a_lifetime_movie_damnit, i'd appreciate it if you got a dialouge coach. and so would you.
(_). **dialogue, damnit. pretend you can spell 051229
otto pilate The last resolution i ever made was to never make any more new years resolutions. 051230
birdmad that was also the year i decided to give up being Catholic for lent 051230
Twitch great stuff, great stuff. 051230
nom high low 051230
REAListic optimIST 2006 will be the year that i cultivate all the plan(t)ing i did this year. ecotv will begin to take flight. if i don't screw it up, i'll be attending school. I'll continue to bring documentation and expression more and more into my career and life. i will be more dedicated in my practice of meditation, balance, and compassion. and in the midst of all this seriousness, i will continue to remember how to play. 051231
pete i will not go to school if when i wake up it is -40 outside, windchill included because the walk to school is a windtunnel. i value my skin too much to let it freeze within a minute of being out of doors, if it is only my eyelids that are not covered... 051231
epitome of incomprehensibility my resolutions:
1. to be more organized
2. to continue making nonsense
3. to avoid making numbered lists if at all possible

oops, looks like I screwed up already.

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!
epitome of incomprehensibility my resolutions:
1. to be more organized
2. to continue making nonsense
3. to avoid making numbered lists if at all possible

oops, looks like I screwed up already.

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!
ivyducktwilightseto lose some weight

get my life on track

get a fucking girlfriend, or at least get some action
no reason less fear, more adventures
this one i'm gonna remember
her royal highness the quirk finally shake you... it's time i stopped letting you run/ruin my emotional existance

make decent grades... after all it's my last semester here so i might as well go out with a bang

and of course the usual work out and lose weight thing too
Lemon_Soda To be who i was fooling myself into thinking I was. 060111
jane 2006 will be utilized to fix all my mistakes from 2005 060111
jane new year's resolutions are SO last year 090205
what's it to you?
who go