Doar I received your beautiful hand made card yesterday.

Thank you.

Doar oh...and you freakin owe me. Pay up.

gja (and dear you too Birdmad - because I reckon I might like you to join inalthough the effort may be a deterrent – but you, Jane, you always seem expansive – if not ) - A query for you both, just because you were next on thelist”.

Please, riddle me this, please?
Don’t let the two pleases fool you two, or, even lull you into a sense of false ease. I am demanding and I am panting. The two pleases belie the imperative.

- The generation that precedes, what I would guess, is ours, are lucky enough to enjoy good healthI think, in the main, that is the caseand this belief is borne out by the ever upwardly creeping life expectancy figure.
They, that (our) parental generation, have, I believe, sipped, tasted, considered and then skolled the precious juice, the nectar, the milk, the drug of wealth and prosperity.
But (and this is really the clue buried early in the story (as all good clues are)) they did not "waste". They indulged, revelled and kept. In their eyes (and perhaps theirs alone?) they do not waste. When actually all it isis wastewe know don’t we. Nudge, nudge wink, wink.

Their chalice, the container of their cumulative lard and inertia, was that, what is, what we know as - their parents fortitude.
Pre and post war they were, that striving and shackled band.
Exposed to death, on mass, but denied the face of pleasure. Willing, rallying slaves to big ideas.
Toughened. And importantly FAIRmyth I ask or true. I will follow their lovely exampleI will be fair and sayTRUE. For a cause. Everything, all action, thought and presence for a Reason.
They knew that simple things could be hard to come by.

The crate, the packing for that strong chalice, was industrialisation – more generations back now we go.
That improvement, that concept, that definition, we know, had problems, has left us with the realised legacy of surplus.
But that crate, that wide eyed bunch, realised, and allowed it to bring humans had ever known beforeaccess to abundance had arrived.
Is it letting them off lightly to suggest that anyone, the average man (that strange conceptinvented by French architects and imported into British Lawand from there to most of the Zoroastrian world) would have embraced this opportunity? Or should they have knownbeen guided by their generational elders - to realise that this crate they were assembling – contained mischievous spellsthat unleashed on a seeded world, aready planet - would push us into our current whir-pool?
(And some did knowI might addI suggest you search fornuts and berries” responses to the concept of industrialisation.
A friend and unwilling mentor of mine once suggested that they wereahead of their timethese early hippy drop outs. I thought, when my head hit the pillow at the end of that educational daythat they were just a bit, but tragically a bit too muchlate. And again as an aside (aside to aside) – that’s when I knew that my mentors guidance had been better than they had realisedI now knew (and know) more than themperhaps they knew this would happena reason for the reluctance to take up my invitation to mould me to their image perhaps?– and now that I think about it maybe that makes them more knowing than methey wanted to withhold the knowledge and maintain their place at the top of the local treehmm, those Machiavellian mentors – they’ll paywhen you anser this riddle I will be again once aheadnote to self – don’t tell them of blatherat least not when they are in a state to rememberperhaps just before the break of a wavea big one I will yellI know a place where words rulebut I digress).
We can decry it as horrible this industrial beast. But it is the reason we can now do what we can do. Read on screens, be cooled by electric fans, as a starter I suggest thesebut the list we know isendless.

Before that, the raw material of that crate, the timber, the nails, the ore from which it came, the sap, the fire, the ignition key, the spark plugthe light bulb floating above their cartooned head was, I am sure, was the printing press. That wonderful machine - That destroyer of stories and / but bringer of knowledge.
I am not capable of adding more on these pioneers – these printing press journey menVictor Hugo does it nicely and concisely – ironically.

- And so, we know, these focused, these inspirational components (and the many more, long suffering ancestors, that I overlook for brevity) gave rise, via material assembled into cradles of varying description, to our direct forbears (I know, I know, and what more I await correction from some jumped up techno embracing divorce baby boomer, I am making assumptions about the age of skites - but the truth would bear me out, I am sure).

And these recent spawn, these urbanites, these 2.1 children families, consume and consume and ....go on and on. Problematically – they just keep going on. We shove the older ones in “homes” – they get a wide screen TV and just keep watching and drinking and wetting their pants.
And they hoard.
And deny us our position. Deny us our chance.
We want to seizebut there are always excusesthey say its bad mannered to snatch. They say its for our own goodthat waiting builds character.
And so we develop alternatives. We strive to be good. We talk about ethics. False modesty abounds. The long suffering artisan / craftsman / musician is held up as a fine example. We should, if we had access, shower the crème of our generation with riches and encase them in opulence. But insteadwe sayus X and Yrs that real talent needs to be fostered, and respond only, to hardship.

- What are we? Us. What is, tell me without error, our zeitgeist?
I thought, for a while, that we were just that nectar, digested and pissed into a well plumbed drain.

But we are more aren’t we? (Rhetorical that question is not.) What, and, when will we know it?

Hints on achieving full marks:
Don’t give me none of that crap about not knowing the answer until we, or others to come, have some perspective.
I think we, you and me, Jane and Bird, know now.
We, us need to know nowso that we can change itif indeed it needs change (Formulate reasons for change or stasis to get a bonus)

Presentation criteria - Free form and logic will be scaled up. Speed is essenceresponse not with standing, the response itself must embody speed and lightness and quickness, and all of Calvino’s other Memos (7 in total if I recall correctly) Respond now even, the deadline is now.
Doar Jane?

Doar I should start at the beginning,

I hatched a scheme to take us right to the top,

The solution was your hat.

Behold the insturment of fedoramatic,
a vapour water park.



okay...really I'm just bumping this blathe to the today column.

what's it to you?
who go