rubydee keep me awake
head pounding
combined with the noon sun
in all it's brightness
piercing the haze
and the curtains
of my migraine

trying to sleep off morning sickness
in july
during fourteen consecutive days of fog
suicidalchinadoll sound their thoughts out over the sea
to be lost amidst the seaweed and foam and mermaids and rocks and other such things.
ever dumbening cold and damp. tense, wired at 3:38 am. uncertain but hopeful moving forward through the soup. deep sounds, and soundings for the depth; communicating in new lands and narrow waterways. a safe place to tie up for the night would be nice. 071102
ever dumbening and now there's oil everywhere. 071111
pish what kind of oil ? 071111
aw-shucks you are looking a little vulnerable these days! you poor thing. 071111
ever dumbening dear ignorant fuck,

the san francisco bay is polluted with thousands of gallons of oil--the bad, shitty, toxic kind. does that answer your question? normally, i wouldn't jump on someone for not knowing news of another region, but since what you write is ALWAYS ignorant, inconsiderate, uncreative, and unrelated, i don't have a problem telling you to fuck off. it's an evironmental disaster, and your oblivious insensitivity is too much.

it's unfortunate that whatever shitty life has been forced upon you up to this point makes you so stupid and angry. but until you can interact with any vague sense of maturity, please leave.
somebody "Because it would've been so logical to assume the San Fran bay was filled with Essential_Oils..." 071111
phil noise 071111
aw-shucks dear "ever dumbdumb" ohhhhh sorry darling, i thought you were talking about massage oil !

no need to get all uppity about it this is just a web site afterall !

why don't you go and do something about it if you are so pissed off, write to your lovely president or something seeing as you voted for him.

where is America anyway, i've never heard of the place.
aw-shucks p.s. i belive the whole history of the world is an "enviromental disaster", it's nothing new. 071112
ever dumbening thanks, troll. 071112
leg horns kuffshucks, if you had bothered to educate yourself, you'd know that nearly 1/2 of us in the U.S. didn't vote for the current president. sameolme seems to reside in one of the areas where 3/4 of the residents turned down bush's re-election. you really operate with a lot of stereotypes for someone who rails against them so vigorously.

first you complain about the heartlessness of the world, then you act thoughtlessly and callously towards the people here. you are as hypocritical as anyone i've ever met.

and who are you to tell someone else to pipe down? you're the most out-of-control-of-your-anger blatherskite of all!
kuffsleeve yay!
i'm a hypocrite! who isn't ?

ummm.... why do you think i give a crap about American politics ?
its a crap country, full of fakeness, greed, VANITY, unworldly, twangy, over excessive, idiots.

if you want me to be a generalist and a hypocrite i will be, but i won't be someone i'm not in order for people to like me because i don't give a shit if you don't.
disgust has turned to amusement so that's your argument? what are you, 4? 5? are you a pre-adolescent?

the world oppresses you, you want to rant about it here and be taken seriously, but you don't want to take other people here seriously, and make oppressive statements such as the crass generalization you directed towards americans just now.

you are a sad little man, but i pity you more than anything else. i hope you find some sunshine in your life because you need it even worse than i. good luck.
draugbrandr kuff goes on this way because being a self-important douchebag is easy 071114
kuffsleeve yes i am an over grown child and very very prowd to be. Some people are too serious and patriotic around here, i am not prowd of "my" country, i don't know how anyone could be prowd of a country that goes to war over and over again. why do people take things so seriously? don't be so bitter and old..

what ever happened to crazy golf ?
kuffsleeve this hatred you have for me started with the word oil, why should i assume that you were talking about fossil fuels ? there's lots of types of oils, vegetable oil, painting oils, massage oil, palm oil.... theres loads, "there oils everywhere" it could have been all over your body for all i know !

why should you assume that i should know about an oil spill off the coast of America ? do you know about the situation in Japan or China, i expect not, why do you think that America is the centre of this planet because America is the biggest bully in the world ?

and don't be so nasty, these are only words, i'm not holding a gun in my house.
. it's not a hatred for you, it's a contempt. you can be quite likable but mainly you show us your undisciplined side in a manner that seems oriented towards being a nuisance. don't demand respect and then refuse to give it. 071115
Oof The fog horns blew, and so did my girlfriend. Of all my nights in the swampy lowlands, that night was one of the finest. Later I returned the favor, although I had only a single fog horn to blow at her. 071115
kuffsleeve dear axe murderer,

since when did i demand respect ?

at least i am not a racist like you.
? who said anything about race? you are ridiculous. 071115
kuffsleeve sorry, i am still effected from the news from a few years ago when a little boy was killed by some racist people, i am only talking to myself, this is my diary, you don't have to read it. 071115
spell thingy *affected* 071115
bloc dalimentation the title of this blathe reminds me of the song: Fog and the Horn by The Hot Springs. 071115
spell thingy whats the differece betweem effect and affect ?
i never noticed that before.
oh i get it now an effect is doing something to make it turn into an a....... i see, see.
arrrrrrrrr why didn't you tell me !!!!
.... *betweeen*
god, i'll never get it right
phil effection 071126
flowerock Soothing maritime lullabies... surprisingly comforting as I walk through the mist and drift into sleep. 150612
.flowerock I kind of miss them

but now we have the waves
what's it to you?
who go