Norm I says fuck it. Arr 011012
Toxic_Kisses ...Iz something I normally avoid, just like reality.
"If you ignore it long enough it/they/he/she will go away" - My mom
Dafremen But of course the RIGHTS you want. Correct? "Give me the rights and f*ck the responsiblities that go with them." you say. They call ME "a vulgar, insensitive, desensitized example of all the mysogyny and hatred that is wrong with this world"(see also: fat_chicks_with_class), but you self-indulgent, sh*tbag f*cksticks take the cake.

Who do ya think shoulders the burden when folx don't shoulder their own? That's right...everyone else(yea right like you'd even give it a second thought.) Thanks for the extra load @ssholes.

Have a nice day.
: )

Norm Arr 011012
Toxic_Kisses Actually, yes, I am having quite a nice day.
Also, I never said that avoiding my responsibilities waz in any way the right or good thing to do, I know it's not, there for I don’t really need you griping and/or lecturing me over the right and wrongness of shirking, ignoring and avoiding responsibilities.
I make no excuse for my actions (nor should I have to).
Dafremen Excuse me? Did I ask you to reiterate that you are in love with yourself and that you have no time to worry about how you add to the burden of your fellow man? Did I ask for that? Cuz I SURE as hell don't recall typing those words on my keyboard. As for me lecturing you...F*CK YOU Peter Pan. Two can play at the "I get to do whatever I want to and f*ck who it bothers" game. Don't like it? And WHAT? Gunna take away my birthday? See ya day after tomorrow then and bring tupperware.

P.S. You are loved and your opinion IS important.

Hugs from wonderland! : )
Norm You sure are a whiner aren't you? 011012
Toxic_Kisses Dafremen, Your different just like every one else. 011012
SonyaKitty Responsibility is something we seem to crave in our childhood (by pretending and wanting to be grown-ups), but it's something we avoid like the plague when we finally get a taste of it. It's sort of like taking a sip of soda when you don't realize it's already warm and either deal with it or spit it out. 011012
Dafremen Yes norm..I'm a huge whining little sniveling sh*t who believes in folx standing up and taking responsibility. That's ME ...the bitchy gripy whiny little guy that's wiping your irresponsible @sses for you along with the rest of the responsible world, every day. You want me to stop whining? Here...grab the other end and help me with this you irrepressible titty grabber and get off of yer delusional fantasy trip about putting me in my place. There's a time when big dogs let little puppies playfully nip at their tails. Cute as your awkward puppy "attacks" may be, this is NOT that time.

We'll get more done if we both get to get to it or sit your "wishing-you-had-a-clo0" self the f*ck back down while the rest of us do.

All that and candy-coated dreams too.

Sugar IS sweet...and so are YOU snowcap. : )
Norm You are quick to jump to conclusions too. 011013
Dafremen Indeed it seems we both are. Unfortunately for you I have inuition which is something that it appears that you are sorely lacking. My leaps, more often than not...tend to be dead on the money. I would call this one of those times. (see also: dafremen to see how far off YOUR leap to conclusions was...heheheh wish I could see the look on yer face when you do.) Nice try norm, as I said lil' big guy...not the time for gangly young cubs to be growling in that Disney-quaint way that gangly young cubs have of growling. So don't norm, be a good cub and realize that you're DEAD wrong, or sit the f*ck down and stop being both wrong and publicly stupid about being wrong.

Like I said, pick up and start lugging or sit the f*ck back down while we do. There's work to be done and the place for irresponsible cubs is back at the den with momma getting suckled.

Luscious fields of long grass to caress your face and tickle your feet...this I wish for you.

Peace and propz to ya norm. : )
Norm When did I jump to conclusions and when was I wrong?

Just curious you know.
Norm oh
and when did I say I don't except responsibility?
Dafremen Sorry, apparently my response didn't register. A week ago.

When did I ever say that you ever said that you don't except responsibility norm?

Oh I'm quite certain that I can take your word for one thing norm: EXCEPTING responsibility is something you believe in.

Unfortunately, more folx need to stop EXCEPTING responsibility and start ACCEPTING responsibility. Cuz damned if my feet aren't tired from totin' dumb@$$ all day, luggin some other dumb@$$es' load too is the last thing that they need.

Thanks for the birthday greeting, glad you finally figgered it out. : )

(Motorcycle Sounds)Waaaaaaaaaa WaaaaaAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Norm I like to except_responsibility

Dafremen I rest my case.

Hop on norm, piggyback ride...this one's on me ya lazy sumb*tch.
Norm Why should I have to work for everything? It's like saying that I don't deserve it.

Dafremen Where the hell are ya Norm? I miss ya, you big go0b. 020623
amy to what? that is the question...
self-definition is essential.
participation is essential.

poeticmisfit responsibility...whats that?

it wears on you until you look like this:
the lady When you have to little responsibility you want more, when you get you want less... Watcha gonna do? 020723
the lady When you have too little responsibility you want more, when you get you want less... Watcha gonna do? 020723
the lady When you have too little responsibility you want more, when you get it you want less... Watcha gonna do? 020723
taojones ain't gon talk too much 'bout the funky and the funk-minded---mind you I know all there is to know on that and many other subjects---subject yourself to my every whim...or don't...see if i care!
campsbayrich quite simply put, the ability to respond in a situation. It's what you want to be. Decide your own fate. Stop looking for someone else to blame. 040325
reue everything thing i touch breaks
i'm such a fuckup
when will i learn to shut my mouth and just accept being wrong all the damn time?
Syrope nature or nuture? 050626
Dareon everyone is looking at me,at the same time they pitty me.I have given everything up to be where i am needed and not a single soul understood this sacrifice.Not a single soul has even tried to understand...... 060427
. mine to take 070716
past right, three weeks later is not the time to ask for a make up. if your sportsing gets in the way of meeting your academic requirements, well, that's something you need to get a handle on in advance. at universities sportsing is (should be) less important than academics. 151124
what's it to you?
who go