Doar so i take you aren't homeless.

*nudge nudge*

and don't worry about answering my question.

misstree well, kind of...

r_o has been letting me stay at his place, but i'm past the agreed upon time to vacate myself, and as he has two other roomies, i have no idea when this reprieve will end... also as i currently have no real job, well, makes moving into someplace new difficult...

so, uncertainty abounds, and all i can do is trust the stray_cat vibes will carry me through somehow.

there is a crazy polish boy that thinks i'm his girlfriend that i can stay with if absolutely neccesary, but i'm avoiding that like the dickens...

and waiting for a ride that may or may not show up to go apply at a fabric store, and after that going to go out and try to get people to sign petitions for campaign finance reform to make a little more money...

so, not currenly homeless, but not currently homed either. :)
Doar well if you come across the border you can always visit me. we've got plenty of good paying jobs up here as well.

smackers for you.

ps. say hey to R_O for me.

u24 long time no C.
noticed you're on blather right now so thought I'd throw a note to the wind to see if I can hit you.
let's see.
u24 oh, I meant to send you this ages ago.
saw it and thought of you.
( from picturesofwalls.com) 060427
bouncy bouncy bouncy 060429
mt i apparently am sending out an sos signal on some wavelength or another. everyone and their kid brother has been turning my way and saying, "hey... where're you at?" 's a very nice feeling. especially the unexpected calls from strip bars. more style points than even a well-crafted email.

regardless, i'm about, usually, to some degree or another... 's good to see you showing yerself as well. i've had some strange experiences i'd love to chaw over with you on some ask_use24 -like blathe, but i just haven't the focus to start ripping off chunks and throwing them on the table yet... even when all is in stasis, they're still strange days...
LS . 060430
u24 sup? it'd be nice to chat @ some point. 061011
misstree sup is an odd question to answer. reformatting the brain is just about the most condensed version i can give.

agreed with the chatting; been a while since you and i tossed concepts back and forth... in the spirit of my current state, i've a question for you (which i can kick over to ask_use24 or some equivalent page if you so desire)... how do you define the Self? interpret any way you please.
u24 A delicious question. I will enjoy it.....

..... but not yet. I have a wedding to attend in Rhodes all next week. I will speak in a week or so.
(I said hello because I saw you were here and wanted to catch your attention)

hope everything is sparkly :-)
u24 re reformatting: i hope you've taken a backup of at least some aspects of yourself ;) 061012
endless desire i miss you like you wouldn't believe. how have you been? god i feel like ive lived an entire saga since ive been around here. i should just write it all out to get it out of me. 061013
mt i've been good and bad and weird all over. unemployed at the moment, loving and hating that. rebooting, as mentioned. i feel like i left my passion along the side of the road somewhere, so i'm trying to coax that back to life. not writing as much as i should. chugging along.

you *should* write it all out, or at least spit out some of the bits. i've found it always helps me digest, helps me remember. kind of sticks a memorial bouquet at the roadsides. asides, i miss reading your writing. :)
endless desire well i think a lot of it has really changed. it'll be interesting to see how my personal writing style has transformed over the last few years. ive mostly been on livejournal this whole time, spitting out a lot of poetry when i feel inclined to do so, and people who have followed me there from blather have commented on the changes.

it's not like i figure people will notice. it'll just be something personal for me, i guess. i started on the pages when i was a lot younger (because, if ive learned anything, a few teenage years makes a lot of difference) so it's hard to relate to the person i was in a lot of the things i wrote here (if that makes sense?).
Doar.still.having.problems.with.the.space.key rememberss pliiing?

u24 _shop_talk_ 061024
u24 bounce!
(once guestness is over)
bumpbumpbumpbumpbump bump 061110
u24 if you can manage it, i'd like you to talk at me for a while. i don't really care what you talk about, it'd just be nice to have some noise that's not related to uni. i can't promise a timely response, but you knew that already.
*insert generic term of endearment here*
misstree "for you, life is a long trip
terrifying and wonderful
birds sing to you at night
the rain and the sun
the changing seasons
are true friends
solitude is a hard won ally
faithful and patient
yeah, I think I know you"
(rollins, i_know_you)

(yes, that is me quoting things at myself. don't tell me you haven't done it.)

of course, darlin'. it's late tonight, but i'd be happy to serve up some platefuls of distraction for ya.
gap i want misstree
to become istree !
what's it to you?
who go