fucked once too often After a over a year of confusion and everyone at work assuming that the two were getting it on anyway, blown_cherry and photophobe took a strong and growing friendship and a healthy attraction to the next level.

If you have something to say to either of them, or about the crazy way they ended up together, this is a good place to put it.
But you don't have to.
Achilles I have nothing to add 020828
Perspective_Of_Soul I also, have nothing to add to this particular topic. 020828
fucked once too often I said is you have SOMETHING to say, not NOTHING! Geez guys...
:) hehehe
kenobi um...

Kudos to TiLDaNe and blown cherry. :)

But at the risk of being labeled moronic, I ask - Why are there so many blathers centred around either photophobe or cheryl?
I have been far too busy of late with not knowing that blather exists to have followed their story - and now that a plethora of blathers that focus on these two have been written it is impossible to establish chronology.
At the least I must say I find it most intriguing that Tildan/TiLdaNe/Krebacious Fritz/TheSausageMaker a.k.a Johhny Angle has become the centre of the blather universe for many.

Blake, what IS your secret ingredient?!

[and where DO you park your escape zepplin?]
Johnny Angle I think we both just blather too much. Thats the secret :)

My escape zepplin is now en route to siam
kenobi um..
doesn't that mean you should be on it!
What are you doing blathering at a time like this?
klaus I vote that blather never have to hear about it again 020828
Nosi i say..."get a room" and get the fuk off here 020828
Aimee Aye! sick of hearin this shit! 020828
daxle wow... aren't you supposed to be the sweet, nice, one aimee?
i'll agree that the stuff is getting a little old, but when has blather censorship ever worked?
kenobi thrice...
I think...
No wait...
I mean never
Perspective_Of_Soul Crrrraaaaaaaammm it. 020902
Photophobe Fucking grow up, dipshit. 020903
Photophobe glittering "There is one fact i am surprised is not coming up more often.I am all for people doing whatever they want.
I think freedom of speech is something that should be embraced and so on. "

So suddenly you've changed your mind - you're saying "People can say whatever they like, but shut up"?
Neil Finn darn, this blathe had made it off the yesterday list, lying in the dark, it hadn't been blathed on for the likes of a whole 3 days!

let it go
josie heh.. it's bAAAAAAAAAAck. 020903
lostinbigd photo, since you found your "girl" does this mean i will find mine? when? should i move or not? 020903
~gez~ wish i worked where you load of crazy people do
or have i not got a clue what im on about
Perspective_Of_Soul Photophobe you knob.I have this great idea, why don't you cram it.Yes, that is a good idea, cramming it seems like the best thing you can do.
Please refrain from quoting me from OTHER blathes.Such a thing is beyond even the most moronic things i thought you were capable of.
Nobody worthwhile, likes you.
apparently nobody of worth oooh, I do believe you've just offended an awful lot of blatherers! 020903
Perspective_Of_Soul Oh gee.
What am i to do ?
apparently nobody of worth show a little respect to the people you willingly blather beside,
there are others besides blown cherry who appreciate his writing

Though if respect isn't part of your game plan, then you'll have to forgive me (as though I could be any more sarcastic) for not giving you any
Perspective_Of_Soul I do not desire your respect, care for it, need it in anyway shape or form.
People all around the world come to Blather to write what they are thinking.
Just because people do not think the same way, does not make their writings any less valuable.
I agree that there are people out there who like some things and do not like others.We are human after all.
The point is, there are going to be people who express their thoughts differently and whether or not you think it is right is overwhelmingly irrelevent.
apparently nobody of worth So you're saying that while someones writing may still have value, if people choose to like this valuable writing that you don't happen to appreciate then they as people have no worth?

But what does it matter. It's completely irrelevant if you think they're of worth or not.

Eh, not going to bother continuing to argue with someone who can't even keep a single line of argument going without contradicting themselves so thoroughly (not that what I think matters anyway)
Perspective_Of_Soul Contradicting myself ? Not likely.
What i am saying is, that everybody is entitled to the opinions they have.This flows both ways.By all means, have whatever thoughts you want, but accept that other people are going to feel differently.So before you cop out on an arguement you cannot keep up with by dismissing it as something that you think you understand and others do not, think for a moment.
If i do not care that you care,and you do not care if i care, who cares ? Certainly not me, and neither should you.
Photophobe Then why don't you just drop it. I'm not telling you to cram it, am I? Just fuck off and leave us alone. 020903
Aimee you know something.... I feel badly for whatever I "said" on here. first off, i know i didn't write it, cause on the 28th, I worked a 12 hour shift came home and went to sleep. Secondly, I always sign with my e-mail address, so it wasn't me. Granted this page is getting a little on the negative side and is starting to be a downer, but hey if you can find true love and romance on our dearest most beloved blather, more power to you. Well, I'm outta here... Good luck. I'm sorry if what was posted under my name, upset you. 020904
Perspective_Of_Soul Photophobe, nice one dickhead.
Cram it.
daxle ok then, I'm sorry I said anything about what aimee actually didn't say.
and this POS thing reminds me of my childhood with my older brother, and what I learned about that is- if you don't let them bother you, they'll get bored and go away
blown cherry ~gez~
you were close, PhotoP and I work together in a crazy movie house known as the Ritz (to get a taxi there go to ph0003). Josie and Perspective_of_Soul I've never actaully met in rl, though I've seen Josie once, I think PhotoP has met Perspective_of_Soul.
I think it rather a good thing that we don't all work together, since I beleive that the chances of the universe NOT collapsing upon these 4 people entering the same room aren't good.
josie lol
an interesting predicament indeed it would be..we're obviously being granted more power than I'd orignally percieved us all to have.
what's it to you?
who go