hsg love_will_come

that is what they say.

try as i may to put aside a search for companionship. do_what_you_love, i'm told. love_yourself_first, i'm told. but i'm doing it. already i've made the journey to love myself first.

solitude can rightly be painful if for a particular circumstance alone isn't optimal. a way out of pity or feeling of limited option is gratitude.

there are opportunities. and i know my values.



boundaries_disappear (locally)

unhinged i refuse to compromise who i am
i refuse to apologize for things i didn't know i was doing wrong
i refuse to play dumb

i read a ridiculous article yesterday '10 reasons you're still single' aimed at women. some of them made sense but i feel sorry for people who need to be told to be kind and considerate, to show interest in others. the one that pissed me off those was 'you are intimidating' cause damn straight i'm intimidating. i put myself through college on my brains and talent alone. i am creative. i am smart. sorry to all the weak and mysoginistic (sp) men of the world who are intimidated by that. if you perceive me to be better than you, i guess i probably am. 'better' in what way i'm not sure. but i'm not gonna pretend to be some witless pretty little object for you to take care of and teach about life. because i have taught myself pretty much everything i know since as long as i can remember. but i'm a fair person. i will always see your side too. i will always consider your feelings.

but in the meantime, i will settle for no less than that from someone else. if i did something wrong, tell me instead of saying 'oh that's nice' and then putting me on the black list.

someday someone will recognize my greatness. until then, i refuse to turn down my brightness. if that is intimidating, maybe you should look within.
Lemon_Soda I prefer women with confidence who want support and friendship. I don't do the macho thing so much. Several friends told me I have complete soul, meaning I'm not dominantly male or female. Basically, the only thing that makes me a guy is my dangly bits. I proposed marriage to 2 different women who have spoken words very similar to yours and while we were together it was great. 090417
In_Bloom Love comes, yes
Or the imitation of it
How to tell when your face is burning if it's from overwhelming Joy or the realization of a farce
It's definitely a gamble
spoken when you least expect it
you'll meet your match and the chemistry will blow your socks off
so hold on to your underroos girls he's out there
when your not looking your more acuratly portraying the true image of yourself
people tend to act differently and put on a false mask to cover imperfections and sheild there hearts from rejection when actively searching for a mate
that attracts the wrong people
they may be fun at first but when you eventually revert to self the relationship built on a cracked foundation will crumble
best advice stop looking and start living discover your own heart and mind experience and enjoy actively pursue your own dreams and just be
and what your heart is longing for will come to you
unhinged i would say my expectations have been at 'least' level for years now. no heart flops in about the same amount of time.

i feel like parts of me are being leveled out. parts that i used to think were integral to my definition of who i am.
unhinged (i have had this just_friends problem for about six years now; all the guys i flop for decide that i am 'such a good friend' and on_the_other_hand most if not all the guys i've slept with have been assholes. my job has also been leaving much to be desired of late. i am much more capable of accepting happiness where i find it, but most aspects of my life seem miserable. it would be nice to not be alone. really nice) 090420
spoken misery loves company hon, and if you are miserable you will attract miserable company
got find your happy place first then happy company will surround
unhinged yeah yeah
flowerock finders_keepers! ^.~ I found you, finding me.
Love found us and kept us together.
flowerock I certainly did not expect it, and I sure didn't expect it where I found it, in your souloveyes. I had been Dreaming_and_dreading of what I would do and where I would search, thinking I might perch on the ledge I had previously and chaotically left... But I landed on the rootstrings of your heart instead, and I am so glad that I did. Pleasntly_surprised by when and where and who and you. 150131
h Pleasantly_surprised 150201
what's it to you?
who go