silentbob i heard stuff off the new green day cd today.
it sounded really really good, im actually rather looking forward to it coming out so i can buy it, or have someone buy it for me.
i always liked green day. sometimes less than other times, but i feel a strong appreciation for them right now.
unhinged when i saw greenday in concert, he kept stopping the show to make sure that all the moshers were okay and getting them water and getting people to pick the trampled ones up off the ground. and then he had a girl come up and play guitar with was extremely cool and my opinion of greenday has been forever raised 001213
anti-social butterfly yeah, their concert was fun. the mosh pit was kinda crazy. i was right in the middle of it, ahh! luckily i had a really good guy friend there who was ever-so willing to punch anyone who hurt me. the two songs they performed best were king for a day and knowledge. and, yeah, they always invite people up onstage to play the instruments for knowledge. i just wanted my friend to make it up there, cuz he has to be the biggest greenday fan i know, and at least he knew the opivy song, unlike the people who got chosen to go up there. oh well, the concert was fun and i have good memories of all my friends and i getting hurt in the mosh pit, and, er, successfully sneaking stuff into the show despite the extremely tight security. good times. 011106
Sonya The song that supposedly reminded you of me was "2000 Light Years Away". I even said that Billy Joe was romantic for wanting to be with the girl who was in a state so far away. At least some of us crazy idealists can pull these kind of stunts off. 011107
lost yeah when i went i was one of the people he made sure got picked up off the floor. then after about 20 minutes i went back in and got fucked up again. but thats me. 011107
Julie* I asked you to go to the Green Day concert. you said you never heard of them -How cool is that? So I went to your room and read your diary* 020328
jenny enny the music critic i was just listening to Nimrod. i hadn't heard it in a while and was stunned by what a great album it was. my boyfriend, who had bought it for me when it came out, doesn't care for them. he says it reminds him of bands like Blink 182. we both use the expression "duuuude bands" to refer to music like that. (we are in California). in other words, music that sounds like it's sung by a guy in his teens or early 20's. I guess we are both old fartknockers. but honestly some bands have lyrics that you have to be a teen or twenty something to appreciate even if they play their instruments well. i don't think that's true of greenday. they originated the modern pop punk sound. and to me they sound like the pop punk sound of the late 70's, and 80's. they just went a little mainstream. i don't care. i like greenday because they make me feel happy and full of energy. and like i said, when you have to clean the house, they KICK ASS. 040208
jenny enny green day fan by the way, if i had to pick a favorite from nimrod it would be "prosthetic head". i also really like "she" from dookie. i am surprised that almost every single song on every album is good. 040208
Some_ME Greenday..hmm..they're awesome. Luckily i'm still alive right now. so i can buy their new album. What? I really2 like NIMROd.. the album's the best i've ever heard from greenday. I'm only 17 years old, and i never see their concert.But, see.. i'll always love greenday. I'll always love Billie even he had pulled his pants down at the crowd several times. 040311
nom we got drunk on rum and went rollerskating in new west i asked him if he'd heard of the band greenday 040312
u24 I like the song they do. 040312
notme i haven't heard them in years 040312
u24 nor have i.

and you're supposed to say "which song?"
notme just used the word heard twice in a row 040312
laugh. its funny. to which I reply

"you mean there's more than one?"
notme which song? heh 040312
notme ha! 040312
u24 what the fuck? 040312
u24 oops.. blather fucked up a little just then, but now no longer. nevermind.. 040312
notme i rmemeber when offspring came on the scene and everyone is all "greenday sucks" 040312
notme yeah what the frug 040312
u24 i don't know, what are the best laid plans of mice_people? 040312
pipey the fannnnn phooey, the offspring sucks, greenday is evergreenly (pun not intended lol) GOOD! 040312
greenday rocks white_wavez world i try to play one Greenday song every St. Patrick's day so that no one pinches me... 040312
her royal highness the quirk i took my stereo to school and forgot that my greenday dookie tape was in the player (yes i said tape lol). it was a nice surprise. they rock. 040313
Anitsirk Green Day is great...I need to buy some of their cds...I don't think i have any... 040313
pipedream i love tapes;) 040314
white_waver meetoo! i have some mixtapes from the 80's that i still play over and over again. especially when i'm tired of that drab stuff I hear on the radio most of the time. but it's also cuz i don't have a CD player in my car.... 040314
harry hey dudes..some austrian writing into greenday messagebook after writing into blink182 message book :)greenday is one of my fuckin favourite bands, too.its just so sad,beeing a fuckin europeen,its sooo rare that we get the chance to go to a greenday concert or so,ive just seen two of my favourite bands in austria,last year,pennywise and sum41,thats it!..but greenday kick ass,if austrian or not :D,cheers,harry 040506
julie hey my name is julie too 051101
Not Likin Greenday sucks 051101
*Amy* totaly in love with Billie Joe 051102
almiranda i went to a greenday concert once it was great billy joe is ttly hot 051218
cylindric people who like green day should spell the stuff right. green day.
billIE joe.
z not punk. costumes. 080204
ivyducktwilightseto Still one of the greatest punk... or pop punk, whatevertf, bands of all time. Even with american idiot. That's what punk is all about. Can't wait to hear the next album, whenever that's supposed to be coming out. 080205
z not punk. something else. 080221
No one Indeed, they are not punk. Nor are they good.

Also, I find it funny that I'm not a fan, yet I still know that it's Green Day, not Greenday.
what's it to you?
who go